All Buffy characters were created by Joss Whedon. Not me.

Written for Open on Sunday LJ community's challenge #85, Illness/Sickness.

by Zzilly14

It started out as a little cough when she woke up; by lunchtime she was puking in the bathroom.

"Giles!" she moaned as she entered the library. "What's wrong with me?"

The Watcher looked at her with concern. Her eyes were watering and she kept blowing her nose with a worn tissue every few seconds.

"I think it might be a cold, Buffy."

"But I'm the Slayer. I don't get sick."

He smiled warmly. "I'll go make you some tea."

"Tea? Giles, I don't look British... do I?" she asked before sneezing.

"Poor girl is delirious," Giles muttered to himself.


"It's a little hot, but it'll make you feel a little better."

Giles set the mug in front of Buffy, who was sitting at one of the library tables. She stared at the rising steam sadly.

"Can you call my mom and tell her I'm sick?"

"Already done," he assured. "She's on her way."

"Thanks, Giles. You think of everything." She coughed before taking a sip of the drink. "Even tea. How long do colds usually last?"

"Only a few days. As long as you get plenty of rest and fluids."

"Okay, Dad," she mocked sarcastically, causing Giles to grin.