Monday, October 25th 2004

The Bullpen, 9am

The team had only been in the bullpen for an hour, but had already grown bored. Jack and Bobby were tossing a football back and forth to one another, D was on the phone to Donna and Myles was clearing out his desk for the umpteenth time while Sue, Lucy and Tara were having a very animated conversation. Though, about what, the guys didn't know as it was in ASL. Jack managed to pick up snippets here and there and got the gist that they were discussing something to do with Halloween.

"Agents, I have a new case for you."

Ted Garrett's voice boomed in the bullpen, causing the whole team to turn around. All except Sue, who only looked up after noticing that everyone else, was looking at whoever was at the door. They all stared at their supervisor, waiting for more information.

"There have been a string of murders in Arlington over the past week. DC Police Department has been handling it until now, but they're getting nowhere so it's been passed on to the Bureau." He surveyed the room's occupants, who were still watching him intently and continued, "all of the victims were newly married when they were killed and so far we've got nothing to go on. Jack, I want you and Sue to go undercover again."

He gave Jack the copy of the case files, and made his way to the exit. Before he was in the hall, he stopped at the door to say,

"I now pronounce you man and wife, again."

"Woohoo!" Came Bobby's enthusiastic reply to the news.

"I'll have you arrested for bigamy, mister." Tara chimed in, still keeping up the charade from the Callahan and Merced case.

Ahh, our favorite undercover couple back in action!" This came from Lucy, who was still trying to set them up.

Jack and Sue both rolled their eyes and took a seat at Jack's desk to go over the details of their latest undercover identities. After half an hour of reading case files, Jack and Sue informed the team that they were going home to pack.

"Yes, you should get a move on, if you're going to organize a Reception party since we didn't get an invite to the last one."

"Sorry Myles, the wedding was last week, maybe next time."

"Well, you'll just have to make sure we get invited to your Halloween party then, Sue."

"Only if you set it up." She smiled at her best friend who raised an eyebrow; "well it was your idea!"

"Fine, I'm sure Tara and I can come up with something."

And with that settled, the 'newlyweds' left to pack, leaving Lucy and Tara to discuss their plans for the party, which they did through Instant Messenger to avoid the guy's eavesdropping.

Wanna know what they have planned fro the Halloween party? Well, you know what to do then - leave a review!