Title: Engaged
Author: Villemo
Disclaimer: As usual: I don't own them, be nice, don't sue me.
Summary: Sam has a talk with her dad ;)
AN: It's silly really, but just had to be done;p

-- oVo -- oVo -- oVo -- oVo --


"I'm getting engaged"
He looks at her, stares at her, before he:
She puts the plate down in front of him, and dries her hands, unnecessarily, on the kitchen towel, before answering.
Buying time.
"You heard me."
She looks down, and smiles.
"Yeah I...why now?"
"Because it was time - because he asked me."
She meets his eyes now, still smiling, but there is some insecurity there, like she's asking for his approval.
He is dumbfounded
"But how can he-" he trails off,
she seems to guess the rest of his question.
"It's not a problem; he's asked for a transfer."
The kitchen towel returns to its place on the counter.
His eyebrows do a meet and greet with his, ever receding, hairline.
"He what? he stammers "- but he loves his job; well maybe not the job so much, but the place, the people"
She looks at him, a little strangely he thinks, but answers in an even, if a little peevish, tone of voice.
"Well, he loves me more I guess..."
"Jack? no! Pete"

-- oVo -- oVo -- oVo -- oVo --

As always: reviews are adored:)
(c) Villemo 2004