Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing. I don't! (tear tear)

Rating: G for now, but I'll bump it up when it gets hot n' heavy.

Summery: Duo, arriving late in college, is meeting his roommate and his friends for the first time. Adventures and Duo-like remarks ensue. As well as romance. (12, 34, 513)

Warnings: Probably a lot of fluff and WAFF, sap. Shonen-ai, Yaoi in later chaps most likely.

AN: This is my first Gundam Wing story, I intend to keep this one updated!! I hope you all like it. Please R and R!

Direct Ambush By: Amanda Chapter 1: Introductions

It wasn't the easiest of tasks that was for sure. Movement was minimal in the confined space of the hallway and getting his hair tangled on the way in had only made him more frustrated. Deep breaths Duo. Deep breaths inhale-exhale. Count to ten, be calm, and focus on your task… Withholding a scream was one thing, trying to get through the tiny door to the lounge was another. You'd think they'd be smart enough to make the freakin' entrance just a tad bit bigger, but no. No one's gonna come through the door carrying 10 pounds of luggage. Why would they do that? Why in the world would they set it up so that the dorms were on the other side of the room?

It was safe to say he was having just a little trouble. See, Duo was a late student, transferring from a state college on the other side of the country. So, being late he had to move into the dorms on a weekend and start classes on the next Monday, after being settled in. His roommate had better enjoyed having a single room for the first three weeks of classes because now he was going to have to deal with Duo. I could only hope it isn't some jackass.


"Hiya! Oh, jeeze… sorry I didn't know you had so much luggage let me help you!" All Duo could see was a bright mop of blond hair and then a weight was lifted off him and he could breath freely without the weight of the luggage he was carrying in front of him. He blinked, and then looked around and let a small smile come over his face. The blond mop of hair revealed itself to be a boy, about the same height as Duo with a soft pink sweater on and white loose fitting jeans. He came over to him after putting the luggage near the other unoccupied bed.

"I'm Quatre, your new roommate." He held out his hand that Duo shook enthusiastically. "Duo. I'm new here, I transferred from across the states. I hope you don't mind that I'm your roommate." Duo scratched his neck nervously, Quatre seemed like a cool guy, and they would get along fine. "Not at all Duo. I'm happy to have someone around, it's so hard being in a new place." Duo nodded and settled on his bed. It was hard settling in a new place, but it was even harder to settle and then have to move again.

"So have you made any friends yet?" asked Duo. "Yeah, the guys down the hall are pretty cool. Trowa and Heero I think… then there's Wufei, he's upstairs though, with a single. Treize and him get along well, his rooms right next to Wufei's. We're all going out for pizza later on, if you'd like to come you're welcome to." Quatre sent a smile Duo's way, "Yeah sure! That'd be awesome."


After Duo put all his things away Quatre showed him around campus, where the Rec. Hall was and the different cafeterias as well. He also showed him the classrooms in the different halls, it was easy because Quatre had told Duo that all the boys had at least one class together. There would always be someone to help Duo around for the first week or two. Quatre also told Duo that all the clubs were putting up stands and handing out pamphlets for all the freshmen to sign up for their clubs in a week or so. Soon enough, six o'clock came around and Quatre told Duo this was when the boys were to meet.


"Guys, this is Duo. Duo, this is Heero, Trowa, Wufei, and Treize,"

Heero was a ruggedly handsome boy, with startling blue eyes and unruly brown hair. He wore a green tank top and tight black jeans. Old mustard yellow sneakers peaking out from underneath his pants. He looked at Duo like a specimen, seeing if he was worthy of their little group. Cold and calculating seemed to roll off of him in waves.

Trowa was tall and lanky, with deep green eyes that were half covered with a flop of hair that came down across his face. He seemed silent and morose and the air about him quivered with intensity. He wore a green turtle neck that brought out his eyes and a pair of soft worn out blue jeans.

Wufei looked… strict. His hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail and deep brown eyes narrowed at the sight of Duo's long braid. He inched closer to the older boy beside him. He wore white Chinese styled garments, made for fighting and an easy flow of movement. Duo could tell by looking at Wufei that he wasn't someone to mess with.

Treize seemed amused. He had a mop of reddish-brown hair that was styled in a combed-back way, blue eyes that seemed comforting and sincere before he flicked his gaze to the Chinese boy beside him, giving out an aura of good humor and of… the finer things in life, oddly enough.

Duo turned to Quatre again, examining him as part of the picture. All five boys were dressed casually but there was something more polite and refined about Quatre's and Treize's movements that seemed more alike then different. Quatre was still dressed in the same clothing as before, only with a light white fall jacket sitting across his lap in the booth where they sat. His blue eyes sparkled with life and a smile had made its way onto his somewhat child-like features.

"Hey there! I just transferred here and I'm Quatre's roommate. Nice to meet you all." Duo exclaimed. He was happy to be meeting new friends and at the prospect of good food as well. Quatre nodded to the boys, Duo's greeting was met with an 'Hn,' From Heero who was still looking over Duo, his eyes lingering on Duo's own as well as his braid. Silence from Trowa, although it didn't surprise Duo in the least, a quiet 'hello' from Wufei and a small smile and an assertive 'hello there' from Treize.

Conversation bubbled around Duo on all sides, Quatre was having a quiet conversation with Trowa, Treize and Wufei were engaged in a talk about battle techniques and that left Heero.

"Hey there… Heero right?" Duo was trying to be persuasive, but Heero had been quiet all evening. The others had taken this as the norm. "Heero," was supplied in return. "What classes do you have this semester?" it went on from there.


On the walk back to the dorms all six of the boys traveled together. At the corner of the main intersection before the college a girl confronted them, she had long blond hair accompanied by another blond girl with forked eyebrows. "Heeeeeero!! What a nice surprise!" Was the only warning Heero got before being glomped and promptly latched onto by the first blond girl. "Relena. Get off." The authority in Heero's voice sent a quiver down Duo's spine. Well, don't want him mad at me. Oddly enough, the girl listened. 'Relena' as she was now dubbed, took a step back and pasted on a smile. She was wearing all pink and stuck out like a sore thumb on the corner. If Duo didn't know better he'd think she was a hooker. "But Heero…" she started, her voice trembling. No waterworks, please, no waterworks! "No buts Relena, leave me alone. I don't want you around me. Get lost." Harsh.

Heero kept walking, the others soon fallowed, Quatre, sweet innocent Quatre (from what he'd gathered), stuck his tongue out at her and her companion. That made Duo crack up, he clutched onto Heero and laughed until tears were

streaming down his face. This is gonna be one helluva year…