Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any other character in this fan fiction, unless I made the person up -

Chibi-Kag ---well any ways, this is my first fan fiction so please go easy on me! I beg you!

Inuyasha ---feh! if you don't go easy on her, she'll start crying again...

Chibi-Kag ---it's not my fault! I should've started a fan fiction LONG time ago!

Sesshomaru ---stop the bickering! it's getting on my nerves!

Chibi-Kag ---sniff OK, fine...Also the name Asumi, I think I stole it from someone... anyways, if I did, I give you credit right now, THANK YOU TO WHOEVER MADE THE NAME 'ASUMI', I LOVE THE NAME!! ON WITH THE STORY!

'Thinking or thoughts'



It was a wonderful day, the birds were chirping, forest trees and flowers were blooming everywhere with ever green leaves, or soft flower petals... It was spring, and today was Princess Asumi's 7th birthday. (--In human years--)

Princess Asumi sat in the garden against an oak tree; she was in the Western Lands, humming a happy little tune. She was 6 years old turning 7 (--in human years--), with midnight-black hair, also has molten red stripes on her cheeks and ankle. Asumi was currently wearing a soft pink kimono with sakura petals on the rims of the dress. She is very charming and friendly to everyone, her looks represents the way she acts, a beautiful young Inu-Demoness. Asumi is betrothed to a young boy named Prince Sesshomaru of the Western Lands. Asumi is the daughter of Lord and Lady Higurashi of the Northern Land, who plan to keep the betrothal a secret.

Asumi looked up to see Sesshomaru looking down at her.

"O hiyo, Sesshy-kun!" Sesshomaru just nodded. Sesshomaru turned cold ever since his mother died but with the help of Asumi, he some-what started to love and show his emotions again. He is a very handsome young man, he has silver hair that shimmers in the sunlight, and dark blue stripes on his cheeks and wrist and he's only 10 years old he is a very strong Inu-Youkai. He was wearing a light blue kimono with little flower designs on the neck on the kimono. He too doesn't know of the betrothal his parents made between him and the demoness in front of him.

"Happy Birthday, Princess Asumi," Sesshomaru smiled, a genuine smile, he would only give to a particular demoness. He handed her a heart shaped locket.

"Oh, Sesshy-kun, it's so pretty!" She smiled brightly at him, which made him smile back. "But I told you not to call me princess, we're best friends!" Sesshomaru smiled once again, and helped Asumi into putting the locket around her neck.

"This locket has a little spell, only I can open and close this locket, that way, we will never forget each other."

Sesshomaru sat down next to Asumi, "Sesshy-kun, I really like you're present! It's really pretty, and I swear, I will never forget you!" Asumi, grinned towards him.

"Asumi, once you're older, w-would y-you consider m-m-mating with m-me and b-become my w-wife?" Sesshomaru stuttered.

"Hai! I Princess Asumi of the Northern Lands, would become you're mate once I'm older!" With that said, Sesshomaru hugged Asumi tightly, as he was smiling the biggest smile ever, he was truly happy now.

"Sesshy-kun, would you like to write out names on this tree?" She gently caressed the bark of the oak tree she was leaning on. "So that on this tree, it would hold the memories you and I had together!"

Sesshomaru took out his claws which started to drip poison. "Sesshy-kun, please don't hurt the tree!"

"Sure," he engraved on the tree, Asumi and Sesshomaru, forever. Asumi gave Sesshomaru a hug. "We should be going in for dinner now."

"Hn," Asumi started to giggle, "C'mon Sesshy-kun, you can hold me forever when we are mated!" And she escaped from the hold and ran away. Sesshomaru smirked and ran after the one love he would cherish forever.

It was dinner time, and the Lords and Lady of North and West (--it's lady because the lady of the west is dead, Sesshomaru's mom, if you didn't know...--) is sitting in a large round table waiting for the two children to arrive for dinner.

"So, Mai, are you sure you want to allow out daughter to marry Inu-Taisho's son?"

"As long as my baby is happy, I'm fine with it." Mai, Asumi's mother replied to her husband, Ryou.

"Inu-Taisho, are you fine with the arrangements?" Ryou asked.

"Of course, but I also agree with Mai, as long as Sesshomaru is happy," replied Inu-Taisho, Sesshomaru's father.

At that moment, Asumi and Sesshomaru decided to walk in through the doors.

"Hi okaa-san, otou-san! Gomen for being late, Sesshy-kun asked me to become his mate! And he also gave me this very pretty necklace for my birthday!" Asumi exclaimed happily showing off her locket as well, while Sesshomaru was blushing every single color of red possible. The Lords and Lady shared glances, they all had the same thought, Sesshy-kun?! Then the words started to sink in, 'Sesshy-kun asked me to become his mate'

"It looks like my little boy grew up!" Inu-taisho exclaimed.

"I wonder how my grand-children would look like!" They started to look of into space.

"Chichi-ue what are we having for dinner?" Sesshomaru asked trying to change the topic. He was hoping the whole, mating and making her is wife with Asumi would be a secret, but seeing how everyone was happy about it and Asumi accepted, he wanted the whole world to know.

"Chicken and boar" replied Lord Ryou. The only person without the dazed look in his eyes. 'Probably going to start to celebrate once they get home' thought Sesshomaru.


Once dinner was served and eaten they all went to their own separate doors to go to sleep.

"Sesshy-kun, I'm going to be leaving, hope you don't forget me!"

Lord and Lady Higurashi, were now leaving the Western Lands to return to the North.

"Asumi, promise me you won't forget me, promise me!" Asumi could see the pleading in his eyes, she smiled, "Don't worry Sesshy-kun! I won't forget you!" With that said, they gave each other hugs, "Promise me again you won't forget me," Sesshomaru whispered in her ear. Asumi smiled up at him, "Why do you keep thinking I'll forget you? We'll see each other again, I promise!"

"Asumi, dear, we must be going now."

"Hai okaa-san! Bye Sesshy-kun!" And with a final wave Asumi was then pulled onto a carriage which has a little roof and a curtain for privacy, was soon strolling to the North.

Asumi was in the carriage, humming another tune. When all of a sudden the carriage halted to a stop and screams were heard, "SHH, Asumi, be quiet!" All she could muster was a nod while her mother's hand was covered over her mouth. She watched as her father got up from his seat to see what had happened. "Stay here, both of you!" Lord Ryou, Asumi's father, whispered to them. Ryou pulled the curtains back and stepped out of the carriage. And that was the last Asumi every saw her father again.

Asumi could hear screams of death, swords clashing together shouts of orders. Mai picked up her 6 year old daughter and left the carriage hoping no one would find out that they tried to escape. Asumi and Mai, could hear the footsteps of demons following, Mai dropped Asumi onto the ground, "Asumi, go, RUN!" Following her mother's orders, she ran as fast as her little body could handle. She knew what was happening, she wasn't stupid, but she couldn't do anything to help her parents, so she did what her mother told her to do, she ran.

She could see a well in front of her, but also the sounds of footsteps were heard behind her. As she turned around she saw demons with blood on their claws. Tears started to flood from her eyes, "NO! You killed my Okaa and Otou-san! NO, THIS IS JUST A BAD DREAM, the tears kept coming. The demon started to walk closer to Asumi. "NO!" She fell to the grounds sobbing.

"Keep crying little girl, for I shall kill you slowly and painfully!" The demon licked his lips. "There's no escape! You shall join your family soon my little darling! MUHAHAHA" Asumi scrambled up to her feet and started to back away from the murderer.

When the demon was about to kill Asumi, she well backwards into the well. Unfortunately hitting her head on the walls of the well as well. --I think that part was confusing, "the well as well" lolz, oh wells-- Once she well down the well, she disappeared from site, leaving a demon to ponder where she went.

"Where the hell did the little bitch go?!"

"Inu-Taisho! Sir, The Lord and Lady Higurashi have been murdered!" A messenger stood outside the doors.

"When did this occur?!" Inu-Taisho demanded.

"When they were in their carriage traveling back to their homes!" Sesshomaru stepped into the room.

"WHERE'S ASUMI?!" Sesshomaru ran up and took a hold of the collar of the kimono the messenger was wearing.

"The last we saw her was when she fell down a well. We killed the demon who murdered the Lord and Lady, but the Princess is no where to be seen. I'm terribly sorry Prince Sesshomaru!" Tears were brimming down Sesshomaru's face. He then threw the demon onto the cold floor and ran to the gardens to the exact same spot where he had proposed to Asumi.

"You promised.... YOU PROMISED!!!" He fell down to his knees and started to cry. Sesshomaru punched the ground showing off his fiery. "YOU PROMISED TO BECOME MY MATE!!! YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD RETURN!!!..." Sesshomaru was now sobbing uncontrollably on the ground of the oak tree. He got up and traced the mark he made. Asumi and Sesshomaru, forever .

"I swear, I shall NEVER love again!" With that vow he then became the Ice Prince. And that was the last time Sesshomaru has ever cried again.

Even the death of his father, he did not cry or mourn for his death, he kept strong and became the Taiyoukai of the west, and the protector of the North. Hoping one day Asumi, his childhood love would return.

Wells, anyways, that's the first chapter! I hope it is a good story, I'm going to be practicing writing, that's why I'm making a story! heehee anyways, PLEASE REVIEW AND GIVE ME POINTERS TO HOW I CAN IMPROOVE!!! Remember this is my first fan fiction, so I'm just a beginner.. R&R


Otou-san, or Chichi-ue-----Father



I think that's it, well once again, R&R
