The TItan's alarms went off again.

"Slade," Robin said checking the computer,, "In a old salt mine with bombs."

So they started off toword the old mine.

When Raven woke up, she saw that she was still in the mine.

She was in a tracter and that man was sitting next to her.

"Azarath, Metroin, Zynthos!," she hissed breaking the steering wheel.

"Carefull," the man sneered, "Don't want to hurt yourself."

"Who are you?" Raven asked, "And what do you want?"

"My name is Slade " he said, "And I wish to speak to you "

Raven looked around wearly.

"Not here," she said firmly, "And turn off those bombs."

"You drive a hard bargon," Slade said with a smile, "But for you, I will."

When the Titans got to the mine they saw Raven leave with Slade.

"Things just got alot worse," Cyborg commented in fear.