az: And I wondered if I owned the world...

Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh in either the anime or the manga. If I OWNED Yugioh, Seto would be MINE--! Which is not, and I'm poor. Characters and original excerpts from the fic are copyrights of Kazuki Takahashi.

WARNING: Characters might go out of character... though I doubt that...

Lost and Found

The Haunting Past

Written by Azzie alias Izumi Ishtar




It has been several months after Yugi and the others went to Egypt to fulfil the Pharaoh's final destiny. And now with the start of the new term, Yugi and the others continue on their journey of life... embarking into the start of their fifth year high school term. Mokuba had begun starting his first year high school in Domino High too, and Shizuka also had transferred to Domino to continue her studies with her brother...


Domino High School, Class 5B1

'Now, since all of you had learnt partial differentials in the last topic... we'll apply this knowledge into this double integrals formula. Here, we have two type of the formula; if you can understand this concept, then you can easily solve problems involving multiple integrals with multiple variables easily--', lectured Toshihiko-sensei as Jyounouchi scratched his head frustratedly.

'Maa... what's with this multiple-- intogarel? It's so hard to understand--', moaned the lad as Kaiba, who had been leering at him from Yugi's side, smirking evilly. 'Really... I've wondered how the bonkutsu even managed to survive until this year...', muttered the lad softly as Yugi gave him a glare. 'Kaiba-kun... stop teasing him!', whispered Yugi urgently as he avoided Toshihiko-sensei's disapproved stare. Kaiba chuckled softly as he threw a wad of paper towards Yugi's desk.

Yugi blinked at him as he opened the crumpled-up paper and snorted as he read the statement. Toshihiko-sensei turned around again as Yugi and Kaiba tried vainly to keep their faces straight.

The teacher sighed as he continued the lecture. Jyounouchi moaned again as he fumbled over the difficult math problem...


Thirty minutes later, the class was interrupted as a well-dressed man entered the class. Toshihiko-sensei motioned the class to continue solving their given exercises as he went out to talk to the visitor. Seconds later, he reentered the room as he looked toward both Yugi and Kaiba. The teacher cleared his throat as he walked towards them.

'Mutou-kun, Kaiba-kun... can you please follow the gentleman to the office?', he said as both lads stood in alarm. The teacher smiled as he motioned the two out of the class. 'Don't worry... both of you hadn't done anything wrong--', he said as both of them went out towards the office.

Jyounouchi and the other classmates looked towards their directions as Toshihiko-sensei ordered them back to solving their exercise...


Yugi burst into giggling bouts as both of them walked towards the office. 'Kaiba-kun...! How could you come out with those strange idioms about Jyounouchi?', cried Yugi as Kaiba smirked. 'Haa... did you forget that I am a genius?'

Yugi rolled his eyes at him as he saw the faint smile on his lips. 'Well, I've got this feeling that you just did this for fun--', he muttered as Kaiba gave a look of mock surprise. Both of them chuckled as the office door opened to revealed several grim-faced people. Seto frowned as the door closed in from behind them...


'No, leave Mokuba out of this! Even so-- this had nothing to do with either me or Yugi. So, hands off--', gasped Kaiba as both himself and Yugi were forced to follow the men out of the school. Otogi frowned as he paused from heading back to his own class, puzzled about the incident. He dashed towards the direction as he saw a glimpse of Seto's disgruntled look before exiting the corridors...


Mokuba glanced out of the window as Miss Rumiko rattled about the classic poetry of romance made by the same person who wrote Romeo and Juliet. He sighed...

Why on earth did we have to learn about these stupid literature thingie...

Mokuba sighed again as his eyes caught sight of people going out of the school compound while turning his attention back to class. Taken by surprise, he looked back at the direction of the area as the car already left with its occupants. The boy blinked as he looked back into the pages of English Literature book 1 on his desk. Funny... I thought I saw nii-sama and Yugi among those people. Nah... must have been a trick of the eye--, he sighed as he pretended to be slightly interested in the subject.


Hours later...

It was a quiet evening in Domino that day. But the silence of it was broken as some random cars and motorbikes passing by with a resounding boom of its individual exhaust pipes. And a short lad dashed across the streets as he headed to the small game shop in haste.

The small bell chimed its sweet ring as the lad stopped for breath.The other occupant turned their heads towards him as Mokuba looked up towards them, wide-eyed. 'Nii-sama... have you guys seen him?-!', Mokuba gasped as Jyounouchi, Honda, Anzu and Otogi looked at him in similar shock. Shizuka had just came out from the living room as Anzu burst out at him.

'What do you mean... Kaiba-kun hadn't returned home too?', she gasped as Shizuka ushered all of them to talk in the living room. Mokuba nodded as he looked around the house. 'Where's everyone... and Yugi--?', he muttered as Jyounouchi looked at him with unreadable expression.

'What--?', said the boy as Jyounouchi spoke. 'Ojii-san and okaa-san was away on some trip so that left Yugi staying here by himself. But, it was better this way--'

Mokuba frowned. 'So--? What's it got to do with my question?'

Anzu and the others cast a sad look at him as she opened her mouth. 'Yugi... was gone too. This morning... both of them got a call from the office--'

'--and didn't come back to class after that. ', added Honda as Otogi continued, 'I had overheard Kaiba-kun shouting at someone... but I never thought--' Shizuka walked up towards Mokuba, holding up a familiar suitcase. 'Mokuba-kun... Kaiba-san no... kaban--', she said hesitantly as Mokuba took it from her in disbelief. 'What... Nii-sama... Yugi?', cried Mokuba as the phone suddenly rang, making everyone in the room jumped in surprise.

Shizuka briskly picked up the phone as everyone looked at here expectantly. But it doesn't help to soothe their worries as Shizuka's eyes widened and she collapsed to the floor, shaking. Feeling overwhelmed and puzzled over his sister's shocked reaction, Jyounouchi rushed over as Shizuka looked up at him. 'Onii-chan--', she gasped weakly...

'Nani... Shizuka? Doshite--'(1)

'Kaiba-san... Yugi-san to--', (2) she whispered as Jyou grabbed the receiver only to catch the remaining sentence as the person on the line spoke...

/We've already sent them to the Domino hospital. Frankly speaking, both of them had only minor second degree burns and suffered some injuries--/

Jyounouchi let go of the receiver in shock as he turned towards his other friends. 'Please... don't kid me like this--', he gasped as the others started to feel more than slightly alarmed. Mokuba was about to speak as Jou-chan regained himself and picked up the receiver again. 'Err... yes, gomen... aa, we'll come. Thank you--', he faintly spoke as he ended the call. He silently ushered Shizuka to stand up as he glanced towards Mokuba.

'Mokuba... can you get a car here? I think all of us should hurry to the hospital--'

Mokuba looked at him almost hysterically as Anzu looked at him in alarm. 'Jyounouchi... What happened to them!'

'There was an explosion--', Shizuka whimpered as the others gasped. Jyounouchi looked away as he added, '--Kaiba and Yugi were caught in it--', he said as Mokuba's body shook with fear...

'Nani... nii-sama!'


The clean white corridors of the Domino hospital felt seemingly hollow as the six youngsters waited patiently in front of the emergency room. Eventually the emergency sign was turned off and the doors opened as nurses took out both patients out of the emergency room. All of them watched the nurses passes them as they rushed towards the doctor, who had just came out.

'Sensei... what was wrong with them--?', asked Jyounouchi as they others were too numbed and shocked to say anything. The doctor glanced over all of them and cleared his throat. 'Are all of you... relatives of the two patients?', said the doctor as Jyounouchi shook his head. 'Mokuba here... was Kaiba's brother while the rest of us are their friends. Yugi's mum and grandfather were away for some time... and we couldn't contact them.', explained Jyounouchi as the doctor nodded.

'I see--', he muttered as he flicked up some paper on his hand. He glanced towards all of them as he ushered the youngsters to sit. 'It's been late... and a rough night. I understand that what I gonna say right now... might be hard to hear or accept, but--', the doctor spoke, as he tried to clear his throats again. 'Both Seto Kaiba and Yugi Mutou had suffered minor burns and bruises, but don't worry... it's not life-threatening--' The youngsters nodded as the doctor continued. 'Mutou Yugi had a dislocated elbow, but apart of that, there are no broken bones... though we suspected that he might have been hit by the fallen planks during the fire, because of the bruising. I guess... that both of them had been trying so hard to escape, if not because of the explosion after that--'

'Nii-sama... what about nii-sama?', Mokuba gasped weakly as the doctor looked at him with sadness. 'Both of them had received some impact because of the explosion... And Seto Kaiba--', Mokuba's eyes went wild as Anzu and Shizuka tried their best to calm the frantic lad.

'--had received an impact on his head. Might have been a concussion... but don't worry, both of them will be alright. Their lives are not in danger anymore, even if they had inhaled a lot of smoke... they will be fine--', the doctor said as he tried his best to sound consoling. Mokuba looked to the floor as he muttered softly.

'When... can I come... see him?'

The doctor smiled at the younger lad as well as the rest of them. 'Tomorrow-- hopefully.', he said as Mokuba nodded...


The day after...

Mokuba hesitated as his hands reached over towards the door knob.

Shizuka placed a hand over his shoulder as the boy looked up towards her, Jyounouchi and Anzu. Jyounouchi nodded at him as he glanced towards his remaining friends. 'Both of us will wait here--', Otogi reassured him as Honda put up a peace sign. Jyounouchi nodded again as the four of them entered the room.

Inside, the four of them saw Yugi lying on one of the hospital beds... still unconscious. Jyounouchi and the others felt pain as they saw Yugi in such a fragile state. But a slight sound beside them caused them to turn, as Kaiba struggled to sit up from the bed. Both Mokuba and Shizuka immediate went towards him as they helped him up. Relieved that at least one of them was okay, (and ignoring the fact that Jyounouchi doesn't really wanted to admit that ha was worried about Kaiba too) he and Anzu rushed towards him to check him up.

'Kaiba! How are you? What happened? Why were you two got caught in the burning building at the first place?', blurted Jyounouchi as Kaiba gave him a terrified look. 'Onii-chan!', scolded Shizuka as Mokuba hissed at him, 'Nii-sama had just waken up!'

'Can't you see that Kaiba-kun was still unwell?', scolded Anzu too as Jyounouchi muttered his apologies.

Shizuka sighed to herself as she tried to calm Kaiba. 'Don't you mind about onii-chan. He's just as worried as we are--'

Kaiba merely stared at her as confusion was clearly written on his face. 'Gomen... demo, omae-tachi... dare... ka?' (3), said Kaiba as the four of them looked at them in disbelief...

'Nii-sama--?', gasped Mokuba as Seto looked towards him blankly...

(1) What...Shizuka? Why did--

(2) Kaiba... and Yugi...

(3) Sorry... but, you guys... who are you?

az: 'looked at fic' I... can't believe that I did it! sigh... I really envy ppl who can make silly fanfics out of their whims... even if the ideas are unoriginal... me? I often can only make angst fics with whatever tragedies thrown in... and when WILL I updated the REST of my unfinished fics... I wondered myself... sigh... again...