Disclaimer: As much as I have left my fic to rot (sadly), I wouldn't dream of making you guys wait far too long between books like Miss Rowling does (haha), so this is my very own work which I am proud to say - I've FINALLY FINISHED IT!

Author's Note: Okay, as above, this is the last chapter of my first fic, which I know there are inconsistencies (will go back to change some of it, but it wouldn't be very significant anyway), but as it is my virgin attempt at fanfiction, I am already pretty glad for the 100+ reviews which have returned me quite positive feedback! I'm glad I wrote this and you all liked it.

Please please please, all who have come thus far, leave a review of what you think of this story, as a whole, or the ending, anything - just to let me know that you have read my fic (till the end!) and I'm very grateful for the loyal reviewers; apologies for making you guys wait!

And so, please do enjoy, my final chapter :)

There was the usual hustle and bustle of the festive season, as the ghosts of Hogwarts glided around with ringing bells and contributing to the hearty laughter, while Peeves pretended to sprinkle mistletoe leaves, only to elicit squeals of disgust from random crowds of people when the leaves turned into Dungbombs. Everywhere was a myriad of colours, from the summer mix of red and green, to the winter choice of white and blue. All the Hogwarts students made sure their robes were smoothened down, and to be kept clean at all times with a Temporary Shield (such that the turkey gravy would not spill all over their front) just before attending the annual Christmas Dinner at the Hall.

In the Gryffindor common-room, there was no less cheer, for the bright maroon colour was perfect for a festive hue, and the smiles on everyone's faces lit up the room cheerily. The younger ones ran round the room with coloured sparkles at the tip of their wands, while the older ones walked around giving each other hugs and presents.

Sitting at the corner, were the sixth-years (and a particular fifth-year, of course), all eager to give and receive their Christmas presents. Harry rummaged in a rather large bag to pull out three boxes, and handed them to Ron, Ginny and Hermione respectively. Ron opened his, to reveal a pair of beautiful mittens, and he gaped in sheer delight – Harry knew only too well Ron's old ones had been reduced to a mass of tattered wool. Just as he was gaping, the mittens suddenly danced out of their box and proceeded to pull poor Ron's ears! The sixth-years fell into a heap of mirth watching Ron attempt to pull the mittens from his reddening ears, and glare at a helplessly laughing Harry at the same time.

Ginny was next, and she gingerly peeled off the wrapping paper, her fingers trembling in anticipation. Harry watched her, with equally anticipating eyes searching for the look in her green ones. Finally, she pulled out a beautiful aquamarine-coloured box, and she opened it to reveal a lovely pendant – a soft lilac-tinged crystal at the centre of it all. Harry reached over and took it out, amidst everyone's giggles, putting it around Ginny's neck without a word. Ron gave a rather low cough, Hermione smiled, and the rest of them grinned. Ginny's freckled cheeks turned pink as she fingered the crystal, trying hard not to show her utmost exhilaration at receiving this sweet gesture. Then Seamus and Dean could not help bursting into laughter all over again watching Harry and Ginny turn red, infecting everyone else again, including Ron.

Hermione, after trying hard not to choke from all that laughter, carefully opened Harry's present. Harry couldn't help being pleased seeing a glow of red overtake her cheeks, which had been tinged with a pale look ever since she had been discharged from the Hospital Wing.

Ginny stopped fingering her crystal and tried not to laugh at seeing the present.

"Harry, you gave Hermione chicklit?" Lavender asked in complete amusement, holding up the pink-covered book. "You gave our smart-aleck Hermione chicklit?"

"What's chicklit?" asked Ron, perplexed. "It's not about chickens!"

There was a collective groan from the young wizards and witches who had Muggle background (and even those who were pureblood!). Parvati shook her head. "Ron, to think that your father is…"

"I don't meddle with my father's stuff," retorted Ron, still a bit sore from the mittens' dance. He took the book from Hermione, and flipped through it a bit. "Oh gross, Harry, of all things!"

Harry grinned, and looked at Hermione, who was smiling shyly as she took back the book, and knew he had not made a wrong choice at all.

Just before leaving the common-room, Hermione ran upstairs to her dormitory. She curled her hair a little bit more, before reaching over to her side-table to pick up a beautifully wrapped present. She smoothened the wrapping paper with her thumb gingerly, and looked at the mirror in front of her.

He would love it.

"Good evening, m'lady, it is a pleasure to see you all well again!" announced Nearly Headless Nick heartily, bowing as he led the way into the Hall for Hermione. She gave a little curtsey in response, smiled warmly, and walked into a sea of black robes given a tinge of gold by the warm lights of the shining chandeliers floating above. It had been a long time since she last stepped into the Hall. Hermione could not help remembering, as she made her way to the Gryffindor table, the last time she was here, she had been so troubled. And now, there was only relief and happiness washing over her.

"Hermione, what took you so long?" demanded Ron. "We nearly didn't manage to get the front seats!"

"Who are you trying to ogle at again, Ron?" asked Hermione, rather amused as she took her place beside him. "Professor McGonagall?"

Ron nearly retorted back in complete horror, but Harry winked at Hermione. "He's never going to give up on Madam Rosmerta, honestly…"

There was a shout of laughter, and Ron proceeded to somehow pummel Harry with his legs, whilst Hermione could not help grinning despite a reproving look. It was so good to be back with them again, and not having to worry about anything else.

Worry? She could not help looking beyond Harry to cast a glance at the Slytherin table at the far end.

Her eyes scanned from left to right. Mm? Where was he?

"Looking for someone?" asked Ron, rather nonchalantly.

"Eh…" Hermione tried not to be obvious. "I…"

"Hermione, you can never hide anything from us," grinned Harry. "Maybe he's fussing over his hair or something. Must have been mussed up running around too often lately; the distance between our common-rooms is kind of, you know, far…" and Hermione stuck out her tongue and kicked him, causing a groan to ensue. "Very funny, Harry."

"Boys and girls."

The hustle and bustle of the Hall suddenly simmered down, and everyone scattered back into their seats. Hermione tilted her head left to see across the tables, but he wasn't there. Where could he be?

Draco, where are you?

"Boys and girls," announced a beaming Professor Dumbledore, who had taken centrestage and had a very wise look on his face at the same time. "It has been a very pleasant year, for most of us," he scanned across the Hall and winked at the eager Gryffindors. "And it is a great pleasure to end this year on a festive note as well. I hope that you all will have a very merry Christmas, and enjoy yourselves after this long term."

There was resounding applause throughout the Hall, but it only served to intensify the loud beating of Hermione's heart. Oh, where are you!

"As tradition dictates, before we tuck into the great feast, I will announce the new Head Boy and Head Girl for the next year. Our Heads are to be very responsible, very conscientious, and extremely respected figures to set a good example to all. I hope that they will bear the honour to lead Hogwarts as something close to their hearts, and that they will serve us with passion, fervour and integrity."

There were excited whispers now, and everyone was eagerly awaiting the announcement of the Heads. Hermione was somehow not very attentive anymore. She managed to catch Pansy's eye across the tables, but Pansy shook her head in slight surprise at the empty seat beside her. Hermione was beginning to worry very badly. Oh you dratted ferret, can't you hear me?

"Our Head Girl for the new year, is – Hermione Granger of Gryffindor House!"

Before Professor Dumbledore had proceeded to the word "Gryffindor", the scarlet colours on the left of the Hall suddenly broke out into a raucous cheer, deafening everyone. Hands, arms were reaching out to a dazed Hermione to congratulate her, and Harry and Ron were shouting "Yes! Yes! Yes!" in complete glee. Hermione stood up, a little shakily, and made her way to the front. Professor Dumbledore smiled, and pinned the Head Girl badge on her robes. Hermione stared at it, her heart suddenly feeling a slight twinge of pain that somebody was not watching her receive the honour she had coveted for so long.

"Hermione Granger has achieved consistently stellar results throughout her term as a Hogwarts student, winning praise from all her tutors and peers (at this point, the sour Slytherin House pupils pursed up their lips, possibly also angry that their beloved housemaster was no longer at the front of the table as well) and exemplifying the true courage of a Gryffindor. Surely, we are all aware of the various acts of chivalry that Hermione and her friends have performed, and she is an incredibly brave and wonderful girl who I have complete faith in doing a wonderful job as Head Girl," finished Dumbledore, and Hermione could have cried with joy and gratitude at such a marvellous testimonial. Harry and Ron clapped so hard, that their palms turned red, and the entire Gryffindor cohort stood up to give Hermione a rousing standing ovation, followed by the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws. Hermione gasped, and tears were rolling down her cheeks in her sheer pleasure.

"Thank you," she whispered, and suddenly, a wave of emptiness overtook her. She bit her lip a little, managed a thin smile, and stepped back. He was not here to see me.

"And now, I would like to announce the Head Boy."

It has to be Harry, thought Hermione, managing a smile at her elated best friend. He's been through so much, and it'll be nice to see him gain some honour for that. Life must be really tough for him too. Although…

"This boy has been equally remarkable in his career at Hogwarts; studies, Quidditch, everything. He has managed to gain (at this point, Hermione detected a little hesitance on the part of Dumbledore) respect from his peers, and is truly a chivalrous and sturdy man who has a fiery passion. I am equally certain that this chosen boy will be a great partner to Miss Granger, and do an excellent job for us all."

There was bated breath, and many eyes were on a suddenly red-cheeked Harry.

"Please, Mr Draco Malfoy, would you like to enter?"

The Hall door swung open.

Hermione gasped. What are you doing there!

I needed some grand entrance; couldn't miss that, could I? The familiar smirking voice came resounding through her head, and there, before her eyes, was the silvery blonde, green-eyed boy walking towards her. He strode past the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw tables, completely oblivious (or perhaps secretly enjoying) the hundreds of eyes set upon him. Harry's surprised eyes turned into those of recognition, and a smile hung at the edge of his lips. Ginny, turning back to see Harry's expression, smiled as well, knowing fully well that he understood and was going to be a perfect gentleman about it.

"I present to you," said Professor Dumbledore, as Draco walked to stop in front of him. "Our new Head Boy – Draco Malfoy."

There was a pause of silence as Professor Dumbledore pinned on the Head Boy badge, and Draco turned around to face the silent crowd with a fiercely determined look on his face, with a slight tinge of defiance. The Slytherins, too, were a little taken aback by his sudden entrance that they forgot to clap. The silence was so deafening, and so starkly different from the hullabaloo created at Hermione's investiture.

Then, at that moment, a small bit of clapping came sounding from behind Draco. He turned around and saw Hermione clapping, with tears in her eyes shining at him. A steady, determined beat, ringing out loud in the silent hull of the Hall. Draco's eyes shone as well, and his defiance faded away.

Then, from the left, Harry's clapping joined in, a fierce stream of clapping, a firm display of sportsmanship. Ginny's one came in, much faster, a joint appreciation of both Harry and Draco's spirit. Ron couldn't bear to be left out, and he took a deep breath and joined in the clapping. From the other side of the hall, Pansy felt the tears take to her eyes as she put her hands together. Blaise Zabini could not help but join in, and soon the rest of the Slytherins were clapping hard, and the Gryffindors…one by one, they stood up to clap for the newly invested Head Boy and Girl, with the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs standing up as well. The cheering came soon after, and suddenly, with a loud burst of energy, the whole Hall was cheering loudly and resolutely for their new Heads. Professor Dumbledore looked back at Professor McGonagall, and Professor Nell, and the rest of the staff, before looking back out with a satisfied beam, nodding his head. Eventually, all the students ignored the feast before them, and started to get out of their seats to walk around and chatter excitedly.

Backing away from the crowd of people, Draco stepped back from the front, and walked up to Hermione, who was still clapping for him. He took her hands gently into his, and looked into her hazel eyes very deeply till she blushed.

"Where did you go, you horrid boy," mused Hermione, trying to sound annoyed.

"I forgot something," he said, simply.


He reached into his robes and pulled out a small wrapped present. "Merry Christmas. Been a while since I said that to anyone, really."

The way he said it was not icy cold like before, and Hermione took it. "Open it."

"No, wait," said Hermione, and pulled out her own present. "There. Open yours first, will you?"

Draco was a little taken aback, but secretly pleased, considering that he hardly got any presents during Christmas. He opened the wrapping a little roughly, but yet ensuring that the paper did not tear.

"Oh – wow."

It was a crystallised Snitch fluttering within a crystal box, and it caught on the lights floating above, displaying a beautiful iridescent of colours within. Draco stared at it, placed it against the lights, and then in front of him, mesmerised. "It's…beautiful."

Hermione blushed again.

"Now, open yours, will you," he urged.

Her fingers fumbled lightly on the wrapping paper, but soon, she had the present staring at her straight in the face. It was a small book, without any title. She was quite surprised as she lifted the cover, then the creamy pages that followed after soon put a smile on her face. How did you know?

Draco shrugged. "A girl like you has too much space in her brain for her work, she probably needs somewhere else to put the extra memory, so I thought you'd like a diary. And do read the first few pages. It's got something on it."

"Thank you, Draco," whispered Hermione.

They stared at their presents for a while, then finally looked up at each other. There was a slight silence, a little awkward.

"You're such a prat, Malfoy," said Hermione in a shy voice, rather instinctively, and burst out laughing. "Such a prat!"

"Oh bloody Granger, stop being namby-pamby," groaned Draco, and with one arm, he swiftly pulled Hermione towards him and kissed her, long and sweetly.

"Dear Diary,

After this entry, you will officially belong to Hermione Jane Granger, but do let me say a few words before I hand ownership of you to her.

It's been pretty sucky in the past, I haven't had a soul to ramble to about all my stupid problems. Life was hell, Father always made me do things against my will, just like making me become a Death-Eater. I don't think I'm feeling very sorry that he's gone now, it's just that my mother has sunk into depression for quite a while, and has yet to recover. I'm quite worried, I shall go home to her soon. I'll bring Hermione along too, probably, I hope everything will be okay. I'm just glad that creep is gone. I hated acting all this while just to fool him, but if it could save everyone, I'm just glad we did it. Now I've realised how superficial I've been, always acting to others that I'm the big Slytherin Prince and that everyone must obey me. Then I should have been happy to be head of the Junior Death-Eaters. No, I was just a deprived soul, stripped bare in front of my father who could see me through all my layers. So acting made me feel good that I could present somebody who was not me to others. Nobody would see my vulnerabilities.

But she did.

She saw my flaws, all laid out bare for her, just like for my father. She saw how weak I was, succumbing to my father and the Dark Lord, doing dirty deeds when I hated to do so. She made me despise myself for acting like a foolish boy instead of being a powerful man. How I hated to be in the dungeons with her for those few hours, pretending to hate her, just for the sake of the Dark Lord – oh why am I still calling him that – that bloody Voldemort. Pretending to torture her when all I wanted was for her to unbind her hands and reach out to hold me, because I was scared, yes, Draco Malfoy was scared to death. Having to kill her in front of everyone and praying hard that the curse would not work. I was a real coward, and she dispelled all my layers away from me. Yet, I'm not a coward in front of her. She gives me the courage to do so many things, go through the challenges to get the Chroker Eye, go through the intricate plan she laid out, kill Voldemort at the very end, everything. Maybe even forgiving Potter and Weasley was a challenge too. I am myself, Draco Malfoy, in front of her, not the swaggering bastard who thought the world was not enough for him.

I always wondered why we had this telepathic thing, how we could always connect with each other. Nobody really knew, not even Dumbledore. So I tried reading up. There isn't much in Magic theory that I could find, because telepathy really works only if you have that ability, which we obviously do not have with other people. What I did find out was, according to Muggle theory, that there is a sixth sense in a human being, called the Extra Sensory Perception, or ESP. Supposedly, that helps you to detect emotions perhaps? Something like an instinct. And perhaps, this instinctive ability to connect her bridges Magic and Muggle theories together, just like it has brought us together, I guess. What was initially so infuriating for me, has become a lifeline.

I shall not take up too much space, for the future owner will need plenty to document her thoughts, which I'm sure she has a lot of, given that mighty brain of hers.

She's amazing.

I love you, Hermione, really.

Draco Malfoy."


I hope it wasn't too cliched an ending, but I did try to do something a little different from usual DH fics. :) Drop a note or something yeah? Thanks for wading through my fic, I really appreciated it!
