Chapter 2: His name and Her secret

"My name? I see no importance for you to know that." ............ No answer came from the girl on his back. 'Now I just need to care for her wounds, find out who she is, and somehow get rid of her. Then everything will be complete.' He hurried to his van. Putting the injured girl in the passenger seat then sliding in front of the wheel. The van took off in such a reckless speed there were black skid marks left behind it along with a cloud of gas.

If Britain had been conscious she would have been terrified for her life, but at the moment life was suspended in darkness for her. The world she knew was being left behind at the speed of 120mph and there was nothing she could do to stop it. But the real question is, would she even if she could?

This is exactly what she had wanted. Right? To be taken away from her controlled life and be able to live the free one she had dreamed of? She'd never felt more alone than she did now. Lost in the darkness of her own mind.

The ride was taking way to long but if he went any faster he was afraid he would be pulled over. He had decided to take her to his younger half-brothers and get her cleaned up. Hopefully he could just leave her there but first he needed to know who she is and why was she in that room.

After about another hour he finally he reached his destination. Rushing to the door the door he tried to balance the unconscious woman in his arms. ::BANG:: :BANG::.

"Inu Yasha open this damn door."

"I'm com.... you lousy no go...." Finally the door opens revealing a young man in his 20's with long hair so blond that it was almost silver, and deep honey eyes.

"What the Hell do you want at this hour? Hey! Who's the broad?"

"Stop that inferior racket, Inu Yasha. Take her, clean her up and let her sleep. I'll be back latter in the day. I have a few things to take care of."

"Oh, hell. Sesshomaru did you do this to her? I know you're not in a exactly honest career but jesus."

"No, I did not do that to her. She was like that when I found her."

"All right I'll take her but you better come back or else I'll call dad. Then you'll be stuck working for him in that boring office of his."

"I'm coming back." With that he walked off the porch got in the van and was off.

Inu Yasha looked down at the girl in his arms.'Hell Sesshomaru what are you getting your self stuck in?' She had very white skin, his guess that she had lost a lot of blood "Better get you cleaned up."

When Kagome came to she was laying on what felt like a couch. Slowly she opened her eyes and took in her surroundings. She was in someone's living room, it was very cozy. It was decorated in lots of different shades of red. There was a large screen plasma t.v. just a few feet away from her and hooked up to it was a X-box.

There was wonderful smells coming from the kitchen which she guessed was right through the door to her left. She slowly got off the couch. When she was standing completely up she felt a sudden wave of dizziness and had to sit down again.'Well that's not going to happen. Maybe I should call out and see if anyone answers.'

"Ummmm, excuse me is anyone there?"

A handsome man came in through the door that she thought lead to the kitchen. His hair was a an amazing color of blond. It was so blond it seemed to be almost silver and he had eyes of honey that shone with fire. Now even though he was handsome he kind of had a rough look to him.

"Oi, how's it goin wench. Feelin better are we?"

Kagome stared at him in shock.'Did he just call ME a WENCH!'. Her eyes glowed with an anger not to be reckoned with. She stood up and walked up to him and poked hi in the chest.

"EXCUSE ME! For your information I am NOT I repeat NOT a wench. Now that that is cleared up may I ask you were I am, who are you and why am I here?"

"Woooooh. Chill, no harm meant. For the first question you are in my house, I am Inu Yasha and all I know about you being here is that my brother brought you here. You were all covered in blood very close to death and he asked me to clean you up and let you sleep, besides that the only other thing I know is he's coming back some time tonight probably."

hey Readers!! SO SORRY!!!! my internet completely shut down and it took like forever to get it back up!! I plan to up date more chapters this week. please forgive me and keep sending reviews. If you have any ideas of how to make my storie better TELL me i wanna hear it!!

signing out