Here is the Revised version i hope you like it...and i hope its up to your liking.

This fanfic is about Rory and Tristan. Yeah this is a Trory. Rory and Tristan are married. They have 3 kids. Rory leaves 1 year after she gives birth to Ami (I know but it's like my favourite name) Tristan ends up having to raise the children all on his own. I hope you like it Read and Review.


"Come on Rory you can do this come on just one more push." Tristan coaxed.

"AHH I CANT." Rory screamed after her contraction had finished.

"Yes you can just one more push and we'll have our baby girl, come on Mar." Tristan said reassuring Rory.

"AHH…SHIT" Rory screamed while pushing and having Tristan's hand in a death grip at this point.

"There you go, you did it we have a beautiful baby girl." Tristan said as their baby girls was born.

"I love you Tristan." Rory said as the Doctor put their Baby girl in her arms.

"I love you too babe." Tristan said kissing Rory then their new baby.

"What's her name?" The Doctor asked.

"Ami Leigh Dugrey." Rory said proudly.

"That's a very pretty name."

"Thankyou." Both said while still looking at Ami.

"I'm going to tell everyone ok." Tristan said as he got up to exit the room.

"Ok Tristan."

"Love you." Rory said with a great big smile on her face.

"Love you too" Tristan said looking at them with a smile on his face one more time before exciting the room.

1 year later


"Rory can you get her I'm kinda tied up." Tristan shouted while putting their twin girls Annie and Andie to bed.

"Ror." Tristan shouted again as he didn't hear her reply.


"Damn, girls stay put ok I'll be right back ok." Tristan said a little flushed.

"OK" They said in unison.

"Rory" Tristan called out but didn't get an answer so he went to go calm his daughter down who was still screaming.

"Hey sweetie what's with all the screaming hmm?" Tristan said in a little baby voice as he approached her cot.

"There we go." Tristan said picking her up and stroking her back soothingly and she immediately stopped screaming.

"How about you come with me and we will finish putting the girls to sleep then well look for mum." Tristan said walking out of the room still wondering were Rory was.

Tristan finished putting the Twins to bed and Ami stopped crying so he put her to back to bed as well all the while wondering were Rory was. He kept thinking she probably went to Lukes or to her mums and he just didn't hear her.

He went to the Kitchen to clear up the mess the girls made of there dinner when he found a letter.

To My Dearest Tristan (you are my soul mate)

You have probably been looking for me for a while well you won't find me. I've gone. I can't actually handle this right know the whole family thing it isn't for me at this moment. When I sort myself out I'll come back. Although you won't have to wait long I'll be back in no time don't worry…You have to know I love you with all my heart and soul and I will always love you. Give my love to the Girls …Tristan I need to do this.

Love ya lots Your Mary

P.s I'm really sorry.

I hope you liked it tell me what you think. Read and Review

Thanks Loz

Tell me what you think about it now that it is revised.