I pull up into the parking lot of Jounouchi's apartment building and walk into the building, climb up the 3 flights of stairs to my destination.

Finally here... I look at the door and take a deep breath, I attempt to knock but I thought of the time, would I really look desperate if I came here early? "Hn.. 7:05... 5 minutes late... not bad, I guess. Could be later. Whatever."

Quite frankly, I worry too much about what people think of me. Everyone is supposed to fear me, know I'm a genius, envy me for my luxury, I'm supposed to be quiet and cold... I like it that way, I won't let anyone else see anything different. Last thing I need is for someone like Jounouchi to think that I have nothing else better to do than visit his sorry ass cuz I'm "desperate" or "lonely" or something.

After contemplating on that thought, I realized that 2 minutes went by... 7:07... nice uneven number, it'll do.

I knock.

"Katsuya-homie! There's a knock at da dizzor! hic"

Pathetic... the guy I came to see lives with a man just as pathetic as he is, maybe even worse.

I hear foot steps coming towards me, getting louder and louder...

"Dad! Get off the table!"

The door opens...

"... Hey."

He doesn't even look at me.

"Good evening."

"hic Everything is different everything's not the saaaame!"

"Damn it dad!"

Mr. Jounouchi falls off the table and lands on his head in the dining room with a really loud thud. I feel sorry for the down stairs neighbors.


Jou starts walking towards him but stops when the older Jounouchi gets up and walks away laughing like an idiot like nothing happened.

"Heh heh heh."

"... I'm leaving dad. Don't do anything too stupid."

"hic I'm drunk not stu--- Oooh! I almost walked into that one! HAHA! Clever!"

Jou rolls his eyes and slams the door and crosses his arms. I just look at him... I don't know what to say about this whole situation with his father... is it even his father that's bothering him?

He starts walking with his arms still crossed.

"Let's get out of here and go... somewhere."

"How about my place? I don't really want to go anywhere."

"Fine, you're the one driving..."

We walk all the way down stairs, I made sure to stay ahead of him so I could open the door for him... you know, to make things less weird... sure, I was never this nice to him when we were... 'seeing' each other but, this kinda relived some tension, I guess.

Jou gets into the car, doesn't look at me, no thank you, no nothing... what did I expect?

I get in on my side of the car and start it up and pull out of the parking lot and music is playing quietly. It's a Radiohead, Hail to the Thief CD, I don't know if he likes Radiohead... oh well, not like I should care, it's my car. Play what I want, right?

On the drive there, he doesn't look at me, or talk to me. It's creepy.

We drive into my drive way and we walk towards my mansion and walk into the nearest living room and we both sit down and say nothing. It's still really quiet. I decide to break the silence.

"What do you want to eat?"

"I don't care."

"... Alright, are you even hungry?"


"That's a surprise."

He's motionless.

"Want to play some music?"

"Don't care."

"... Fine."

I feel like an idiot, I called him just so I could sit in my living room and plan stupid shit?! This is nothing like me! I have better things to do... He's obviously still pissed off about what happened, do I dare bring it up? Hell yeah I do. That's the kind of person I am, I get right down to the point...

"Katsuya, I do feel bad... you know, about us breaking up."

He looks up and looks at me... for the first time, all night... he actually looked at me.

"... We were going out?"

"... Yeah? I guess. C'mon Jou, I have more respect for myself than that."

"But we were just 'fucking'"

"... True, but you were unofficially mine anyways."

".......... possessive fuck."

"You could say that."

"You make no sense what so ever. We had an agreement to just fucking and you say we together?!"

"Hmm... my way of saying we're together. Not too many people get to be fucked by the almighty Kaiba. Consider it an honor."

"Pompous ass."

I let out a laugh throwing my head back and Jou jumps... he's never heard me laugh.

"Anyways... how was work?"


"I see."

Why is Jou changing the subject?

"Why did you call me again? Miss me or do you really need head again?"

"Tch, head? From you? You need work."

"To hell with you, Kaiba"

"Sorry... you just need improvement, pup."

He crosses his arms and legs and sulks in the chair with a really pissed off look on his face.

"You know, Jou, I could teach you. I'm a good teacher."

"Whatever, I said I didn't want to have sex with you."

"Giving head isn't sex."

"It's oral sex, alright? I don't want anything to do with your package tonight, Kaiba"

"Heh heh heh... we don't have to use the actual thing... we could use a carrot or something!"

"A carrot? No way, Kaiba. I hate carrots."

"So we'll use your thumb or something!"


"Damn it, jou! Why not!?"

"Because I'll never be able to look at it the same way again."

Stubborn mutt.

"Fine... okay, whatever.... I'm going to make some pasta, want to come with?"

"Err... sure?"

Jou and I leave the living room and walkthrough my labyrinth of a mansion and enter the kitchen. I take out the noodles, the sauce, and start boiling water.

"... You make the simplest looking, crappiest pasta I've ever seen, Kaiba"

"Whatever! This'll taste good!"

"Probably... Where's Mokuba?"

"He's at the arcade with some friends. He does this every friday. I prefer to do extra work... but I was... eeh... tired."

"Uh huh..."

Damn it... good one Kaiba... like he believes that. I must really feel like shit for letting him go.

After some time, the pasta finishes and we're sitting in the living room again watching "The Hulk", a DVD that Mokuba just purchased... Mokuba and Jou seem to have alot in common, I know Mokuba likes this, Jou will too, right?

Holy shit... Jou is a liar. He ate his pasta in less than 2 minutes. And it was a big huge ass bowl too.

"Uhm... Kaiba?"

I finish eating the food in my mouth before I reply.


"When am I going home?"

"... Why don't you spend the night?"

"... Uhm, I gotta look after my dad, only god knows what he'll do if I don't keep an eye on him."

"I see."

Jou is a terrible liar... I understand that he doesn't want to sleep over here after all that.

"Yeah... it's getting late anyways, it's about 9:30 now, sorry it's been so short, but I really should."

"Of course. Let's go then."

We both start walking out towards the mansion, I stop him by grabbing him by the wrist and look at him in the eyes and pull him close. This has been on my mind almost all day...

"Tell me... Jou, I really am the one you love, right?

"Well... I... don't know... if I love you or not, it was misunderstood."


"Well... I, kinda have Honda now."


That fucking..... now it makes sense as to why he was in my business during lunch.

"Since when?" I continue

"Uhm... a while, but... he'll care for me back and--"


"... Kaiba?"

"Jou, I'm the only one who can have you."

"You're one possessive bastard, you know that?"

"No! Jou... I... I didn't take you seriously when you said you loved me. I didn't deserve you to say that. I didn't."

"Kaiba? you feelin' alright?"

"Jou... Look... prove it to me that you love me, and kiss me like you mean it, okay? I need to know for sure."

He has a look of shock and hesitation on his face... He can't even look at me. Did he really forget about me that fast for Honda?

"Just take me home."

..... I fucking feel like an ass now, I'd rather have one of my drivers give him a ride instead of taking him home. Now I know how he feels, rejection sucks. I fear rejection more than almost anything. I never should've fucking said anything, I want to fucking die now.

".... alright"

We get into my car again... no words like last time... only soft music...

Pull up to his apartment building... no good byes or anything, he closes the door and I drive off as fast as I can and go back home... this is all my fucking fault. It's amazing that I manage to make Jou and myself feel like shit in less than 48 hours.

And what the FUCK does he mean he's kinda with Honda?! If he's with Jou, there will be hell to pay. Jou is mine, not Honda's... I won't fucking stand for this. I won't. Honda will be sorry he ever got into this mess.


w0007, it was alright in my book.

I own my own copy of "Radiohead - Hail to the Thief" but it doesn't mean that I came up with it or anything.

And the Hulk too... yeah.

Reviews are awesome.