Saito's Life
Chapter 1
Disclaimer: I do not own Rockman EXE.
Note: This story is almost like Rockman Exe the TV show but it's been changed a lot. Hope you readers enjoy it! Oh and one more thing. I'm not really good at Japanese words and grammars so please don't flame on those. You can give kind advice on my story but please just try not to flame and I'm only using their Japanese name and not other words like tomodachi and gomen nasai. Please give me more Japanese words that I can use to fix this confusion. If some people are pissed at me for mixing the Japanese and English together, please try not to flame me and when I do learn more Japanese, my other stories will have all Japanese.
Saito's P.O.V
"Wow, tomorrow we're going to grade 5 and I still don't have a customized navi!" I whined at my friend Meiru.
"Don't get so uptight about it, even you are the only school boy who doesn't have a customized navi at school." replied Meiru.
"Thanks a lot Meiru." I mumbled.
Meiru is my childhood friend and also my crush. That's right, I had a crush on her since I was a kid but I don't want to admit it. Her customized navi is called Roll. She might be a healing navi but she's still a fighter.
"I wonder if Dekao is going to ask you to netbattle him again." Meiru asked.
"Maybe, Argh! I hate it when he asks me to netbattle him!" I yelled.
"Yeah, because you always loose to him." Meiru said.
"Whatever." I growled.
I met Dekao in grade 3 and boy, was he a bully but when we got to grade 4, he soon became friends with me and Meiru. He always challenges me to netbattles because he knows that I can't beat him.
"Well, here's my house. Thanks for walking home with me." Meiru said.
"No prob Meiru. See ya tomorrow." I replied as I glided down to the next house on my rollerblades.
When I went in the house, I could smell delicious curry.
"That's the sign that mom's cooking curry!" I thought.
I took of my shoes and placed them on the shoe stand. I placed my backpack on the couch and walked towards the kitchen.
"Mama, I'm home!" I said.
"Welcome back Saito. How was the last day of school?" she asked with a cheery voice.
My mama is the best cook I have very seen. She is also a great mother. She is always cheerful and kind. Even sometimes my friends are jealous.
"It was great mom. When is dad coming back?" I asked as soon as I changed the topic.
Dr. Hikari, my papa, is a Scilab scientist. He's one of the top scientists in the world. He said that when he comes back from his trip, he's gonna give a customized navi.
"I'm afraid that he's not coming back until the next two months. His research is preventing him from coming back." said mama as she put the dish on the table.
"But he said that he's gonna give me a customized navi today!" I whined.
"I'm sorry Saito, but that's how it goes." she said.
"But I got school tomorrow and I don't want to be the only kid who doesn't have a customized navi." I said.
"I know and you need a customized navi for grade 5." she said.
"But he did send you that say that he's not coming back right?" I asked.
"Oh, that reminds me. In the mail he sent me, it has a disk that said "Saito Hikari" on it. I think he sent something to you. I left it on the counter." she replied as she sat down on the chair.
I quickly ran towards the counter and saw the mail.
"Snail-mail, not email?" I asked.
Papa mostly sends stuffs in emails but this is the first time he sent something using snail-mail besides packages.
I picked up the mail and inside was a disk.
"Oh cool!" I cheered.
"What is it?" she asked.
"It's a customized disk! This is so cool!" I yelled.
"Saito, you should eat-"
"I'll eat later!" I said as I ran upstairs.
"Ok." she replied.
I went in my room and opened the computer. I placed the PET on the charger and placed the disk in my hard drive.
Downloading customized data, type in password.
I typed down my password and waited.
Password confirmed. Downloading started.
I saw tons of data flowing in my PET as I waited for it to finish.
Downloading complete.
"Alright, time to see what my customized navi looked like." I thought.
I pressed the open button on my PET and the computer voice said:
Data Downloaded. Congratulation, the final uploads takes 3 hours.
"Wha! 3 hours!" I cried. "Oh man. I thought it was the updates for my customized navi. Thanks a lot dad."
"Saito, come down and eat!" my mom cried.
"Coming!" I replied.
I went downstairs and ate dinner. When I came back from downstairs, I quickly changed and went to bed.
At night, when I was still asleep, my PET started to open itself.
Updates for customized navi completed.
My navi came on the screen and started to change form. But of course, I didn't see it change.
The next day
"Saito, Saito……….SAITO HIKARI!"
I fell off my bed and rubbed my head. This is the very first time I fell of my bed.
"Ouch, who called me?" I asked as I rubbed my head.
"Here." said a voice.
"Huh? Where?" I asked.
"Here, in your PET." it replied.
"In my PET?" I asked as I looked at my PET.
"That's right. Good morning Saito." the navi said.
In my PET, I saw a red navi, it looks kinda like the shadow style but it's not covering his mouth. He has our family sign on the chest of his suit and two on each of his side of the head. (Bad me, I don't know how to describe the shadow style.)
"Who are you?" I asked.
"I'm Gigaman." he replied.
"Gigaman?" I sounded confused about it.
"Yeah, that's right. I'm your customized navi made by your father." he said.
"Customized navi?" I said, still confused about his appearance.
"That's right. Please to meet you Saito." Gigaman said.
"Oh cool, I finally got a customized navi!" I cried as I jumped around. My actions frighten the little navi.
"Saito, shouldn't you be going to school now?" Gigaman asked.
"Yeah, I wonder if Dekao will-"
I was cut off to her a scream from downstairs.
"Mama!" I cried as I pull my PET out of the charger and ran downstairs.
When I got downstairs, I saw my mama tied up by ropes and our kitchen frozen.
"Mama, what happened?" I asked as I untied her.
"A man just came in and tied me up. He plugged in his navi into our freezer and told him to freeze our house." she said as she panicked.
"Its ok mama, I'll fix the problem." I said.
I walked towards our freezer and yelled:
"Plug In Gigaman."
In the net
"Woah, Saito all our house programs are frozen! Our whole system is frozen too!" Gigaman cried.
"Hurry up Gigaman. Our house is starting to freeze too!" I cried.
"Ok." I replied as I activated my main weapon, the sword.
I could see Gigaman looking around to see who's behind all this. Then when Gigaman wasn't looking at the area, an attack was fired at it hit Gigaman.
"Gigaman!" I cried.
When Gigaman looked up, he could see a blue navi who looks like a snowman holding a javelin.
"Who are you?" asked Gigaman as he jumped back.
"I'm Blizzardman. I'm here to freeze your whole house." he said.
"Well, I'm not gonna let you. My operator lives her so get out of here!" Gigaman yelled.
"I will leave after your operator's house is frozen!" he laughed.
"Why are you trying to freeze Saito's house?" Gigaman asked.
"It's a long story." said a voice. A screen appeared beside Blizzardman but we couldn't see who it is because he was covered by darkness. "You father, Dr. Hikari, has done enough damage to me. He fired us out of Scilab just because we tried to make the summer days to winter."
"So, you should be kicked out of Scilab. You were trying to change summer to winter!" I cried.
"You little punk, Blizzardman, delete his pesky little navi!" the person yelled.
"Yes, it's my pleasure to delete you." Blizzardman said.
"And it's my pleasure to get you away from my operator's house! You will not hurt him or his family ever again!"
Jenrya282: I know, it sucked right, just because I'm adding both English and Japanese together. I was thinking of using Chinese but it's much harder than Japanese so there you have it. Sorry if it's confusing! Gomen nasai! I'll try to learn more Japanese a.s.a.p. R&R! Please don't FLAME me!