Death Rides A Horse

"The art that long ago Pallas Athene invented [the flute], weaving in music's rich refrain the ghoulish dirge of the fierce-hearted Gorgones."

Pindar, Pythian Ode 12. 8 ff (trans. Conway) (Greek lyric C5th B.C.) :

I can make more generals, but horses cost money.
Abraham Lincoln

The Hill of Pantelel had a long dark history in the Underground. Throughout time - this place…this hollowed ground was thought by many to be haunted by the countless souls that had died there for one reason or another.

While several battles were waged in the area the best known recorded bloodshed took place hundreds of years ago when there was a war between the Gorgans and the Dwarfs. Both races were aggressive, both were power hungry but only one could claim the land from the River of Azure to the Astire Mountains, which included the Hill of Pantelel. Both tribes had historic ties to this section of the Underground which could not be disputed and neither side wanted to share.

The Gorgons were somewhat like the Greek mythical creatures of Aboveground old. While they were female and somewhat reptilian in their appearance that was as far as the true race compared to the Aboveground legends.

These female warriors could be more likened to the legends of the Amazon women who were fierce in combat and dominated the males in their tribe. While the men also participated in battle the true combat leaders of the army were women who were said to be more savage than any man.

In contrast, the Dwarfs were miners who worked hard to chisel each piece of precious gemstone from the walls in the myriad of caves of the Astire Mountains. They were a rugged and brutal race that well known for jealously guarding what they considered to be their possessions. They were organized and vicious in battle, no one wanted war with the Dwarfs.

When the Gorgons and the Dwarfs clashed over the disputed territory the bloody war lasted for months and finally cumulated in a last stand by the Gorgons on the Hill of Pantelel. The hill's top was flat and ringed by cliffs – the flat top had a forest on one side and a large clearing on the other. The landscape made it perfect for defense as the Gorgons crushed the bodies of the advancing Dwarfs with boulders flung from above.

But after a week the boulders ran out and Dwarfs overran the hill, they killed every man, woman and child there – effectively wiping out the Gorgon race (although it is believed a few still remain hiding in some remote region of the Underground to this day).

Tonight the air was cool and still on the Hill of Pantelel, no sound or movement penetrated the starless sky - as though time and space had eerily stopped.

In the forest that overlooked the clearing The Queens and Sarah were silently waiting the arrival of Turnin. Arma was furious that Melody had insisted that she not attend tonight…it was too dangerous for her existence to be given away at this critical time – and it could not be assured she could control herself so close to the enemy. No matter how much smoke and fire Arma breathed Melody held her ground…..and Arma angrily stayed behind.

The women strained their senses for any change in the oppressive atmosphere to warn them of Turnin's approach. Suddenly an inhuman wail – female -could be heard by the women – echoing from the cliffs….no…coming from the forest….no surrounding them from all sides. The hair on the back of Sarah's neck stood up….what the hell was that?

The women looked at each other and realized the stories were true – the hill was indeed haunted and they had heard a lone gorgon's wail….of that they had no doubt. Was it a bad omen or just a nightly ritual they witnessed – that they could not answer.

The group soothed their strained nerves and concentrated again on the wizard's arrival…he was late… was 11:05 and there was no sign of him.

Perhaps he had changed his mind – maybe he realized there would be a trap…

In the distance the sound of hoofs pounding the ground could be heard – a horse swiftly moving towards where they lay in wait. With every thud that hit the ground Sarah could feel her heart beat faster…the confrontation was almost upon them.

The horseman galloped into the clearing, wearing a helmet of silver…..looking like a determined warrior. This was it….it was time to put their plans into action….

Melody stepped forward into the clearing, "Turnin, I am here….take off your helmet it is distracting to speak with you when I cannot see your face."

The rider removed her helmet revealing that she was an identical clone of the Electress herself.

"You stand in my way Queen, but no more…..tonight I take your place."

The queens had planned on meeting Turnin…..they were frozen to the spot for a brief second by this unexpected turn of events….this was not what they had planned for….quickly Margot and Solin spoke a few quiet words to each other and sprung into action.

Margot loaded her hunting sling shot and aimed for the horse's front, when the rock had met its target it would look like the horse had tripped and injured its leg. Solin gave a swift and non verbal arm command….immediately a nearby tree whipped its branches down and out…effectively dislodging the rider as the horse fell to its knees.

Solin gave another silent gesture and immediately vines slithered out of the forest, wrapped around the horse and clone and instantly dragged them over the cliff beyond. Everything happened so fast the clone screamed only once and then it was over.

Melody and the band of women silently moved to the cliff's edge, looking over it at the now dead horse and rider. They were all thinking how close Turnin had come to replacing the Electress this night….how dangerous he was to them and the Underground.

They had not expected to defeat Turnin, that could only be done Aboveground – they had expected to delay him – find out what were his plans and perhaps injure him enough so they had time to take flight until the final battle.

While Margot and Solin had staged the clone's death to look like an accident, the women were uneasy if Turnin would buy that explanation or attack them before they were ready….it was a waiting game now….for his next move or the night of the waxing of the moon - whichever came first.

Alone and impatient Turnin paced the great hall of his palace waiting for the Melody clone to return. It was midnight and the wizard was anxious to hear of the Electress's death, which of course meant that the Kingdom of the Ubian Sea was now in his control.

To a creature such as Turnin, gaining power and control was always the goal…and now he was so close he could taste it….and it tasted sweet…..

Unexpectedly the lights in the formidable room dimmed…..Turnin stopped his pacing as macabre shadows danced across the walls heralding the presence of the The Black One.

Turnin was surprised – he had not called the Black One.

The shadowy specter hissed, "You fool, the girl was destroyed….she's not coming back….".

"That cannot be…."

"It has happened; someone knows about you….someone I cannot see….it was made to look like an accident…"

Enraged at such unexpected defeat the wizard whipped his anger and his red glowing eyes at the apparition, "What do you mean you cannot see….you are supposed to be all seeing….or is that just a tale for women and frightened children?'

The Black Dragon rose up….ready to destroy this wizard insect for his insult….but intelligently calmed himself….he needed the wizard for a short while….and then he would take his miserable life…..

"A power beyond mine steals my sight…..I have suspicions….but cannot verify the source. Until then know this….the woman is dead on the rocks of the Hill of Pantelel…..we need to plan beyond her life."

The new moon over the Goblin Kingdom shed no light in the deserted Labyrinth. A lone svelte figure strode confidently through the maze unfettered by the darkness – it was obvious the caped shadow knew his way very well…very well indeed.

Jareth often walked the Labyrinth when he was restless or could not sleep…and tonight he could not sleep. Responsibilities and mysteries kept him awake this night, the responsibility he felt for Toby and Sarah along with the mystery as just what the hell was happening with the Queens and recent royal slayings.

And Arma, one must not forget Arma….just who was she and how did she fit into all this?

While all of Jareth's research had yielded little light into these questions there was one resource he possessed that had never failed him – his sharply honed intuition. Intuition is usually a woman's advantage…..progressed by child rearing and developed over time… remains an advanced female trait. But the Goblin King had experiences that females never would which promoted his intuitive powers – being in charge of a sea of Goblins.

As ruler of the Goblins, Jareth had to be not only aware of his simplistic subjects wants and needs, he also had to keep them out of trouble. Leading the Goblins was like trying to herd cats…..almost impossible with ordinary skills. Out of necessity the leader of such a mischievous brood had to develop special abilities – such as intuition. Jareth had to be able to read the Goblins non verbal communication (since their verbal was not so swell) and have almost a sixth sense of possible Goblin actions to predict their behavior.

His acute abilities did fail him once…..when the Goblins heard Sarah's musings and encouraged her to "say the right words"…he had not been paying attention to them and the next thing he knew it was too late….the girl had said the words…he had to take the baby and the rest was history, including the destruction of his castle.

Had Jareth been introspective at this point he would have realized that there was another motivation for his restlessness…..had he been less vain and egotistical he would have consciously known he was in love with Sarah and had been from the time she ran the Labyrinth.

He was aware she affected him in a way that no other woman had…..he knew she frustrated and irritated him in a unique way….he admitted that he felt protective of her…..he confessed to himself that he had not been the same after he met her…..he witnessed to the fact that he wanted her in his life…..but he could not face the truth that all these feelings and more summed up to loving her. That would make him vulnerable – and Jareth, the King of the Goblins, could not be vulnerable.

Instead Jareth took the "safe" route and considered her a "precious thing"…almost as a favorite toy, a prized object in his possession. Yes, it was true…..he would be a slave to his possession….yet, it was a sad fact that he could not see that simply loving her was what drove him passionately in all things concerning Sarah.

Tonight, the Goblin King walked his Labyrinth intuitively knowing that danger lurked just around the corner for the Queens, Toby and his precious Sarah…, tonight he could not sleep…..