AN: This is it. The last chapter. I think it's my favorite one - I had a lot of fun writing it.
Without your great reviews I wouldn't have enjoyed writing this story so much. Thanks again
toeveryone who reviewed. You're the best!

Disclaimer: I don't own Gilmore Girls nor the song Everything by Anouk.

There is no reason, there is no logic to feelings
'cause when love is the dealer I'm addicted
So fascinated, I can't stop this constant craving
You're contagious
It's the strangest thing that I can feel so much
For someone, somehow
And I cannot hide, even if I'd try
You mean everything to me
Any fool can see, what you've done to me
You mean everything to me
And when you're not here, I just cry
And when you're not here, I could die
The best is still to come dear
The best is still to come for us


Saturday, 8.40 am (the morning after Luke's return)
Lorelai's POV

I stretched out in my bed feeling rested and at peace. I couldn't remember the last time I felt this content. I also couldn't remember the last morning that didn't start with tears falling down my face. Luke was back. "Luke, Luke, Luke" – I repeated in my head and felt a smile spread across my face. I felt like jumping up and down on my bed. "I'll do that later." – I thought and laughed at my own childishness. I opened my eyes and turned to see if Luke was awake but the place next to me was empty. My heartbeat quickened and I clearly panicked. It couldn't have been a dream. He was there last night. He kissed and told me that he loves me.
"no, no, no, it wasn't a dream." – I spoke into the empty room before jumping out of bed to go look for him. As I opened my bedroom door I was hit with the sweet aroma of my addiction. Coffee. I inhaled deeply thinking that Luke was definitely back.
I walked downstairs and found him looking through the contents of my fridge.

Luke's POV

"Hey." – I turned to see her standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

"Hey, you have good timing. Breakfast is almost done."

"Yummy, pancakes…"

"…and eggs and ham and coffee."

"Again – yummy.You found everything you need? The fridge is kinda jam-packed."

"Yeah, I was wondering about that. You never had so much food in your house."

"Well, I needed to eat even without my major supplier for food and java." – She closed her eyes and took a sip from her cup before she murmured - "Mmm, delicious."

I smiled at her excitement. She could be excited about every little thing. I always loved that about her, even though most of the time I'd tell her that she was crazy because of it. She opened her eyes again and caught me watching her. With that beautiful smile on her face she asked me in a seductive tone. "Do you like what you see?"

"Yeah, I definitely do."

"Me too." – We stared at each other for I don't know how long. I just couldn't look at her enough. The spell was broken when she spoke my name.



"I love you." – I didn't expect that but I loved the way she said it. Before I could respond to her, she started speaking again. – " I know we said that we would talk later about everything…and we will. I just wanted to tell you I love you because I promised myself that I'll do exactly that if I ever saw you again.
I know I should have told you before and I wanted to but…"

I walked over to her and took her hands in mine.

"Lorelai, I love you too. Later we will sit down and have a long talk without monosyllabic comments from me and plenty of time for you to talk. I know how much you love to talk and for once I will not try to shut you up."

"What a pity. You always did that so well." – She said with that smug smile of hers. – "Especially that one time at your place when you…" – I kissed her then. How I survived without her kiss, her touch…without her all this time was beyond me. She pulled me even closer to her and put her arms around my neck. After that lingering kiss we both pulled away.

"See, you're a so good at it. You're a natural." – She giggled at her own joke.

"Then I won't reopen the diner and become the first professional "shut upper". I'm sure the people of Stars Hollow would love that."

"Don't you dare. You belong to only me."

"A little possessive, aren't we?"

"Shut me up again." – She said before pulling me closer for another kiss.

"I feel used." – I told her when we parted.

"Yeah, sure. Like you don't enjoy every bit of it."

"That's not the point."

Rory's POV

"Then what's the point, Mr. Danes?" – I heard my mom say. Luke laughed at her question and then kissed her quick. Usually I'd turn around and leave them alone to their dirtiness but I was so happy about the sight before me. Mom and Luke back together.

"Ahem" – I cleared my throat and they both turned a bit embarrassed to me.

"Hey, hon. Luke is here."

"Really? I thought you were kissing Michael Jackson."

"Please don't compare me to Michael Jackson." – I sat down on a chair and Luke put a plate in front of me.

"Yummy, pancakes." – I said and took immediately a bite.


"What? I'm hungry. I'm sure Luke has a plate for you too." – She was still staring at me incredibly.

"Luke is back." – She repeated.

"I know. I can see him."

"He's back. He was away. Not here for a whole week."

"Oh, I get it now. You're surprised why I'm not jumping up and down on my bed like I'm sure you did this morning."

"Duh, yeah!" – Mom said as she sat down on the chair next to me.

"First of all…He wasn't here – here as in this house – for more than just one week.
Secondly…I knew he was back. We saw each other last night. How do you think he came into the house?"

"Oh, I haven't thought about that." – Luke placed two plates on the table and sat down too. Mom immediately focused on the food in front of her. A mouthful later she said. – "Oh, he could have broken in. He loves to do that."

"I don't love to do that."

"Well, you did break in once…actually twice. You know when you climbed up the tree."

"Don't tell that in front of Rory."

"He also broke the bells."

"Lorelai!" - "Luke!" – Both Luke and I spoke at the same time. He looked rather uncomfortable but I was highly amused.

"What? I didn't tell her that you did it both times. Oops, I guess I did now." – She smiled at him before taking another bite of her pancakes.

"Luke, I'm really disappointed. I'd have expected it from mom but not from you." – I tried to stay serious but couldn't so smiled at him brightly. I saw him relax visibly.

"Whose idea do you think it was?" – I gasped and looked over at my mom.

"Mom! I thought you liked the bells."

"I did in the beginning and then after a while they started to drive everyone crazy. Even Skinner gave us his blessing. That was a fun night." – Then after a short pause she added – "no, it actually wasn't that fun." – She looked over to Luke and I saw him nodding in agreement. I was curious what really had happened that night but I felt that it wasn't the right time to ask. Maybe some other time.

"You two. Like Bonnie and Clyde."

"That's how I called him too and Luke…" – He cut her off mid-sentence.

"Okay, enough of bells. Eat your food."

"Yes, sir." – Mom saluted and Luke rolled his eyes. I, for my part couldn't stop smiling.
Things were going back to normal. Finally.