Kingdom Hearts: Voices of the Heart (Revised)

Wow okay, just wowness people. I have been getting reviews on and off to work on this story. I mean 5 reviews for 3 chapters isn't that spiffy so of course I delayed but upon looking this fic over again I think I have noticed why you guys didn't review like I had wished. SOoooo I have been changing a few things here and there and I plan on going over every chapter and spiffing things up so that you people will acutally leave me your thoughts! PLEASE READ AND REVIEW! I wanna do this story but I can't do it by myself. o.O

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts. Kingdom Hearts is owned by SquareSoft/Square Enix not me so please no don't sue me! O.o;

A lonely Sora, sitting underneath an unusually perfect oak tree located deep within the Hundred Acre Wood, couldn't help but wonder how and why his life had changed so abruptly. He had been ripped from his happy existence on Destiny Islands with his friends Riku and Kairi and thrust into an almost fictional world of monsters and heartbreak. Had his whole life been a lie up to this point? The simple serene feeling that covered the island; had it all been some temporary shield from the real world and the darkness that fills it? Or had it been kept there, so that he would not lose his sanity before he would discover his destiny. Well, if that was the case, he thought, it wasn't a very good plan. Riku, who was like a brother to him, had been captured by the evilest forces known to man, the heartless, and consumed by the darkness that had been lying dormant in his heart, and Kairi? She had been taken as well, only worse...her heart had been stolen. The part of her that made her who she was had be ripped away and all that was left was a cold empty shell that resembled the sweet and loving girl that used to live there.

Almost lazily, he glanced down at his keyblade, the weapon that could bring or delay the salvation that this world so badly needed. The weapon that chose him to wield it and was said to possess immense power governed by the heart. But, somewhere deep down inside, Sora couldn't help but wonder, if this key holds so much power...why is he still too weak to save the ones that he cares for most? Is there something that he isn't doing? Is there some clue that he has missed along the way? Or is it that he really isn't strong enough to wield the keyblade? Lost in his own thoughts, Sora continued to try to come up with a rational explanation for his continuous failure until he felt a hand on his shoulder. Quickly jumping up, afraid of what it was, he turned around to see it was Goofy. Letting down his guard and releasing his hold on the keyblade he smiled.

"Hey, Goofy. What's up?"

"I was just coming ta see where ya were." He answered in his usual lazy tone.

"Me and Donald were wondering if ya wanted to leave now or stay tha night. Pooh said we could stay at his place if we wanted."

"Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to stay one night here. We haven't even planned how we're going to get into Hollow Bastion yet. Going without a plan really doesn't sound that good. There's a good chance that we might get stuck in a situation we can't handle and then what help would we be?"

"Good idear!" Goofy said happily, "I'll see ya later, I'm gonna tell Donald we're stayin for tha night!" Sora watched Goofy run off down the dirt trail that led to Pooh's house and couldn't help but still get a sinking feeling that no matter how much time they spent thinking of a way to help everyone, they would never succeed. Turning his gaze to the sky, that shined a deceivingly wonderful blue, he couldn't help but wish he were still on the Island, oblivious to anything that existed beyond.

Time passed slowly the rest of the day. Probably due to the fact that Sora sat alone watching the sunny day turn into a starry night. Finally deciding that he had strayed away from the gang too long, he rose to his feet and began to walk back up onto the dirtpath road. Upon returning to Pooh's small cottage like home, they feasted on some of Rabbit's carrots and Pooh's honey. After dinner, Sora, Donald, and Goofy deicided to set up a spot outside underneath the stars to sleep. Sora, who had placed himself between Goofy and Donald, couldn't sleep and remained sitting up while the others had laid back and were now lounging on the soft grass. Finally taking notice of Sora's odd behavior, Donald decided to pry.

"I haven't seen you around much today, Sora. Is something wrong?" he asked in his high pitched, squeaky voice.

"No, not really. I've just been thinking about how we're going to get into Hollow Bastion and how I'm going to get Kairi away from Riku. It almost seems impossible at this point. I'm worried about what his plans are for her and this whole world. What is it that he could be doing? What's the purpose to all of this pain he's putting us all through? Was I that bad of a friend? Did I do something so horrible to him that it has come to this?" Donald, now sitting up, took on a serious look.

"What do you mean? You haven't done anything to cause what is happening right now Sora, and you know that better than anyone else. Your friend is just a victim of the dark forces that lurk in this world. We all are, that's why we must end this and stop them now, before everyone in the world ends up like Riku and Kairi; empty of feeling and emotion. AND when it comes to Hollow Bastion, all I can say is, we've made it this far working as a team. We can handle anything as long as we work together and not let anything tear us apart. You just need to believe in the power you have within." Sora, almost dumbfounded by Donald's words, could find nothing else to say or do but nod. Maybe they were right, maybe all he needed to do was believe in himself and then he would find the true power that he had to save everyone. Finally lying down on the soft, warm, green grass, Sora quickly fell asleep and into the darkness that existed beyond consciousness.

Ra... So...ra... Sora... 'it was a distant voice that seemed to be calling. A familiar voice that held the softness and innocence of an angel. But it sounded sad, desperate, forlorn... was it...was it her? Was it, Kairi?' It's so cold...I can't...I can't see you... Where are you? Sora? I miss you...I can't feel you here with me anymore...Everything is so far away...I'm falling...Help me...SAVE ME! SORA!"

"KAIRI!" Sora shot up screaming. Quickly glancing around he found that everyone was fast asleep. So does that mean he had been dreaming? The voice he heard sounded so real, it had to of been Kairi trying to tell him that she needed him now and couldn't hang on much longer. At first he started to wake up Donald and Goofy, but something in the back of his head said that they wouldn't believe him no matter how real it sounded. His only hope was to go now and not look back. He hated to leave without telling Goofy and Donald, they were a team, but at this point he didn't care, he just had to get to Kairi, even if he would die trying...

Well everyone there's revised chapter one and no its not that much different from the first but I am trying really hard so please Read and Review! PWEESE! See ya in revised chapter 2! XD
