Disclaimer: As many have figured, I DO NOT OWN HELLSING or its rights. So don't give me crap.


Please feel free to read and review. This is my first fic, EVER....lol. I just wanna know what ya think. If you think it sucks well that's your opinion. Anyways, I think we need some more A/S fics....since people haven't updated there's recently....hehehehe.....ENJOY!

Chapter 1: Revelations

Seras Victoria walked down the cold stone of the lower basement levels. Her feet making barely any audible sound as she returned from talking with Sir Integra. She sighed deeply as she opened her door and then closed it. She sat down in a chair by her desk exhausted from the day's excursions and what tomorrow would bring. She felt a cold feeling enter the room then fade as she looked into the corner where her Master began to materialize. She stood a bit annoyed and alarmed.

His familiarly chilling laugh echoed through her small room as his red eyes gazed at her.

"Master, what are you doing here? And what do you want?" she asked almost demanding, and forgetting her place in this weak and tired state.

"What? Not glad to see me?" he asked in his cold and calm voice. She glared angrily at him, and went and sat on her bed.

"I'm tired, and I'd like some sleep before we attack tomorrow if you don't mind." She said harshly. Alucard only watched her amused. "What!?" she demanded as his grin spread into a wicked smile. She hated it when he was like this, that ever annoying smile and laugh always chilled her.

"I was only checking in on you." He said in what she thought was sarcasm. She only laughed, and mumbled something under her breath.

"Listen. I'm tired, it's late, and I really don't want to put up with your games right now." She said, her temper flaring as she stood quickly to face him.

"Your humanity still gets the best of you. You will never be strong if you hold onto your morals. You won't even be able to discern friend from foe if you go on like this, and that will get you killed. You will probably be tested tomorrow." He said laughing that spine chilling laugh.

"Who are you to talk about humanity?" she asked raising her voice viciously and forgetting her place. "You are nothing but a lap dog, you don't even think on your own!" she shouted. His cool placid face became deadly serious. He was upon her before she had time to move, and had her held against the wall by her neck. She gripped his hand with her two hands trying to get him to release her. His red eyes glittered dangerously in the candle light as he gripped her tightly, and she bit back a yelp of pain.

"I am not a lap dog, and you will do well to hold your tongue." He whispered dangerously in her ear. He released her as quickly as he had grabbed her, and she caught herself before falling to the floor, with the cool, safe rock behind her. Her ragged breathing was all that remained of their argument, for when she looked up he was gone.

"Damn it." She muttered touching her neck where he had grabbed her. Her hands were shaking, and she knew it was out of fear. He was more powerful then she ever could be. Trying to shake the last moments from her mind, she blew out the candle, and lowered herself into the bed. She pressed a button, and it turned into a coffin.

"Are the teams ready?" asked Integra to her field commander as she stood waiting for word that the operation had commenced. It was now evening of the following night, and the full moon above illuminated the building that had three Hellsing vans parked infront of it.

Alucard appeared beside her, and gave his usual cold grin. She rolled her eyes. "Can't you ever use a door?"

"A door would take away the fun." He said in a quiet tone as he watched the monitors from over her shoulder. "When will the show start?" he asked looking at her with his insane eyes.

"As soon as you stop hovering over my shoulder." She muttered. Speaking into a radio, she said, "All teams commence operation."

The three vans each holding about 6 people opened up, and the soldiers came out. Seras appeared from the third van. She had a smaller gun than her normal one, and she liked this version better. The dark grey pistol was fully loaded, and she was among the first to enter the building.

Upon entering, Seras was the first down a large hallway. She could smell blood, and that was never a good sign. She held her pistol poised infront of her, ready to shoot. What she did not expect was when the roof above hr started to shake. Everyone looked up, as the roof gave way, and ghouls came down upon them. All she could hear was gunfire and shouting. Her attention was seized by more ghouls attacking from the rear, forcing them forward. Seras shot several ghouls attacking her comrades ,then moved on leaving the rest up to them. This was obviously not a normal ghoul hideout. They had known they were coming.

Seras ran down the hallway, following her instincts. She stopped outside a door that read Administration, for this had once been a hotel. She counted to three, then kicked the door down and entered. Inside awaited three full vampires and five more ghouls. "Shit!" she said as the ghouls rushed her. She shot the first two in the head, then as the third one came at her, she ducked as it swung, and kicking it hard in the jaw, throwing its head back and breaking it. The fourth one was able to grab her free arm, and she twisted around to shoot it in the heart quickly, and then again in the head. It released her, and she turned facing the fifth. This on had a knife in each of its hands. She now had to re-load her pistol. Emptying the shells, she started reloading, just as the ghoul charged her. She loaded the last bullet in as it swiped at her, slicing her across her upper right arm. She quickly shot it twice in the head.

Wearily, she faced the three vampires before her, as blood flowed form her wounded arm. Aiming the gun at the first vampire, she was barely able to aim as the three vampires came at her. One was able to get up behind her with incredible speed. "Damn you!" she yelled, firing her pistol off at a vampire, and blowing off its arm. It shrieked in pain, and flung itself at her, while the one from behind grabbed her, binding her arms. She struggled against him, and as one of the vampires rushed towards her, she jumped up, nailing the vampire in the chest and kicking out. She shot him in the heart at the same time, and the one armed vampire fell dead, as she and her holder tumbled to the ground backwards. She was able to free herself, elbowing her captor hard in the chest, and leaping to her feet. She turned quickly, and shot him twice in the heart, then turned to face the third and final who seemed to have disappeared. She turned slowly and silently looking for him. He was gone. Or so she thought.

She suddenly felt a searing pain travel down her back, and then again against her side, as the missing vampire swung a Japanese style katana at her. She fell to the ground, and managed to turn herself over. Pain blurred her vision, and she fired off random shots. Her last clear view of vision, she shot him in the heart three times, then she passed out.

About ten minutes later, her throbbing head eased itself from the ground and she opened her still blurry eyes. She noticed that her hands seemed to be tied as were her feet. She immediately snapped out of her daze and started struggling against the metal shackles that bound her, muttering furiously under her breath.

She froze suddenly, as she heard footsteps near her. She turned her head and saw two large army type boots about two feet from her face. She quickly looked up, to face two red, glowing eyes. She stifled a surprised gasp, and glared menacingly at the man above her who appeared to be in his mid-thirties, although he was a vampire.

"What a pleasure to finally meet you Seras Victoria. Allow me to introduce myself. I will be your murderer this evening. If there is anything you would like, please don't hesitate to scream it." His red eyes glowed wickedly at her and his smile reminded her of her master.

"Let me go you bastard!" she growled angrily and struggled against her bonds, the metal biting sharply into one of her wrists as she struggled. He laughed menacingly at her feeble attempts. "What the hell do you want with me you jerk? I sware I'll rip your bloody head off unless you release me now!" she demanded angrily, her eyes showing rage and anger, that had now replaced her shock and fear. She was angry and she was not going to be toted around like a play thing.

"Quite the Queen Bee now aren't we?" he said leaning down next to her. "I am here to kill and destroy you, just like your parents, sadly already are." He seemed thoughtful for a moment then the psychotic grin re-appeared. "I would have loved to have done this to them, but it appears someone has already ended their pitiful yet destructive lives. What a shame. They would be so displeased if they could see what you have become." He laughed again, and stood.

"What are you talking about?" she asked shocked and confused. He must be crazy she thought.

"You don't know?" he asked a look of enjoyment showing plainly on his face. "Maybe I'll tell you as you slowly die, but killing now would sadden my colleagues. They wish to partake in the revenge we will wreak upon you for your parents destructiveness." He grinned as he turned around and shuffled through his pocket to pull out a cigarette.

She seemed in a daze, but her wrists still worked against their bonds as did her feet. She held back a squeal of delight as she pulled a wrist free, and used her free hand to release the other, all the while staying calm, and waiting for her chance to kill the bastard. He finally turned around, and walked back to her, kneeling down again.

She smirked evilly, and enjoyed his confused look. Before she could hit him though, he took her gun, and slammed it down on her head. He grinned evilly, as her vision blurred and shifted. As soon as she realized he was still there, she threw her fist at him with all the anger and strength that she could muster, and hit him square in the nose, breaking it, and sending him flying into the wall near them. She quickly unwrapped her ankles from the strong metal and stood. She was surprised to see he was already gone, leaving a few drops of blood from where he had been.

She struggled to the door, and into the empty hallway except for the blood and bodies. She made her way down the stairs, receiving odd looks from the soldiers cleaning up. She exited the building, and made her way to where the commander stood.

The commander approached her, and with a serious look and nod, he told her, "You best get back. Those might need some tending."

"I'm fine!" she hissed angrily, and her tired body refused to move. She finally managed to make her leg muscles work, and she stood, bracing herself with her free hand against the bench rail. The team was getting back in the trucks. There had only been three casualties, and right now she didn't care if the entire team was gone. She eased herself into a seat at the back, and the other 3 kept their distance. Two of the casualties had been from her van.

Upon reaching base, the teams unloaded and headed for de-briefing. All except for Seras. She couldn't stand the pain she felt much longer. The wounds were deep, and would take time to heal, due to the fact that she had also not fed in two days. She had reached the basement door, when she collapsed against the wall, and sank to the ground. She yelped in pain as the throbbing in her side and back intensified, and the pain in her head made her vision blurry.

Alucard was standing in Integra's study, watching from the study as he felt something coming from his Police Girl's mind link. He shrugged it off, as he listened to the report given by the commander. He mumbled something as he sifted through the man's mind and smiled with glee at the site of blood and carnage, but the look of Seras seemed to disturb him a bit.

Walter was walking down the main hallway of the basement on his way to take Seras her bucket and blood packet. He was surprised to see her body slumped against the wall only half conscious. He knelt by her side, "Miss Victoria. Can you here me?" he asked generally concerned. She tried to mumble something, but the words came out as a hushed groan as she smelled the blood in the puddle around her. "Oh dear." Walter said. Walter tilted her head up, trying to make her look up at him, but she had just fully passed out. "Alucard! You need to come here immediately." The old man yelled as he looked at the injured young vampire before him.

Alucard groaned hearing Walter's calls. Integra looked over at him, "What is it?" she asked glaring at him icily.

"Walter is calling for me. He sounds worried I think." He said thoughtful for a moment.

"Where is he?" she asked standing and lighting a cigar.

"The basement." He said, and then faded. Integra looked at the commander dismissing him as she walked from the room, and headed at a brisk walk to the lower levels.

Alucard appeared a few moments after Walter had called him, and he looked briefly at Walter, and then noticed that he was kneeling beside what looked like the Police Girl. He sent a questioning look at Walter as he quickly knelt next to Seras. Integra managed to show up a few minutes later, and was genuinely surprised to see Alucard stand with Seras' limp body in his arms, a serious expression on his face, and Walter looking like a worried father.

"What happened?!" Integra demanded as she walked with Walter to the laboratory, a floor up. Alucard had faded with the limp Seras in his arms and appeared again as the other two entered the white walled room. He set her down trying to be gentle, on the cold, metal table. Three men in white trench coats entered almost as if on cue, and went to examine her.

"I found her collapsed in the hallway. She was bleeding." He said looking very pale as he watched them giving her blood through a transfusion, and then beginning to bandage her wounds.

Integra looked at the young vampire and sighed. She glanced at Alucard to see him turning away and beginning to fade out. "Where do you think you are going?" Integra demanded of him as she turned to face him. He didn't reply. He merely turned away and vanished.