
Everyone's pointing their fingers
Always condemning me
And nobody knows what I believe

"Sam!" her mother yelled from downstairs. "Phone!"

Sleep slowed her reaction. Rubbing her eyes, she groped alongside her nightstand fro the phone. Blindly grabbing it, she shoved it next to her ear and muttered, "hello?"

"Sam?" said Jazz's tentative voice, sounding even more tired and worn than it had been since Danny had first been admitted two years ago.

"Jazz, what's wrong?" Jazz never called her unless it was to discuss times to go see Danny and that was only in the afternoons.

"Danny's gone," she whispered.

Sam's first reaction was he's not already? Then her sleep-crazed mind cleared. "What? You mean he ran away?"

"He…" Jazz lowered voice. "He never left his room. It was locked when you left, like it always is. He didn't go out through the door."

Sam blinked rapidly. That wasn't possible. Before they had taken Danny to the hospital, they'd pushed him through the Spirit Remover. It was something they should have done a long time ago, and watching that small, half formed ghost fly from her beloved Danny was almost unbearable.

"That's not possible," she told Jazz.

"I know it's not, Sam!" Jazz almost shouted. "But what was it, then? We asked not to keep a camera in his room."

"Are people looking for him?" she asked, holding her head.

"Hospital people, police, my parents," Jazz said. "I just wanted to tell you."

"Thanks, Jazz," Sam said. "I'll be over in an hour."

"Okay," Jazz said weakly and hung up.

He'd left without going through the door.

How was that possible? It couldn't be possible. It wasn't possible.

Daniel is overshadowing me…

No… that wasn't right, was it?

It couldn't be.

Daniel is overshadowing me…

Sam closed her eyes.

Danny, please, no.


Thank you so much to everyone who has been reviewing this story and waiting for it to be finished. This prologue marks the end of this story, and beings the actions that continues in Step Out of the Light. I'm so sorry that presently I do not know when the sequel will be finished; I'm not writing in it now. As most things change, I've now returned to my main fandom and to allow time to write in that one, I must push aside some projects I should have finished before returning.

Again, thank you all so much for the reviews and naggings to complete this fic. I'm sorry you won't be getting too much closure here, but the way I think about it, it leaves the imagination open.
