Oh my god I've been gone for a long time . oh well here's another anime crossover

Disclaimer: I don't own Saiyuki or Yu Yu Hakusho

"Wow this is a nice town." Goku awwed as they passed a few stores and buildings.

"Oi, calm down." Gojyo growled slightly at Goku as he watched the people walk past them giving them weird glances.

"You'd think they never saw a group of travelers before." He then commented as a couple walked past them hurridly. Sanzo was busy giving back an annoyed look and making small comments under his breath. Hakkai laughed slightly.

"Maybe we should find some where to eat and stay for the night." He said getting the others attention away from the passerbys. They then walked into a medium sized resteruant.

"Everything smells great." Goku grinned sniffing the air.

"This time I got to agree with the chimp." Gojyo said as they sat at a booth. They glanced across the menu already knowing what they wanted. Gojyo and Sanzo lit a cigarette waiting for the waitress.

"I'll have one of everything thanks."

"What?! Just cause I'm paying doesn't mean you can eat all you want Urameshi."

"Well you should of thought about that before you said 'I'll buy us dinner if we make it out of this one.'"

"I thought we were gonners. That was a encrediblly strong demon." They heard from across the reasturant. There were two boys sitting in a booth. They both had ragged clothing on and were covered with scratches and cuts like they had just done with a fight. The taller one had orange hair and a blue outfit one while the other had black hair and a green outfit.

"They're demon hunters?" Gojyo asked as he blew out some smoke.

"I'd like all the meat off the menu please." Goku said as the waitress came up.

"Eat some danm vegetables." Sanzo growled putting his cigarette out.

"But I don't like them." Goku whined. Sanzo growled irritated.

"One beer." Gojyo winked putting out his cigarette.

"Make that two." Sanzo said rubbing his forehead slightly.

Ha, I'mm gonna make you wait for the rest of it yup I'm gonna be mean. sorry if somethings are misspelled and if the characters are a bit ooc this is the first saiyuki fic I've done. Oh and put a review thanks