A/N: The site Blind-Date does not exist, and even if it does, it has nothing to do with the Blind-Date site in MY story, okey? Made up, made up, yep, yep!! Now, on with the story. Oh, wait... I do not claim to own Inuyasha, etc, etc.
Blind Date: Chapter One By: Kikyo-the-Walnut
"Oh, Inu-Yasha, you will ALWAYS be dear to me," Kagome told the aforementioned hanyou. "We will never... be apart..."
They kissed passionately, and Miroku threw Sango a hopeful glance.
"No way, loser," she muttered back, throwing him a dirty look. "Why can't you be monk-ly and spiritual? Can you do it for just one night, please?"
"Sango, I will always protect you," Miroku pledged solemnly. "Even if it costs this one's life, I swear upon the Buddha that my love—"
"—will be nonexistent," Sango finished disgustedly.
"All right, all right, but may I have one favor before I turn my affections to another lovely woman?"
"It depends," Sango said suspiciously. "It wouldn't be for me to bear your child, would it?"
"No, of course not!" Miroku assured her, although he looked disappointed. "I was wondering if... well... just one child?"
"I'm not even going to think about what you just said," Sango retaliated, narrowing her eyes. "Get a life, why don't you?"
"Well, Sango, I guess things just won't work out for us, then," Miroku said with a sad sigh. "I guess I'll just have to go to Blind-Date."
"Blind-Date?" Sango repeated in confusion.
"Yeah! Haven't you heard? It's the latest rage! Computer dating service. You sign up with a username, and your likes and dislikes. Them, you get paired with someone who shares those interests! Cool, huh?"
"Interesting," Sango replied nonchalantly. Actually, she thought it sounded fun and exciting. But instead she said, "But, you know, I'm really not interested in that sort of thing..."
"Oh, too bad," Miroku said with a sigh. "Because I really hoped—"
He was cut off when Sango, armed with a post-it pad and a pen, said, "What's the URL again?"
"Username: AngrySister," Sango read. Confirming the information she'd just typed into the computer. "Likes: unusual weaponry and non-puppets. Dislikes: Perverts, lechers, orange juice, and cooking." She nodded, and hit 'Confirm.'
She slapped her computer's monitor, hard, when it didn't react. She clicked 'Confirm' again, then blinked in astonishment when a popup appeared on the screen.
"Are you sure you don't like perverts?" it read.
Angrily, Sango clicked 'yes.'
"Are you sure? Children can be very nice."
"Eww," Sango groaned, pressing 'yes' again. Finally, the popup disappeared, and her modem hummed as the computer processed the information.
She was redirected to a new page. The heading read "AngrySister's profile."
She scanned the page.
"Username: AngrySister. Dislikes: orange juice, cooking." What had happened to 'perverts' and 'lechers'? She read on. "Likes: Perverts. Lots of perverts."
How had THAT happened? Furiously, she tried to go back, but only got another popup: "Haha! You got TOLD!"
She hadn't gotten 'told', she'd gotten TRICKED! Sango was about to click the 'back' button again, but was stopped by another small popup window.
"Processing..." it read. Then, "We have found your match. Please wait to be redirected."