Harry Potter and the Curse of the Magi

I do not own Harry Potter nor do I own the cameo apperances from a few anime characters. I do own Pan and Logan and the concept of this story. JK dropped a bomb that Dumbledore was supposedly gay......... Who cares. Shes milked the HP franchise as much as she could. I'd like to see what else she can come up with but wont hold my breath if she messes up and becomes a recluse author.

"..." Indicates Speech

"..." Indicates Thoughts

"..." Indicate Telepathy

"..."Indicates Parseltounge

Chapter 22 My Karma just ran over your Dogma

Slowly the figure removed the hood and what the family saw was strawberry red hair and the most shocking was the deep red color or her pupils. She removed the cloak entirely and she was wearing a red military uniform, Black knee high socks, A pair or military issued combat boots and gloves. She wasnt overly tall but she radiated a aura of someone who was a danger to anyone who she deemed a threat. She has a shapely figure and the uniform showed it off in spades as it seemed the shirt was straining to contain her impressive bust and the skirt was just short of being obscene. Needless to say that all the people present were stunned silent and Fred and Georges jaws were hanging open like fresh caught fish.

"Hello everyone" the figure stated shyly and again took Charlies arm and he smiled at her softly. "Everyone i'd like you too meet my girlfriend Seras Victoria. Seras this is my mother Molly. My father Arthur. The two idiots gaping like fish and had better knock it off or they'll be sorry are Fred and George the twins. The daper dandyman over there is my brother Bill. Then last but not least is my eldest brother Ron and baby sister Ginny." The baby comment made Ginny growl a bit and Fred and George both snapped thier jaws shut.

Seras waved a bit nervously and rubbed the back of her head while smiling. "Charlie has told me loads about you all, I hope I'm not intruding on anything important she then took the offered seat next to Charlie and then looked at him.

Charlie kissed her cheek and the resulting blush and smile was priceless as Bill gave Charlie the thumbs up, Molly smiled at the young woman and gently took the girls hand in hers. "Well dear your welcome here anytime. I'm happy my charlie has found someone to spend his time with instead of always dealing with those dragons he admires so much. I do hope you can convience him to give it up and maybe find a diffrent field to get involved into. I always hoped he would find a nice ministry job or something." this was met by Seras snapping her head to Charlie and with narrowed eyes she snarled

"CHARLES HAVE YOU NOT TOLD YOUR FAMILY YET? " Her eyes were a frightenly deep glowing red and the smile on her face was replaced by now a row of teeth that looked sharper then usual but the canines were now full fledged fangs. The family was in shock and Molly and Arthur gasped as Charlie simply lowered his head. Here in the kitchen of the burrow thier own son had brought a creature of pure horror, A vampire.

Charlie then raised his head and noticed his family now had thier wands out openly and Seras was simply standing before them all and had a raised eyebrow to them all. Ginny and Ron were screaming at Charlie while Molly was crying about how thier son had betrayed them and Arthur was comforting his wife while Bill, Fred, George had thier wands pointed at the young undead woman.

"WHOA WHOA WHOA PUT THE WANDS AWAY!!!!!!!" Charlie jumped up and stood infront of Seras protecting her from his family. This was met by Molly crying even more about how her boy had been turned by the monster but that was ended by Charlie yelling at her. " MOTHER!!!!! SERAS HAS NOT TURNED ME. I'M STILL HUMAN DAMNIT." he softly wrapped his arms around Seras who had changed back and was sobbing softly into his shoulder as the family slowly clamed down. Wands were lowered but not put away as Charlie rubbed Seras's back and whispered soothingly into her ear.

"Charlie I think you owe me and your mother an explanation and please make it quick as I don't think your mother can stand anymore shocks today." Arthur stated and rubbed Mollys back to help her calm down. Seras was staring at Charlie with a look that could melt solid steel and leave him a puddle of red bloody goo if he didnt fess up and come clean.

"Ok your right Seras I should tell them." Charlie stated softly and then looked at both his parents. "I didnt just come home on vacation mum and dad. I came home cause I quit being a dragon handler when I was recruited by the people Seras works for. She will not drink our blood as magical blood is a bit to "spicy" for her taste but thats beside the point. I've been training for the upcoming war and before you ask the answer is yes some of the muggles do know about whats going on. Seras's employer is Sir Integral Fairbrook Windgates Hellsing of the Hellsing organization." Charlie looked at Seras and saw her smiling softly as he was finally telling them the truth. It had been hard for him to leave Romania at first cause he did have a honest love for Dragons but when he had been told he was being released of duty and moved back to England he had mixed emotions.

Seras had been dispatched to Romania to meet Charlie as instructed by Integra and escourt him to the Hellsing compound but was surprised to meet Charlie in a bar and downing shots of firewhiskey. She had introduced herself to him and he merely shrugged before turning on his stool and staring slack jawed at her. He seemed to sober up a bit as Sera went about introductions and the reason he was being recruited by Hellsing. It all came back to her majesty the queen stating at a meeting of the secret order that a uprising in the magical world causing the attacks in England.

The Queen had told Integra that Hellsing would be the one to handle this threat and anything she needed was at her disposal. Integra had taken this to heart and had met with a few people from the Ministry of Magic and after being told of some of the creatures she could expect she began looking for experts in certain fields to help with fighting them. Charlie had been praised as a expert dragon handler and was still in posession of his wits "as well as all his limbs" by many people and had been one of the top people on the list for recruitment.

Seras and Charlie had travelled home and he was brought infront of Integra and he had been told almost the samething as Seras had told him in Romania and that he would be trained in muggle warfare and given the position of field commander after he paseed his training and they met up with real dragons. Charlie at first was a bit sceptical at muggles being able to handle the great lizards but that fear was put to rest as suddenly a large black hole opened on the wall and outstepped a rather imposing figure dressed in a long red duster style coat wearing a victorian suit under it and a large brimmed red fedora hat.

Charlie jumped at first when seeing the dispaly that the man had put on but Integra and Seras had seemed rather relaxed as this was almost like a everyday occurance. The figure had been introduced as Seras's master and Integra had named him Alucard. Charlie took a moment to let it imprint into his mind that this creature was none other then the famous Dracula from legend. Integra had told Charlie of the plans to protect the rest of muggle england by using Alucard to help with the attacks and to protect the queen. The only help the magical world would get would be Seras and him as Hellsing was under forced and the Wild Geese were currently all they had to help with the muggle attacks.

Charlie had excelled in training and learned about firearms and unarmed combat. With his physique from handling dragons he was a powerhouse in strength and stamina but was still only able to get the basic training down easy. The more advance training came slower but with encouragement from Seras the training

went easier and he had finally passed his requirements. He had been given a dress uniform and his rank established, Seras had been there when Integra stated that Charle and herself should go visit his family before the war got too heavy and so with her approval Charlie and Seras had come to visit.

"So mum and dad i'm sorry I didnt tell you sooner and im sorry for having to cover up the truth. Can ya forgive me? " Charlie had asked and waited to see how his parents reacted to the news. He was surprised when Arthur had merely placed a hand on his shoulder and nodded but then turned to glace at Seras and nodded at her as well.

"Charlie me and your mother are glad you got away from dragons but are you sure this is what you want. I mean vampires and muggle weapons on top of the fact that the dark lord is a force that isnt to be taken lightly," Arthur asked as Seras was still being watched by a few of the others by wands were put away at least.

"Yeah Dad I'm sure about this. Besides its becoming everyones fight and we have to step up against the threat to our home and country, As the Hellsing motto goes, In the name of god. All impure souls of the damned be sentenced to eternal damnation." Seras said amen after Charlie and then came up behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Dad I know what I want and this is part of it, There is one thing else I want and thats the family's acceptance of my relationship with Seras. Not all vampires are evil or mindless bloodsuckers that steal little children or virgins. Me and Seras have not done anything improper and we agree that it will never happen where she will turn me against my will."

Molly had been the first to make a move and swiftly hugged Seras and then Charlie followed by a extra spot at the table being made ready for Seras. The young draculina had blushed at the sudden change of attitude from his mother and smiled as the rest of the family seemed to accept it. She took Charlies hand in hers and they both sat down to eat dinner and it seemed to be off to a better start before Ron in typical fashion made asked a stupid question.

"She can eat normal food right?" Luna slapped him upside the head while Ginny elbowed him in the stomach and laughter erupted as he groaned and whimpered while Luna commented on him needing to learn more "tact".

Seras merely smiled and nodded at Molly and Arthur before she described it to them. "Despite the rumors we can indeed consume human food. It just dont replenish us as well as blood does, I can drink tea and get drunk just like anyone else but not suffer the conciquences. I do bleed but I heal rapidly enough that I cannot really die from loss I just get really weak. I do sleep in a coffin cause it contains soil from my place of birth and that gives me strength. I can go in sunlight but after a few hours it gets a bit itchy and i do kinda burn. Since my master is the "No-Life King" I do have some of his abilities but until he releases me from him I'm not as powerful as he is. To do that I need to freely drink his blood and a oath needs to be taken, we havent discussed it and I kind of like the way things are with Master so thats why I havent asked him".

Luna nodded as Seras spoke and seemed to follow the conversation while the others were wondering what else the vampire could do.

Harry and the others had finally landed from thier flight and Logan, Tonks and Remus were well rested but Hermoine and Harry looked completely exhausted., Hermione had noticed it first as the plane crossed the white cliffs of Dover that Harrys scar had been flairing up and Harry stated that "Tommys pouting" was being felt by the two. Hermione then stated that they would have to focus on his mental training and try to keep Voldemort from realising what was going on.

Logan and Remus had presented thier credentials at the gate and were gathering thier luggage when they heared a voice ask. " Tell me Mr Potter was it nessesary to go all the way to Canada? " Logan and Pan spun quickly and faced the person, Harry and the others were relaxed as they recognized the voice as the aged and sagely tone of Albus Dumbledore.

"Greetings Headmaster I'm sorry to disappoint but I left for a reason. And before you ask yes I know the Dursleys are dead but to be honest I really can't focus on that since I have more to worry about. I'm in a fight for my life and I'll be damned if I loose to Tom, You and me both know the prophecy and so do the people here and they agree I need to train harder and get a edge in this fight. This power he knows not is indeed a puzzle but i'm sure with my training and the weapons we have we'll be able to beat him once and for all.

Albus was dressed in a simple muggle suit and wore oxford shoes and a bowler hat. His beard seemed to be even longer and the lines in the man face were more pronounced from worry but the twinkle in the eyes were as bright as ever as the old man popped a lemon drop. "Your right Harry and I want to apologise for not helping you out sooner. I thought that I could protect you a little longer so you could enjoy life, This was my mistake and I have decided to correct that by allowing you access to the restricted section of the library at hogwarts as well as access to the headmasters personal library in my chambers.

Hermione heard this and was a bit stunned since never in the history of Hogwarts had the headmaster ever allowed a student access to the past headmasters personal library, She could only fathom the spells that were in the precious tomes and notes of headmasters past. She pouted a bit at the idea that she couldnt join Harry there but was put at ease when Dumbledore stated. "Of coarse Mr Potter will need help with this task as the tomes are covered in ancient runes. I'm sure young Miss Granger would be of immense help in this area.

Harry looked at Dumbledore and decided to voice his opinions. "Well Headmaster I appreciate all that but what would also be a huge help would be if Hermione and myself were members of the Order. I know we are underaged but even you have to admit the information shared would be of immense help. Plus the others that joined me at the ministry that night also need to be included as I couldnt have done all that without thier help sir."

Dumbledore stared at Harry and finally gave in at the determination that he saw in the young wizard. "Very well Mr Potter we will induct you and Miss Granger at tonights meeting but as for the others i'll leave that up to them and thier parents. You know Molly will not take kindly to having her young Ronald and Ginny involved in this war. Also Mr Longbottom's grandmother I'm sure would have a opinion in that matter, however I will put forth the motion. Now with all that handled I believe a spot of tea or perhaps a nice brandy would be in order,"

Harry frowned a bit. "You mean off to Black Manor correct sir?" Harry felt even worse when he saw the nod and was going to object when he felt Hermione wrap her arms around him and whispered assurances to him that it was probably for the best if they went there instead of anywhere else. With a large sounding pop Dumbledore had apparated them all.

A.N. OK so here we have Chapter 22 and I gotta admit Im not too sure about the chapter and im starting to think i'm kinda overlapping the chapters at times. As usual I want to thank the large number of reviewers and alerts people have gone and put my story under. I hope your enjoying it here and I hope to keep you all entertained. Thanks go out to my support Keri who has kept me on a even keel asking when Im gonna be done writing this and to keep working.