Here's the sequel to Pregnant With an Alien Baby!

Well, Micheal and I couldn't be happier. We had each other and we were going to be parents. It didn't matter how young we were because we both had to grow up at such young ages that it felt right already. I practically raised myself because my mom was away all the time. Micheal had to take care of himself, too.

We decided telling the group would be a lot easier than telling my mother, so we were going to tell them first. We waited for the next day so we could get them all together at school.

It was getting close to graduation time and I couldn't wait to be out of there. But a part of me was sad; Lizzie was gonna be going off to college, Max would probably follow her there, Izzy was already married and in college, and Kyle. Well, Kyle will probably be my brother soon at the rate my mom and his dad are going so I'll be seeing him.

It's going to be hard; watching all of them go off to bigger and better things, while Micheal and I take care of our kids and work at the Crashdown for the rest of our lives...

"Miss DeLuca? I'm sorry, was I interupting your daydream? If you want to graduate this june, I suggest paying attention to what I say, don't you?" Said Mr. Knight, the weirdest teacher and the meanest teacher I've ever had.

The class chuckled slightly as I sunk lower in my chair, looking around. Max sat next to me and gave me a simpathetic look, I looked behind me and Micheal looked amused. I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him, turning around quickly.

I wrote a note to Max and handed it to him when Mr. Knight wasn't looking. He read it and nodded at me.

It went like this up until lunch; Micheal and I wrote notes to the others and then we were to meet at lunch time by my jetta.

"So, whats this all about?" Asked Liz.

"We'll find out soon enough, Liz. Just chill, they'll tell us when they're ready," Said Isabel, winking at me.

I smiled back at her, "Thanks, Izzy. Well, Micheal and I have some news. You're free to feel angry or happy, but we're doing this." I looked at Micheal and he continued.

"Well, guys. Um, Maria, uh, WE actually," I saw his struggle and finished for him.

"I'm Pregnant."

Cliff Hanger! haha I can be so evil at times! You'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out who's mad and who's happy!