I'm very very very sorry for the lack of update on all of my Stories life has been crazy I have had someone stay with me and havent really be able to get on the internet and I have even less time to type a chapter I type a little bit every soo often. Please Read and Review and tell me what you think. This will be a two part chapter both flashbacks the reason for this is because it would take me even longer to type and post and it would be too long and I also thought that this part of the story deserved it's own chapter.

Also because I have limited time to write Fanfics, I'm thinking of completing one before I continue on to another. So please vote only once for which story you would like to me to complete first. Also My Life will be revised if that was the one that was to be picked so before I updated it would be redone as that needs the most work on it considering it was my first Gilmore Girls fic and real go on Fanfiction.

My life, Leave and True Colours (OC Fic)

Thanks to all the Reviewers

Rumi- Thanks for the Review, I'm glad you like my story, I'm sorry I take forever but I have to share my computer with my sister and it's not easy.

Smile1- Thanks again for your review you never cease to stop reviewing thanks.

Bloomin Daisy- Thanks for you review, glad you like.

TiCkLeDpInK22- Aww who cool im glad I got you emotional hehe, Thanks for the Kind review, we got American Idol in Australia but I didn't watch it so yeah…can't relate to you on the Constantine thing. Thanks again.

Evie- Thanks for the review it was greatly appreciated, I have a Storyline in mind for Andie so don't worry it will not get boring at all, because I also think it will be boring it they just all of a sudden liked Rory.

Thanks again for all your reviews and I hope to have many more when this is updated.

Flashback Chapter to when Annie was Pregnant.

Annie was in the hospital thinking about the time she found out she was pregnant and all the milestones that went with those wonderful few months.

Annie was in the bathroom looking down at a pink line. She couldn't believe it. She was pregnant. What was she going to do? How was she supposed to tell her father? How was she supposed to tell Mark? Oh, God. She was only 15.

"Annie, hurry up. I need to use the bathroom," Andie shouted from the other side of the door.

"Oh, ok. Hold on. I'll be right out," Annie said, a little startled. She quickly went to clean up and hide the pregnancy test.

"There you go. Bathroom's free," Annie said as she exited the bathroom as calmly as she could.

"Thanks. About time," Annie said as she entered the bathroom.

Annie was lying on her bed just thinking. She was still in shock. She was pregnant. She was going to have a baby. She was going to have to look after a living breathing human being. How was she supposed to do that when she could barely look after herself? Hell, she didn't even have a mother. How was she supposed to be a mother?

"Annie, you ok?" Andie said coming into their bedroom and noticing her sister looking strange and nervous

Annie continued to sit and stare.

"Annie?" Andie repeated, not getting a response.

"What? Yeah, I'm fine," Annie answered, still not completely with it.

"You sure?"


"Ok then. I'm going to Stars Hollows to see Matt you want to come," Andie asked.

"Yeah," Annie thought she could ask Lorelai advice considering she was a teen mother.

"Ok then. hurry up. Dad is leaving in five minutes, ok."

"Ok, I'll be right down."

Half an hour they were at the Diner.

"Ok, girls, I'll be back at 6," Tristan said as the girls got out of the car.

"Ok sure. meet you here at 6," Andie said

"Ok, bye."

"Bye, Dad," Andie chirped. She looked over at her sister.

"Annie, you coming with? I'm going Matt's so Mark's probably there as well."

"Ah, no. I'm going to see Nan. I'll meet you here at six, ok?" Annie answered, still not completely with it and Andie could tell.

"Sure. bye," Andie said, wondering what her sister was up to.

"Bye," Annie said walking into the Diner.

"Hey Annie," Luke said as he saw his granddaughter enter the Diner.

"Hey Grandpa. is Nan here?" Annie asked.

"Nope, she's at home. Everything alright?" Luke asked, noticing something wasn't right.

"Yeah. I'm fine thanks, Grandpa. I'll see you later," Annie said walking out.

"Ah, bye," Luke said, a little confused.

"Nan, you home?" Annie shouted walking into Lorelai's house.

"Annie, were in the kitchen," Loreai called back in surprise.

"Hey, Nan. Hey, Mel."

"Hey Annie," Mel said.

"This is a surprise," Lorelai said.

"Ah, yeah. I need your advice."

"Ok. Shoot."

"Umm…" Annie stuttered.

"Mel, how about you go see if your father needs help at the Diner?" Lorelai suggested turning to her daughter, knowing that Annie wanted to talk privately to her.

"Yeah, sure. Bye, Annie," Mel said getting the hint.

"Bye Mel."

"So, what's up?" Lorelai asked.

"Um… I'm pregnant," Annie said.

"Did I just hear you correctly?" Lorelai cried, a little shocked.

"Yeah," Annie said looking down at her feet.

"Oh honey."

"Nan, I don't know what to do," Annie said, finally breaking down.

"Aww, babe. Shh. It's alright," Lorelai said, taking her granddaughter in her arms and trying to comfort her. "Annie, have you told anyone?"

"Only you. I don't know how to tell anyone. I don't want them to be disappointed in me," Annie said still crying.

"Honey, no one is going to be disappointed. They might be shocked at first but they'll come around. I promise," Lorelai said, comforting her granddaughter.

"Thanks Nan."

"No problem, babe. How about you go and tell Mark and I'll deal with how to tell your father, alright?" Lorelai said.

"Ok. will you be there when I tell my dad?" Annie asked, hoping she would.

"Sure, hon. If you want me there," Lorelai said, knowing how much support she needed and being happy to give it.

"Yeah, I want you there," Annie said

"Ok, I'll be there. but how about you tell Mark now?" Lorelai said, giving her a hug.

"Ok. Thanks Nan," Annie said, giving her a hug before leaving to go find her boyfriend

"No problem."

"Mark," Annie shouted, seeing him walking into the Diner.

"Annie," Mark said surprised.


"Hey. Whatsup? I was just coming to look for you."

"Well, you found me," she said, nervously.

"Mark, can we talk?"

"Sure," Mark said, about to go into the diner.

"No, privately?"

"Ok, the bridge?"


"So, what is that you wanted to talk about?" Mark asked, sitting down on the edge of the bridge, his feet nearly touching the water. Annie followed suit.

"Um, this is hard for me to say," Annie stuttered.

"I'm pregnant."

"Oh my god…Are you sure?" Mark asked shocked.


"Wow, this is amazing," Mark said with a smile, finally getting over the shock.

"So, you're happy?" Annie asked uneasily.

"Yes, of course I'm happy. I'm shocked but I'm happy that were going to have a baby. Wow," Mark said.

"Yeah, we are going to have a baby," Annie said with a smile for the first time.

"Does your dad know?" Mark asked.

"No. You and Nan are they only the ones who know."

"Ok. Do you want me there when you tell him?"

"If you want to risk your life," Annie said, with a smile.

"Hehe. I'll risk my life then," Mark said, with a bit of a laugh.

"Ok, you want to come back with me to Nan's to figure out how to tell Dad?"

"Sure. Come on," Mark said getting up and helping Annie up.


"Hey, how did it go?" Lorelai asked.

"Pretty good," Annie said with a smile.

"Good. I'm glad. Hey, Mark. Ready to be a daddy?" Lorelai asked with a smile.

"As I'll ever be."

"Good. Annie, I invited you guys over for dinner tonight so you can tell your dad and everyone else at the same time. That's the best way, ok?" Lorelai said.

"Ah, all right," Annie said as she started to get nervous again.

"Oh, sweets. It's going to be alright," Lorelai said, reassuring her.

"Hey, Nan," Andie said walking in

"Hey, Andie," Lorelai called from the kitchen.

"Is Annie here? I haven't seen her all day," Andie asked.

"Yeah, she's upstairs in the guest room," Lorelai said taking a seat next to Andie.

"Ok. did she tell you anything? she seems a little off," Andie asked Lorelai.

"Honey, I'm sure if something was up she would tell you," Lorelai said.

"Yeah, I suppose. Well, do you need any help with anything?" Andie asked.

"Nope. I'm fine."

"Ok, I'm going to go watch some TV."

"Sure. go ahead."

"We're home," Luke and Mel called out as they entered the house.

"Oh, hey. Good! Food!" Lorelai said, taking the bags from Luke.

"I'm going to go watch TV, is that alright?" Mel asked.

"Yeah, sure. go ahead," Lorelai and Luke answered.

Fifteen minutes later, Tristan and Ami arrived.

"Lorelai, Luke we're here," Tristan called out as he entered the house.

"Hey, Tristan. Hey, Pumpkin," Luke said as he greeted them.

"Hi, Grandpa," Ami said happily, still in Tristan's arms.

"Ami, how about you go into the family room and see if the girls are here?" Tristan said as he put Ami down.

"Ok," Ami said skipping into the family room.

"So are the girls here yet?" Tristan asked.

"Yes. Andie is in the family room and Annie is upstairs in the guestroom with Mark. don't worry they are just talking," Lorelai said.

"Ok, good. So, need any help?" Tristan asked,

"No, we have everything under control," Luke said.

"Ok, then. I'm going to say hello to Andie and Annie."


Twenty Minutes Later.

"Dinners ready!" Lorelai called out.

"YAY!" Ami said running into the kitchen.

"Ami, honey. Don't run," Tristan called out.

"I'll just go and get Annie and Mark," Lorelai said as she left the kitchen.

"Guys, dinner is ready," Lorelai said, as she poked her head through the door.

"Ok," Annie said nervously.

"Don't worry, babe. It's going to be all right. I promise," Lorelai said, squeezing her hand trying to reassure her.

"Thanks, Nan," Annie said, giving Lorelai a quick hug before going downstairs.

"Hi, Annie. Hey, Mark," Tristan greeted them as they entered the kitchen.

"Hey, Dad," Annie said as she sat down.

"Hi, Tristan," Mark said, sitting down next to Annie.

"Well, dig in," Luke said.

"Um, actually, I have something to say," Annie said, as she stood up. She was gripping Marks hand for support.

"What is it, Annie? is everything alright?" Tristan asked a little worried.

"I found out something today…Umm, this isn't easy to say but I'm afraid its true," Annie started to say.

"What is it?" Andie asked also getting worried.

"I'm pregnant," Annie said.

"What?" Tristan asked, utterly shocked.

"I'm pregnant," Annie said, gripping Marks hand very tightly.

"Are you sure?" Luke asked.

"Yes. I took a test and it was positive," Annie said.

"Umm, Annie, Mark. can I speak to you in the other room please?" Tristan said getting up.

"Ah, sure, Dad," Annie said looking at Mark as they stood up. She looked at Lorelai who smiled at her and mouthed 'It's alright.'

"Annie," Tristan said looking at his daughter.

"Dad," Annie said.

"Are you sure? because these tests aren't always accurate," Tristan said.

"I know, Dad. my periods late and I have never missed a period and I have been feeling a little nauseous lately so I'm sure the test is positive," Annie said.

"Ok. I'll make an appointment for you to go to an OB/GYN," Tristan said still trying to get his head around the fact that his daughter was pregnant.

"Ok, Dad."

"Mark, how do you feel about this?" Tristan asked.

"I was shocked at first but I'm happy. I realise we're very young but I love Annie and I would never lever her," Mark said looking at Tristan and then Annie, squeezing her hand for comfort.

"Good. I'm glad you feel that way because she's going to need you and all the help she can get," Tristan said, knowing it wasn't easy looking after a newborn on your own.

"I know. I plan on helping her," Mark said.

"Good," Tristan said. He looked looking at his little girl who looked completely overwhelmed.

"Annie, how do you feel about this?"

"Well, I was shocked at first and scared but with Mark's help, I'm happy about it and so is he and I realise its not going to be easy but life's not easy," Annie said looking at Mark and then at her dad with a smile on her face.

"Ok. I'm glad you realise it because it will not be easy."


"Yeah, hon?"

"How do you feel?" Annie asked, wanting to know how her father felt.

"Well, I'm going to be a grandfather. I guess I'm just glad you have Mark, but you know that we're always there for you. Anyone of us, ok?" Tristan said, giving Annie a hug.

"Thanks, Dad. that mean a lot," Annie said hugging her father back.

"Well, how about we get out there? the food must be getting cold and you are eating for two now so we should get back," Tristan said, with a smile on his face.

"Thanks, Daddy."

"No problem, honey."

"Everything alright?" Lorelai asked as they re-entered the kitchen and went to sit down.

"Yes, everything is fine," Tristan said.

"Ok, that's good," Lorelai said, as she smiled at Annie.

"Annie," Andie said.

"Yeah, Andie?"

"Can we talk after dinner?"

"Oh, ok."

Dinner was over and Andie and Annie went into the guestroom to talk after Annie had said good-bye to Mark.

"Annie, why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know how to. I was shocked. I don't know. I just couldn't tell you," Annie said sadly.

"You know I'm here for you, right? every step of the way," Andie said, giving Annie a hug.

"Thanks that means so much to me," Annie said, hugging her twin back.

"I'm going to be an aunt," Andie said with a squeal.

"I'm going to be a mum," Annie said, as she put her hand on her stomach, which hadn't yet begun to grow.

"WOW," they both said as they walked out and overheard Lorelai, Luke and Tristan talking.

"Tristan, are you going to tell Rory?" Lorelai asked.

"How can I? I mean she disappeared without a trace 4 years ago. there is no way I can contact her," Tristan said with regret.

"It's going to be hard on Annie not having a mother so if you need anything I'm here. I know what it's like going through a pregnancy without some sort of support," Lorelai said.

"Thanks, Lorelai. I really appreciate it and I'm sure Annie would really like that. you have been like a mother to them since Rory left and without both of you, I don't think I could've done this. Thanks for everything," Tristan said.

"Don't mention it. We're family. that's what were here for," Luke said.

"Thanks," Tristan said again.

"Tristan, Ami is asleep," Mel said, coming in with a sleeping Ami in her arms.

"Oh, ok. Well, I guess that's our queue to get going. I'll just get the girls and we'll be off," Tristan said, taking Ami out of Mel's arms.

"Ok, remember we're here for you."


"Girls, we're leaving," Tristan said loudly.

"Night, Nan," Andie said, coming down the stairs and hugging Lorelai and Luke. "Night, Grandpa."

"Bye, Andie," both replied.

"Bye, Nan. Thanks for today. You were a great help," Annie said, hugging Lorelai.

"No problem. I'm here for you if you need me."

"Thanks," Annie hugged Luke.

"Bye, Grandpa."

"Congratulations," Luke said hugging Annie.

"Bye, girls. Behave."


The ride home was quiet. No one really said anything partly because of Ami being asleep, partly because they were all thinking about other things.

As Tristan parked the car and went to get Ami from her car seat, Annie started to feel queasy.

"Dad, open the door," Annie said, feeling like she was going to throw up.

"You feeling alright?" Tristan said, as he walked up the path noticing Annie looking a little pale.

"No. I think I'm going to be sick," Annie said, covering her mouth.

"Ok, ok. Hold on," Tristan said, quickly opening the door.

"Thanks," Annie said as she ran inside to empty the contents of her stomach.

"Annie," Andie said worried.

"Andie, don't worry. Its just nausea because of her pregnancy," Tristan said trying to make Andie feel better. He sighed and muttered to himself.

"I guess she is really pregnant."

He heard Annie retching and he cringed.

"Andie, can you go see if she's alright? I'll be right up. I just have to put Ami to bed," Tristan said, as he walked towards Ami's room.


"Thank you."

A few minutes later

"Hey, Annie. you feeling any better?" Tristan said, bending down next to the toilet, rubbing her back and holding her hair back.

"This sucks," Annie mumbled.

"I know, hon. I would like to tell you it goes away, but I'm afraid it doesn't really. Sorry," Tristan said, rubbing her back comfortingly.

"Thanks, I think," Annie mumbled.

"Sorry, babe. How do you feel now?" Tristan asked.

"Yeah, a little better. I don't think I could bring anything else up if I tried," Annie said, leaning back in to her father's arms.

"Ok, here is some water and a cloth to wipe your face," Tristan said, rubbing her back.

"Thanks," Annie said, taking some water and wiping her face and then leaning back into her dad.

"Come on. Lets get you to bed. I'm sure that's more comfortable then on the cold bathroom floor," Tristan said.

"I'm happy being in your arms. It makes me feel better," Annie said, as she backed in to her father's arms.

"Yeah, well. How about we get you into your bed and you and I can lie there?" Tristan suggested.


"Good, come on. Lets get you up," Tristan said, picking her up and holding her close to him, trying to soothe her as he knew she wasn't feeling well at all. He didn't like it when his girls didn't feel well.

"Oh, I hate this," Annie mumbled.

"I know. I'm sorry, babe," Tristan said, he lay in bed with Annie trying to soothe her to sleep.



"Thanks for tonight. I love you," Annie said, starting to fall asleep.

"I love you too," Tristan said, as she kissed her forehead.

"Now, how about you get some sleep?"

"Night, Dad," Annie said, as she drifted off to sleep.

"Night, my baby girl," Tristan said.

That was the day Annie found out she was pregnant and told her family that she was pregnant. She remembers it like it was yesterday.

So what do you think, the nxt chapter will be Annie dealing with her pregnancy and unfortunate miscarriage. I hoped you liked it Review and tell me what you think im also running low on ideas so ideas would be great.

Don't forget to Vote on which story you would like me to complete first.

If you would like a summary on these Storied to refresh your memories please go to my profile page.


1. My Life(revised before updated)

2. Leave

3. True Colours (OC Fic)