Chapter 22

The End

By: The Angel Heaven Sent

Disclaimer: I don't own Final Fantasy 8

Many People say that in really life a happy ending is never possible, but others say all you need to do is believe. Squall Leonheart never thought it possible to find the one you love, and if it did, he never thought it would last very long. But that was before he meet the one and Only Rinoa Heartily. Rinoa showed him that not only is love possible, but one is never truly alone.

After all the obstacles they went through, they still ended up on the top, and one year later ready to get married.

"I can't believe you Squall are the first out of all of us to get married," Zell Dintch, Squall's best man stated.

"I know, and I don't know what I'm doing," said a pacing Squall, who was looking in the body length mirror fixing his tie.

"Of course you do, you're getting married to Rinoa soon to be Leonheart," Irvine said patting Squall on the shoulder, trying to calm him down, "And why so nervous now, huh? You know she loves you, you know you love her, what's the problem?"

"What's the problem? What if we get married, but then it doesn't last long, what am I going to do if she leaves. What if she leaves before the wedding even starts," Squall half-yelled.

"She didn't leave Squall, calm down," Zell said, getting a little worried for his friend, who has never been this worried before, "If you want I can go check on her for you." He added while walking toward the door.

"Would you," Squall asked.

"Sure, but I don't know why you're worried," Zell said, closing to door behind him.

Zell couldn't believe how much Squall had changed over time, with Rinoa there, always keeping him form going back into his own little world. Wow, the times really have changed, Zell thought to himself with a smile.

"Hey guys, are you decent," Zell asked, knocking on the door to the room in which the girls were changing in.

"Yeah Zell, come on in," Zell heard Selphie's muffled voice say from inside.

"Hey girls, how's it going," Zell asked, coming inside, "Wow, you all look amazing!"

Selphie and Ellone were all wearing identical simple, black halter-top dresses that reach the knees with a pleaded bottom and pearl necklaces. Rinoa was wearing a pure white strapless gown that hugged her body, while flaring out at the waist, making here look like an angel.

"Hey Zelly, what's up," Ellone asked him.

"Oh Squall is getting a little paranoid that Rinny might leave him hanging," Zell said, making it seem like it's nothing big.

"Does he have that little faith in me," Rinoa scoffed, although one could hear the nervousness in her voice.

"No, he's just worried; with you know everything that has happened in the past." Zell said, laughing at Rinoa's attempt to hide her nervousness.

"Everything is ready Rin, the wedding starts in five minutes," Quistis said, sticking her head through opened the door.

"Thanks Quisty. Okay Zell go tell Squall that it's starting soon, and try to find Laguna also," Rinoa said, putting the finishing touches on her makeup, as Zell got up and left.

Squall stood there, in front of the priest, waiting for Rinoa to come up the isle, wit Laguna there, in place of her father. Hearing the traditional bridal song, Squall felt his heart start beating like crazy, and his hands get all sweaty. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes and put his head down, I won't mess this up, I won't mess this up, Squall kept on chanting in his head.

He lifted up his head, and that was when he saw the most beautiful woman ever. His breath caught in his throat, and it felt as if he has left his body and was floating and in eternal bliss. The wedding continued, but Squall was barely paying attention to what the priest was saying, he just couldn't take his eyes off of her. Soon the end came and it was time to kiss the bride.

Squall snapping out of his trance, swept her up in a hug, and gave Rinoa a kiss on the lips, as the crowd cheering, then whispering in her ear "I love you," when they parted.

The bride and groom were dancing the traditional first dance to Eyes on Me, on the empty dance floor. Soon it was no longer empty as dancing couples soon joined them on the dance floor.

"I love you so much Squall," Rinoa said, resting her head upon his chest, "It was only about one year ago when I would dream about meeting you again Squall, and I guess it's true, what they say, that dreams can come true."

"Life was nothing without you Rin, I don't know what I would ever do if you left me," Squall said back.

"Well you won't have to worry about that, 'cause I'll never leave you Squall," Rinoa said, lifting her head to smile at him.

After a few more songs, Rinoa suggested that the go back to the table, where they saw all their friends cheering Zell on, who it looked like was trying to beat his hotdog eating record.

"Hey guys," Rinoa said, dragging Squall to the table, grasping his hand.

"Rinny," Selphie shouted, as every one cheered when Zell finish all the hotdogs, "look, Zell beat his old record."

"Wow, I never thought that possible," Squall said giving Zell a disgusted look as he let out a loud burp.

"Come on Squall, lighten up" Irvine said to him, thumping him on the back.

"Yeah Squall," Both Quistis and Ellone agreed.

"Rinny, Squally," Someone screamed from behind them, gathering the both in a big bear hig in which they both could barley breath in.

"Hey Laguna," Rinoa wheezed, as he let them go. Squall was giving him one of his death glares, as he didn't like getting hugged very much, unless it was Rinoa doing the hugging.

"I'm so happy," Laguna said with a sniffle, "My only son married, and to Rinny. I couldn't be happier," Laguna finished with a sob.

"Hey why don't we through the bouquet now," Rinoa asked everyone.

When the news spread out, all the females at the wedding came running. Rinoa turned around and threw it behind her. She turned around, and heard a happy squeal. It was Selphie. Rinoa turned to Irvine and saw the shocked look on his face and Squall patting him comfortingly on the shoulder, then turning to Rinoa.

"Ready to leave," he asked her.

"Oh yeah," Rinoa answered him, waving to her friend goodbye then getting into the car with Squall.

Life couldn't get any better than this.

The End

A.N Yay, I finally updated! I know you guys tell me not to apologize, but still, I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long, but I hate it when people give up on their stories, and I couldn't believe I was actually going to go that. I hope you like this chapter, and now hopefully I can finish my other story Rock in High School.