Disclaimer: Final Fantasy VIII does not belong to me, it belongs to Square Enix. This story was written purely for entertainment value and no money has or will exchange hands for this. All original characters and story lines do belong to me.

Author Note: I apologise for the long delay but things have been a little difficult and I have been unable to get this written until now. I can't even recall whether I replied to the reviews from the last chapter. If I did that's okay but if I didn't thank you all very much for your reviews! Many thanks to Vilg oui, Daughterofsorceress-lion, Lily-pois and Obsessivecompulsivevalkyrie for sticking with this, your comments encouraged me to get this finished. This chapter is also for those who've reviewed, favouriteded this story and also to any beta readers past and present.


Hikari sat playing with her Chocobo and Cactuar plushies on the floor of the Balamb Garden apartment that served as their first home. She was seven months old now with a thick head of black hair just like her mothers and showing the first signs of determination from her father. Rinoa was thankful that was the only trait she seemed to have picked up.

Rinoa had spent the morning making the final arrangements for their journey to Trabia Garden, Selphie had decided that was where she and Irvine were going to get married. It had been both her and their homes at times so it seemed a somewhat fitting choice.

Laurie, Quistis and herself had been chosen as bridesmaids, Selphie chose to ignore the technicality that they were all married by now, Seifer and Quistis choosing to elope two months after they returned from Esthar.

Things were almost back to normal, at least with regards to threats to Garden. The Dead had finally been named and memorials had been set up in both Galbadia Garden and Esthar. They had all been in attendance and although it was all behind them it had left so many questions about what else was out there that the specialist research teams had become a permanent division within Garden.

It was currently lead by Herself and Laurie with Lily, Sam and Liam Elden as their deputies. They were all special class anyway but others had since joined and Garden was becoming not only a place for military back up but also a research facility. It was the best change Rinoa could have wished for and it made her feel so much more at home than she ever had before.

Her packing finished and everything ready Rinoa set herself down on the floor to join in with her daughters games.

One of her favourite things about being married was not the rings or the piece of paper that declared them so, it was waking up beside Seifer every morning in their apartment and knowing he was the only person she would ever wake up to. She knew it was a sappy sentiment and it was one she would never admit to but it was the truth. Whatever her worries had been about getting married had been forgotten.

"Morning." Seifer grumbled as he roused from sleep. He shifted around in the bed to be facing her, managing to avoid taking most of the covers with him as he went. He made sure to pull her close to him as well.

Quistis suppressed a giggle, still adamant that was something she didn't do and adjusted so her body fit with his. Sighing she wrapped her arms around him, her head nuzzling his neck. They would have to get up soon and there wouldn't really be an opportunity in the next few days for much time alone. Selphie was a woman with a schedule and despite Rinoa taking up the position of maid of honour they would still only be servants of 'the list' until the wedding was over.

She was so glad they had decided to elope.

At some point Seifer had started placing little kisses and nips along her neck and collar bone.

"Seifer…." She warned.

"We have time." He told her, now moving them so she lay on her back and he was resting on top of her.

"Says who?" She asked, although she was beginning to wonder why she was arguing at all, next to waking up with him every morning this was the best thing about being married.

He rested on his elbows, leaning down to kiss her and he felt her arms wind around neck. He didn't say anything, just pressed his lips to hers, silencing all arguments, at least for a little while.

Lily Rosenhart still wasn't sure how she felt about her newly found promotion. On the one hand it gave her a stable home and a good job, but it could one day lead to the discovery of something best left alone.

After all of their belongings had been retrieved from Galbadia and Trabia, Liam Elden had suggested they move in together. She had been uncertain at first, not wanting to loose her own freedom and personal space but at the same time knew it was something they would be doing sooner or later. They had come to a rather unusual compromise, although they shared a bedroom, Lily kept very few of her own things in there and instead used another room as hers but with a sofa instead of a bed. Their friends had shrugged and described it as a very Lily thing to do but Liam Eagles had completely understood, he'd also claimed ownership of the couch in that room whenever he came to visit.

So far their work had only provided details on previous world events in history and some advanced magic textbooks that were barely readable in any language. It was an interesting and rewarding job, at least so far and anyone on the team was allowed to take any other missions they wanted. In Lily's case she was more likely to be requested than to volunteer but it meant missions with Sam and they were never dull.

The Sorceresses had remained undiscovered and Sam had finally allowed herself to be tested, as thought she was a High level White Sorceress. Anyone who had any suspicions at all hadn't said a word, Garden was, after all now responsible in some way for their well-being, without them the final battle would not have been won so easily.

"You ready?" Liam Elden asked her, she hadn't noticed him come in and he now stood in the doorway with their suitcases ready and Lily's coat over his arm.

"Yeah. I was just finishing up." She locked her computer system down and stood, grabbing her staff as they headed out. Liam held his hand out to her and she levitated the luggage.

"You excited about going back?" She asked, knowing Liam had been happy about the wedding invitation, it not only allowed him to see one of his favourite instructors getting married but it also meant he could see some of his old friends whilst he was there.

"Yeah, it'll be weird to see it again and not be living there, but I can't say I miss the cold."

Lily couldn't help but smile then. "You're happy here then." She asked.

"Yeah, very. This whole place feels so relaxed, I don't know whether it's the fountains or that music they play through the speakers for most of the day but it feels like home here now."

"Good." Lily gave him a quick kiss on the cheek as they carried on towards the docking bay for the Ragnarok.

By the time everyone was assembled and on board, the Ragnarok was pretty full. Rinoa, Squall, Quistis, Seifer, Lily and Liam Elden manned the bridge with Hikari in a specially designed baby seat next to her mother. The pushchair Rinoa had bought from Esthar was in the hold along with most of their luggage.

Everyone else was in the secondary deck. Selphie once again being ordered to stay away from the controls and was currently being distracted by the Dincht family. Rinoa had to thank Zell and Laurie for that later.

"Do you think she's going to be okay?" Squall asked, eyeing his daughter currently sleeping in the seat next to her mother.

Rinoa laughed gently, she loved his paternal side. "She'll be fine, I know when we travelled with her last time I carried her but she's older now and She'll want to fidget, the chair has her toys attached to it, she'll be fine."

Squall nodded but still looked uncertain.

"If you like when we get to Esthar to pick up your father and Ellone we can take her for a walk around some of the city." Rinoa added, starting up the controls.

Squall nodded again but looked somewhat relieved. He gave the call that they were embarking and with that the ship was in the air. Anything Selphie had forgotten she wouldn't need…. the cargo hold was mostly filled with her things after all.

"And this is where Dr Odin works, he looks like some form of demented clown so we're not going in there today." Squall informed his daughter, he'd taken her out of her pram a little while ago and held her in his arms pointing out all the different places around Esthars main city. Rinoa pushed the pram at their side, content to listen to Squalls tour, he was pretty knowledgeable when it came to the city but it was the comments and personal touch he added to it that she enjoyed the most.

Laguna was on his way with Ellone, they had all agreed to meet back at the the Ragnarok although only the Dincht family and themselves had decided to leave the ship.

Hikari giggled as her father lightly bounced her up and down, continuing to point everything out to her on their way back. Rinoa couldn't think of a time in her life when she had been happier. She and Squall had decided to ignore any communications they had received from her father, they were surrounded by friends and Squall's father and sister, there was no need for anyone else in their lives. If her father did decide to change his mind he knew where to find them.

"How long do we have?" Squall asked.

"Half an hour, but we're almost there." Rinoa told him, he joined her by the pram, one arm around her and the other still securely around their daughter.

"We're going to see Granddad Laguna now." Squall told the little girl who was still giggling and pointing all around her.

"Best to get the over excitement out of the way before we fly to Trabia, either that or we ban your granddad from the bridge again. What do you think HIkari?" Mother and daughter just laughed.

The Great Hall in Trabia Garden had been decorated with yellow and white flowers places all around the grand structure, winding up the many pillars whilst large white drapes fell from the dome almost carrying the bright white light from outside into the large expanse.

Selphie wasn't really the type to go for a quieter affair and almost the entire population of Trabia Garden was in attendance. As well as everyone they had brought with them from Balamb and others who'd made their own way from Esthar or Galbadia for their wedding.

Everyone was seated with Laguna stood at the front of the altar, seeing as he was licensed to perform wedding ceremonies Selphie couldn't think of a more fitting choice and Irvine had readily agreed. Laguna had been her Idol for so long - even after knowing him as part of her extended family - and the man himself seemed more than happy to be there, practically bouncing on the balls of his feet. Irvine had this fear that if their first child was a boy Selphie would want to name it after the man… he might have to draw the line at that.

Squall was stood by his side in his dress uniform, all the men present were dressed as such and any of the women who weren't part of the wedding party. Irvine had chosen not to be, wanting to wear a suit that would compliment Selphie's dress with one yellow carnation in his breast pocket.

Seifer was placed on the front row with Hikari in his lap, at his side Zell sat with Alex and the twins. Alex was wearing a suit of his own, Maria was wearing a dress similar to both Hikari's and the bridesmaid dresses. Selphie wanted everything to be perfect for the wedding photo's and thus everything had to fit in with the theme.

After what felt like an eternity the musicians started to play the first bars of the melody they had chosen, everyone in the great hall turned towards the large doors that lead into it. After only a second, although it felt like an eternity to Irvine, they opened.

Quistis and Laurie were the first to walk forwards, both in pale yellow empire line dresses with small yellow flowers sewn in a scatter pattern over the material. Their hair was left to fall over their shoulders with only two white flowers clipped in on one side. Their bouquets were a simple arrangement of white and yellow carnations. They looked beautiful and soft and nothing at all like the shade of yellow many of the guests had been secretly dreading.

Rinoa was the next to follow them, in the same dress only with a small ring of daisies round her head she looked more etherial than the others and walked with a gentle smile on her face.

Selphie followed with slow, practiced steps. She had decided not to let anyone give her away, it was more important to her that Laguna marry them than walk her down the Isle. her dress was white and held the same empire line as her bridesmaids but whereas the others were made of one piece of fabric, Selphie's had three layers, two that separated at the front of the dress and also formed the train. Yellow and white flowers were sewn in in an increasing gradient towards the end of the train, her veil held more of the same with a crown of silver crafted flowers topping it off. She looked stunning and Irvine couldn't take his eyes from her.

When they reached the front, Laurie and Quistis took seats next to Seifer, who was sat quite happily with Hikari on his everyone else there he was paying more attention to the little girl than the wedding.

Rinoa took her place besides Selphie mirroring the place with Squall as they were to act as witnesses for the ceremony. Irvine reached for Selphies hand, she was inwardly thankful they had decided not to wear the gloves intended to go with the dresses, feeling his hand warm within hers calmed her nerves.

"Shall we begin?" laguna asked them, a proud smile on his face and his hands clasped formally behind his back, he wore the full and official robes he was entitled to as the ruler of Esthar.

Both Irvine and Selphie looked at each other before nodding, Irvine releasing her hand to lift her veil.

"Ladies and Gentlemen."

The ceremony was traditional, both choosing to leave out the personal vows present at Squall and Rinoa's wedding, it was something to be spoken of afterwards, despite their displays of public affection - sometimes too public - they kept the serious stuff private.

"You may kiss the bride." Laguna said after what felt like an eternity. Selphie had tears in her eyes when Irvine kissed her and their audience applauded as they walked to sign the marriage papers, Squall and Rinoa joining hands and following close behind them.

They had chosen to spend their Honey moon in Trabia and Esthar, a week in each. Laguna had insisted they stay in the executive suite at the palace and had made sure everything they wanted was brought to them. Selphie had been blown away, enjoying the hot springs in the mountains of Trabia, their Snow Ball fight in the Garden early in the morning….. it had been better than anything she could have imagined.

Rinoa and Squall had joined them for the last two days of their honey moon, they were brining the Ragnarok with them to bring them all home safely.

The tropical weather in Esthar had taken a day or two to get used to but Selphie and Irvine had taken to spending a lot of time exploring the large pool and all the small caves littered around the area. It had felt like another world… one she didn't want to leave, but at least having her cousin there would make the transition back to the real world a little less of a shock.

"It's so good to be able to fit into all my pre pregnancy clothes." Rinoa commented, lounging with Selphie in the pool, they were sat on the underwater bench underneath the palm trees.

"It's so good just to be able to spend all day doing this." Selphie replied, placing her drink back on the side of the pool. She was wearing the yellow one piece with the mini skirt detail around the bottom that Rinoa had bought her as a wedding present. Rinoa herself was in a midnight blue two piece that sparkled in the late morning sunshine.

"How does it feel to be married?" Rinoa asked, smiling along with her cousin.

"Amazing… I mean we're still us and we're still together but it feels different now. I don't know how else to explain it."

"I know how you feel."

Selphie giggled remembering the last couple of weeks, this was actually the longest she and Irvine had been apart in that time.

"It might interest you to know that Squall has some papers he needs to go over with his Father, an agreement between Garden and Esthar that's up for renewal so we'll be staying for a few extra days, we expect you two to stay with us."

"Oh?" Selphie looked a little concerned.

"Nothing to worry about, the time is more of a formality, they just need to sign the existing agreement. Laguna just really wanted to see Hikari again, it's easier for us to visit him than the other way around." Rinoa slid down from the bench further into the water. "Come for a swim?" She asked, moving her arms through the water.

Selphie finished the last of her drink and followed Rinoa, almost diving at her as she pulled her into a hug.

"Thank you so much." She whispered in Rinoa's ear. Her cousin just laughed and hugged her back before the two of them swam towards the water slide section of the pool and spent the rest of the day acting like the carefree women they'd once thought impossible.

Rinoa couldn't quite remember how exactly she'd ended up agreeing to sit in a room full of politicians all determined to declare how wonderful they thought each others view points were… especially when it continued for 6 hours. When the agreement had been re agreed and signed she was smiling more out of relief that she and Squall could leave than happiness that they'd managed to get it sorted out.

Squall had taken her hand and lead her back to their apartment. Selphie and Irvine had been looking after Hikari for the afternoon and by now their daughter would be asleep.

Squall pushed their door open, put the keys back into his pocket. He slid his arm around Rinoa, who although awake was drowsy at his side and guided her out onto the balcony. The sun was almost set and he knew it was her favourite view of the city.

Their friends greeted them briefly before slipping out and Squall returned with hot chocolate, placing two mugs on the table in front of them and pulling his wife into his lap.

"Tired?" he asked.

"Hmm, long day, plus swimming tired me out yesterday." She buried her face against his chest to keep warm from the chill beginning to fall upon the city.

"You ready to go home tomorrow?" Squall asked, planting kisses in her hair and just enjoying the feeling of her in his arms. He wouldn't deny how much he'd enjoyed the last couple of weeks, no monsters trying to destroy their world, no wedding plans to disrupt his plans… just a normal peaceful existence with relatively little paper work and plenty of time with his wife and daughter.

"Yeah, I really am." She looked up at him then, took in the soft smile on his face and the expression in his eyes and she kissed him, closing the gap between them easily.

It was familiar but with the same warmth that reached her core and settled her, she could tell that things were about to change - had been changing for some time now. They were grown adults, a mature group of friends instead of the warriors, Sorceresses and Knights their world had forced them to become.

Selphie and Irvine would inevitably start a family, she was sure Seifer and Quistis would do the same and although not for the next year or so Rinoa knew she and Squall wanted a brother or Sister for Hikari. She felt as though there was really the time for all of that now, No more stopping whenever a crisis hit…. Lily Rosenhart, Sam Witters, Dr Braska and the countless others were there to help.

It meant a refocussing on Gardens spotlight but it meant a life she hadn't dared hoped for would continue onwards for them, but all other thoughts were lost to the night air, along with the remnants of the hot chocolate left untouched on the balcony table. Squall was carrying her to bed and in between slow kisses she knew she was falling asleep. Drifting under the moment her head touched the pillow and only vaguely aware of Squalls arms wrapped around her as they both fell into sleep.

The End

I cannot say Thank you enough to those of you that have stuck with this. It's unlikely that I'll write another FFVIII story but I have something else planned using Squall and Rinoa…. just in another Square Enix setting, but we shall see.

Thank you once again, reviews and constructive criticism are much appreciated.