Disclaimer: Anything and anyone you recognise as from the first 5 books is owned by the great J.K Rowling. I merely used her characters to write this story, because im talentless. Thank You

1. The Phoenix Reborn from the ashes

His lips trembled as he sought to hold back the barrage of tears that were threatening to spew forth, finally he could no longer desist and he allowed himself to be weak this once, he wept for what seemed like hours but in reality was 20 minutes. Why, you may ask was this near sixteen year old wizard in such a state, you may ask and the answer you would get is that by his mistake his godfather was killed, his only parental figure as his parents were murdered when he was one. That thought was thrust aside now, the child-almost-man was formulating a plan within his mind and his sunken eyes sparkled for the first time in a while, like emerald ice as a sinister smile spread across his face. "No mercy" he whispered "No mercy you bastard, I'm coming for you, do you hear me?! No mercy" he repeated the phrase, becoming a mantra in his head and for the first time in a week he entertained positive thoughts albeit murderous.

His mind mulled over the events since his return to 'Durskaban' as he named it, a cross between his relatives family name and the name of the most feared prison on earth. He shifted his gaze onto a pile of letters, he had read them all, multiple times and each letter just increased his longing to return home to the wizarding world. However, he succumbed once more to the feelin of bitterness and hurt as the reminder that his friends had not sent him letters or replies to the ones he sent, nor did anyone apart from four of the weasley siblings, surprisingly, the older two and a set of twins. Oh and lest we forget 'from the old bastard himself'. Harry's unflattering view of his once role model, headmaster followed a select choice of words cursing the the manipulative old coot with vehemence. He had seen the way his father was, confident, arrogant yet a great man, he resolved to be like him and had trained himself to act like him, he no longer felt guilty of what his father did to snape, he was always a bastard so he didnt care that his dad had picked on him. A fluttering of wings caught his attention as a beautiful yet pompous looking owl landed in front of him, holding out her leg, as Harry removed the message tied to it, the owl took off and perched itself on his desk whilst casting curious glances at her master, "Thank you Hedwig old friend" he spoke his familiar, his first friend and truly the only one who understood him. As he unrolled the parchment, he suppressed a feeling of hate for the old man as he read through the parchment.

'Dear Harry

How are you, my boy? it seems I have made a habit of asking about your health, without recieving a response so I will not anticipate a reply, however I am concerned about your wellbeing, please talk to someone and stop blaming yourself, Sirius was a grown man and he came of his own volition to save you, if he had not then he would not be the Sirius Black we knew and loved, please Harry do not dwell on his death, enclosed is his will and a gift that was to reach you upon his death.

I once again beg you to forgive an old mans mistakes, I am at a loss as to what to do

yours sincerely

Albus Dumbledore

Hogwarts School of wizardry and withcraft'

Attached to the letter was a parcel, he opened it to find a pensieve, as he was none to pleased with the headmaster he just put it away.Wordlessly he retrieved his quill, ink and parchment and wrote a scathing reply,


How could I be anything but fine, professor? Im enjoying my imprisonment here, I can feel the love of my relatives behind all the insults and now im replying to a moronic letter from a manipulative old fart? Merlin, you havent lived unless you've visited here, im simply estatic, so estatic that I might invite Bellatrix and Narcissa for a menage et trois, how do you think I am? Dont reply, I wont bother reading it. Stay out of my life old man

Harry James Potter


Satisfied he chuckled to himself and sent the letter off, then turned his attention to the other letter and parcel. He opened the letter and steeled himself before tearing into it, desperately wanting to hold onto anything from his godfather that would serve as closure or forgiveness, but he didnt expect any.

'Dear lil prongsie

hey there kid, how are you? If I know Harry Potter Boy-Who-Lived, you're out there seeking attention, but if I know Harry James Potter, light of my life, child of my brother in all but blood, you're sitting there in those worthless muggles house blaming yourself for my death. Well, I've got one thing to say to you kid, POTTER get your ass up, go to my bank, take the money I left you and spoil yourself rotten, if you dont, I'll come haunt you in your dreams, accompanied by a naked trewlawney shudders. Wherever I am im better off, YOU and that no good werewolf brother of mine were the only reason I lived, I was dead except for the times when you two were beside me. I hope I died like a man, like your father, protecting my loved ones. One last thing, I'll be with you always, dont cry over me I was already dead, just celebrate my life, remember me as I was, a man who loved you. Forget my death, remember my life

Padfoot/Snuffles/Sirius Black

P.S If you knowthe prophecy then you know your destiny, but if you dont want that then dont do it,this world has turned on you twice now, do what you will, whatever you do i'll be there smiling over you.

Mos usquequaque amor vos haud res quis

P.P.S: Open the package, its for you and moony and the forms are for you ;)'

Harry smiled, a big smile full of happiness, he had found his closure, and he set to open the parcel with renewed frenzy, what he saw made his eyes as wide as saucers. It was a portrait of sirius, it would be activated on his return to hogwarts, then he looked over at the forms, stuffed his face into his pillow and gave out a muffled scream of delight! 'Emancipation papers! Rights to adulthood! Merlins balls,Sirius I love you!' Exhausted yet elated, he took to bed, his night blissfully dreamless.

Miles away....a wizened old wizard clutched the letter in his hand, his emotions threatning to overwhelm him, He sighed again, "I'm sorry my boy, I love you but I need you to save the world, I love you like my own but I cannot allow you to endanger yourself yet I cannot help but regret this".