"Look man," Terrance sighed. "I know we've had some rough times, but I wanna try and make it up to you."

"Listen buddy!" Blue piped up.

"My friend here wants nothing to do with you!"

"This has nothing to do with you," Terrance snapped.

"Enough," Frankie intervened. "Just get out, Terrance. We don't need anymore drama right now." ⌠

"Hey, that's my brother layin' in a frickin hospital bed, I think I have a right to see him!"

Mac finally spoke up. "Just let him in."

Everyone turned to face him. "Are you serious?" Blue shouted. "He'll kill you!"

"I can handle it," Mac replied.

Frankie shrugged and ushered Bloo out of the room.

Terrance nodded at his brother and sat in a chair next to the hospital bed."Honestly, man," he started, "I can't remember much of anything at all, seeing as I was hit over the head with a vase." He half smiled at Mac. "But I know things between us were-well, shitty. You know?"

Mac nodded.

"So I just wanted to sort of...apologize? For everything that's gone down between you and me over the years. Will you forgive me?"

Mac looked at Terrance. It was hard to tell, but his gut told him that his brother wasn't lying.

"Alright," he said, shaking his brother's hand.

Terrance smiled and leaned back in his chair. "So when are you coming home?" he asked.

Mac opened his mouth, but the words were slow in coming out. "I'm not going home," he said, finally.

Terrance leaned forward and propped his elbows on his knees. "What?"

Mac sighed. "Frankie adopted me. I'm going to be living at the Home."

He looked sad. "But things were going to get better..." Terrance mumbled.

"It doesn't mean we can't see each other," Mac mumbled.

The room fell silent."Mac?" Terrance finally spoke. "This-the reason you're in here. Um, is it...because of me? And mom?"

Mac was taken aback by this. "Well, um. I-it's not fair to place the blame on just you guys.."

"It is, then." Terrance stared at the floor."I'm sorry, man. We should've been there. We should've done something."

"Terrance," Mac snapped, "stop. That's not even the half of why I did...what I did. And you-you wouldn't have noticed, or cared, or tried to do anything."

Terrance breathed deeply. "So then it's a good thing you almost killed me?" He chuckled and looked up at his brother.

Mac smirked. "I guess so, man."

Terrance looked at his watch. "Shit," he muttered. "I gotta get to work. I'll come see you if I can." And with that, he was out the door.

- - - - - -
One Week Later

"Wilt," Frankie pants, "can you hand me that box?"

"Sure, no problem." Wilt complies and asks her if she needs help. "I got it, Wilt, thanks."

I'm sitting on my new bed, in my new room, in my new home, while Wilt and Frankie load more things to my room. A room just down the hall from Frankie.

"Mac!" Bloo shouts as he gets a running start. "Dude, this is awesome!" He tackles me and we lay on our backs, laughing, staring at the under-side of the top bunk.

"I call the top bunk!" Bloo scrambles to the ladder."Sure, man," I reply, a grin covering my face.

I feel happy.But beneath it, I feel something.
It's building up, and even though it's only small now, it'll get bigger.
Unless I take care of it.

"I'll be right back," I yell to Bloo, who is jumping up and down on his bunk.He doesn't even seem to notice.

I wash my hands in the sink and look in the mirror. The bandages are still on my wrists and taking them off to cut doesn't seem worth it.I roll up my pant leg.
Before I have the chance to think, I start slashing this way and that with a pair of scissors.And that 'something' I was feeling before is gone.

"Summer vacation starts in two weeks," I can hear Frankie saying. "It doesn't seem worth it to force him back into school right now."

I eavesdrop from the hallway, outside Frankie's door.

"I understand but-yes, I know. Right, but it's...he wouldn't be able to pass now, not with all the work he's missed. I don't want to put him under any more stress."

I look at the ceiling and sigh.
I really fucked up

"Ok, thank you. I'll do that. Yes-ok, goodbye."
I hear her hang up the phone. I sigh and start to walk to my room.

Her door opens."Mac," she says, my back still to her. "You start school next semester."

"And Mac?" she continues. "Do me a favor-get all your sharp objects together. I'll be taking them away from you for the time being." "H-how long?" I ask, trying to keep my voice neutral.
"Until I'm convinced you won't be using them."
I won't survive the summer.

I stare at myself in the mirror, the second time today.
The pair of scissors I used on myself today sits in the sink.
Do I use, or do I toss them? That is the question.
I want them to grow legs and walk away. But I know that if they do.
..I would chase after them.

I hold a paper towel over a patch on my leg.
I peel the towel away when I'm sure the cuts are done bleeding.

Tap Tap Tap.
It's Frankie.
I wrap the scissors in a towel and stash them behind the toilet. I pull my pant leg down and open the door.

"You better not-"

"I wasn't," I interrupt.

She sighs. "Ok. So where are the weapons? And I want you to show me where they were hiding."


Author's Note:
Hello again.It's been a long Long Long Time since I've added anything to this. My style has matured, I'm sorry if you guys don't like it anymore. Dx
I changed tenses after the hospital bit because writing in past tense is not working for me right now.
So, Mac's POV, present tense.
Deal with ittt.

So I love you guys for sticking by this, and I hope you enjoy this new chapter. Cause I wrote it Specially for you guys. :D