Forever is a promise

Pairings: Buffy/Spike; Willow/Oz; Xander/Cordelia

Summary: Buffy and Spike have been best friends since the 6th grade. Buffy has always had somewhat of a crush on Spike, but spike was always oblivious. Only when the cutest guy in school (other than, Angel, asks Buffy to the homecoming dance, does Spike start getting jealous.

Rating: pg-13 to start then to R

Disclaimer: I own nothing, joss owns everything.

Contact: To e-mail me


Chapter one

Buffy was walking down the hallway of Sunnydale high. She couldn't get over the fact that she was a senior. Seemed like only yesterday she was a newbie in town, going to Sunnydale Middle. It was there she met the best friend she'd ever had. She'd first ran into Willow and Xander. They were in her History class, and history was Buffy's worst subject. She'd taken the seat behind the duo, and had pretty much kept to herself, when Xander had said hi to her. She'd first been very wary of him. He seemed kind of... hyper to her. That was the only way she could describe him. She'd politely said hi back to him, but had remained silent for the rest of the class. When class was over, Willow had turned around to say hi as well. Lunch had been a completely different story. She didn't have any clue as to where to sit, when she spotted Willow. She had taken a deep breath and walked over to her table. Once there she saw Xander, and a blonde boy she didn't know. It was the blonde boy who had noticed her first.

" Um, can we help you with something?"

Buffy had been ready to bolt right then and there, but Xander and Willow had turned towards her, and smiled. Xander had stood up to greet her.

" Well, hi! Welcome to Sunnydale, don't mind Spike here, he doesn't mean anything by it." That had been where it started. Buffy had looked over at the blonde boy, like she wanted to toss her lunch on him.

" Hi, I'm Buffy Summers."

She had to sit in only available seat left, which was by Spike. It was obvious how nervous she was, because Spike grinned at her.

" It's okay ducks, I'm not going to hurt you. I thought you from Cordy's crowd." Buffy smiled hesitantly at him.

" Is your real name Spike?"

Spike had just grinned at her. She'd fallen in love with that smile of his. So, was the beginning of great friendships. The four of them had become practically inseparable. Buffy's mom hadn't liked the idea of her hanging out with the two boys at first, but then she'd met them. That was usually everyone's first though, until they saw the interaction between them.

Spike was in a sour mood. He'd been wanting to ask Buffy a specific question all week, and it looked like someone had beat him to it. Granted, he should have asked Buffy a long time ago, instead of waiting for the last minute, but he'd been nervous. He'd liked the little chit since he'd first saw her standing behind Willow in the lunch room. Why he'd never said anything to her, was beyond him. He was going to ask her to the Homecoming dance, but it looked like some Nancy boy asked her first. He walked over to where she was standing.

" Hey Buffy, how's it going?" She turned and smiled at him.

" Hey! Where have you been? You missed first period!" She giggled as she chastised him. He grinned back

" I was in the guidance counselor's office. Going over my senior project. So, I hear that you have a date to the homecoming dance."

He didn't think it possible, but her grin got even wider.

" Yes! Angel Cunningham asked me! I was so shocked! I was soo not expecting that one. Who are you taking?"

Spike just grunted.

" I don't know. I haven't really thought about it. Wouldn't have even known you had a date, but I overheard Angel and his cronies talking about it." Buffy glared at him.

" I don't understand why you don't like him. He's never been anything but nice to any of us."

Before Spike could make a comment, Willow and Xander ran up to them. Willow was jumping up and down, and screaming something.

" Buffy! Oz just asked me to the dance! I almost said no, because I was so freaked! HE likes me Buffy!!!"

Buffy grinned at her.

" That's great wil!" She looked over at Xander.

" Who is the lucky lady for you, Xan?" Xander just blushed.

" I don't really have anyone picked out yet. I thought maybe I'd ask Amy. She doesn't have a date, or maybe Tara. I'm more leaning towards Tara. Hey, maybe Spike can take the one I don't."

Spike glared over at Xander.

" that's alright, mate, I'm thinking of asking Drusilla or Darla."

Buffy jerked her head towards him. She hated those girls. They were always making fun of Willow, and Buffy had told them off a couple of times for it.

" You'd really go with one of those skanks?" Spike just raised his eyebrows.

The bell rang then and they all had to go to class.