Smitty: O.O! wow my first fanfiction story! I cannot believe it!

Kristy: rolls her eyes yadda yadda yadda. Enough with the rambling already and start the dang thing!

Smitty pouts oh ok. Here ya go guys, hope you like it, and please review. !

DISCLAIMER: I do not have ownership of Yu-Gi-Oh, or its charcters. So please do not sue. I am just barrowing them for this story.


      (after duelist kingdom)

(Joey's POV)

     "As I walked through the park, taking my time, I realized I didn't have the greatest life. My parents got a divorce when I was a young child. My mother took my sister, Serenity, away from me, while I had to live with my father who is drunk all the time, and abuses and rapes me till this very day. When I got to school, I just tell everyone that I was in a fight, and make a façade with a grin plastered on. The main problem is, I have leukemia, in other words, cancer.  I know when I was little, the doctors told my parents I was in remission, and the cancer would not come back, however I believe they were wrong.

    For a while now I have been feeling extremely tired, weak, and have nausea occationally. I can't even fight off my father's advances anymore. I cannot receive treatment because I do not have that kind of money, not even medicare will pay for it. At school, the students and teachers believe I am just a lazy, stupid, kid. I could prove them all wrong if I was at normal strength. Even to Seto Kiba, the brown hair, blue eyed jerk who teases, prods, and provokes me about my stupidity. However, I have a crush on him, which no one knows about except for my self.   

     Sure I have my friends Yugi, Yami Tristian,Tea , however I still feel alone. The reason why is because no one can relate to the problems I face in my life. 

     Finally, I ended up near the lake, and leaned against the metal fence for support, while looking across the lake with the stars shining above me in the night's sky. I finally realized that I must me cursed to have such a horrible life.

     I sighed and finally moved away from the fence, and turned in the direction to my, retched so to call it, "home" to get some sleep for another day to play a fascade, while my cancer increases, and being hated by the one I love.