Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of it's characters.

After talking with Iruka-sensei for a while it was now time to visit Ichiraku's again. Ramen from any other place just wasn't as good. Every town or village they traveled to just couldn't compare to Irchiraku's ramen. Everyone looked different now, more wise or experienced. Plus the villagers weren't glaring at him or giving him dirty looks anymore. Maybe leaving was a good idea. The one good thing about leaving was he became more powerful and now he could call on and control kyuubi. Also if he hadn't left he wouldn't have gotten such good friends as Gaara and Yuki. Grinning he remembered when they first met.

:3 Years Ago:

Ero-sennin and him have been traveling together for over two months. Declaring that he was sick of Naruto and need information, Jiraiya left Naruto at the hotel. Since he was trying to perfect a technique that Jiraiya had just showed him, he agreed. Standing in the woods focusing on his Chakra a voice snaps him out of his trance.

"Your never going to do it that way. Here's how it's done," and saying that the girl does the jutsu. One of the seals she did was different from what he was doing which is why the jutsu wasn't working for him. That shocked him, but what shocked him even more was that he didn't even sense her approach. Staring at her she glares and snaps, "What are you dumb? Quit staring, baka, and do the seals right."

Nodding his head and repeating the correct seals back to her he performs the jutsu right. "Who…" he began to ask. Interrupting him she grinned. "I'm Yukionna from Snow. Who are you?"

:Present Day:

Yuki-chan sortof just joined up then. She didn't even talk to Ero-sennin about it, she just started to follow us. Eventually Ero-sennin began to train her and me. It was nice to have someone accept me for me. Also it was better that way cause then it wasn't only Ero-sennin and me. But if Yuki joined us quietly then Gaara joined up with a bang.

:2 Years Ago:

It had already been a year since Jiraiya and I left leaf for training. We were heading to Grass village to learn some new techniques, when we heard a commotion up ahead. Five ANBU squads were surrounding a kid. Calling him a demon was one of the kindest things they were saying to him. They were hurting him or at least trying to. Shaking his head Ero-sennin walked up to them and demanded to know what was going on and that they stop immediately.

"This boy is a demon and has no right to live."

"Who says who has a right to live or not? Leave the boy alone."

When Jiraiya-sensei said this the kid seemed to wake up. Sand rose and began to strike the members of the ANBU squad. Soon blood rained from the air, all twenty ANBU members were dead. I walked up, blood dripping down my face, told him my name and invited him along. When we left leaf Jiraiya told me why the villagers hated me so much and nobody should be called a demon for what they couldn't control. Maybe that's why I invited him along with us.

:Present Day:

Just like that Gaara joined up. He joined in blood and Yuki in ice, "…it's funny how we complement each other." He would be fire, Gaara blood, and Yuki ice. Anyway enough time musing, now he had to find his pervert teacher and two teammates.

Scanning the village for their chakra he pinpointed on their location. They weren't to far away. In a puff of smoke he teleported away. Appearing before them he grinned and announced that he Uzumaki Naruto, the next Hokage had arrived.

"BAKA!!" Yuki and Jiraiya shouted when Naruto finished his speech. Gaara merely shook his head at the behavior of his teacher and teammates. After the brief scene they all settle down for business. Jiraiya began to explain how they will soon become leaf nins and be entering the upcoming chunnin exam. For now though they would be performing missions and doing endless training. After asking what kind of missions would he, Yuki, and Gaara be performing, Jiraiya said C and B class missions. At the silence that followed his answer Jiraiya pulled out weights and told his students that they would be using these weights for training now. Thrusting the weights at Naruto he released the weight when he was sure Naruto had a hold of it. :THUNK: The weights hit the ground and even at the short fall distance make a small crater.

"Ero-sennin, how are we supposed to use these weights. I can't even pick it up," Naruto complained when he reached for the weights, Yuki's eyes were bugging out and even Gaara showed some apprehension. "Well brats, you best begin training. I've got to go information gathering," with a leer on his face he disappeared.

"Well guys, lets start."


"Lets go!!"

Get stronger, he had to become stronger so he could kill his brother and shut up that stupid dobe. Just the other day that dobe came charging up demanding a match then had the nerve to call him weak. After he killed Itachi he would definitely kill Naruto.

"Sasuke-kun, are you listening?"


"Sorry guys, I was sent forward through time and found a book wrote by about us. Since it was about us I just had to read it and only just came back," Kakashi said when he appeared before them. Sakura screamed 'liar,' Taka shook his head in disgust, and Sasuke just listened. Kakashi started to explain their training for the next month. It seemed that there would be no more missions for them right now. They would be having physical training, lots and lots of physical training. Kakashi pulled out weights and tossed them to the three of them and told them to put on. After doing this he commanded them to run twenty laps, after doing that do one hundred pushups, and one hundred pull-ups. When they finished that they could take a break then they had to climb the tress using only their feet and chakra while wearing the weights. It was going to be a long day for all of them.

:6 Hours Later:

"Kakashi-sensei, we're done," Sakura groaned as she laid down on the ground. Taka sat down with a thump and Sasuke barely remained standing. Looking them over Kakashi announced that there would be more training in a half-an-hour, also whoever finished first would have the privilege of reading his book 'Icha Icha Paradise.' After yelling at him Sakura began to sit up.

"Just kidding you guys, your done," saying that Kakashi disappeared with a poof. Sakura asked Sasuke if he would go on a date with her and he answered no. Turning around he left his two teammates behind. Sensing a presence he whipped out his kunai and pressed it against the person's throat.

"Jeez, you are fast," Yuki muttered as she stepped away from him. Taking his silence as an answer she chatted on.

"Ruto-kun is over at the training grounds."


"He needs someone to spar with. Sensei is being a pervert, Gaara is who-knows where, and I'm just to familiar with his techniques," she glances over at him while saying this. At his blank expression she sighed. Shaking her head she went poof and left Sasuke along. Sasuke began to head towards the training grounds. If he was lucky he may be able to kill that idiot now.

Reaching the training ground he searched for Naruto. Sensing a chakra off to his right he walked towards it. The two boys stared at each other anger was in ones eyes and challenge in the others. With a brief pause both flew at each other, kunai struck kunai and the leaped back. A clone jumped forward and Sasuke struck it, with Sasuke's attention on the clone Naruto went to strike at the opening Sasuke made.

Sensing the incoming shurikens he threw himself to the side. Then began to flip backwards as more shurikens came his way. Mad at having to evade Naruto, he performed the seals for the Fireball no Jutsu and blew flames at Naruto. Dodging the flames Naruto went for Sasuke, but he had already disappeared. Naruto looked all around but Sasuke was no where in sight. Taking a deep breath he began to search for Sasuke's chakra, as he did so he sensed shurikens coming his way. Although he sensed them he couldn't dodge them all, one of the sliced across his cheek while the other cut his leg open. Cursing he jumped for the bushes and cover.

Hmph, that baka did exactly as I expected. 3...2...1. The explosions went off and Naruto rolled back into the clearing. Doing another jutsu he sent fireballs at Naruto and Naruto went poof. Damn it was a clone, thinking this he rushed from his hiding spot. As he began to move to another spot a body collided with his. They both rolled on the ground for a moment, when they stopped Naruto was laying on top of Sasuke. Naruto was holding his wrists down and was sitting on his waist, he could feel his face begin to flush. 'Get off of me, dobe,' he muttered to Naruto angry that he was beaten by dead last.

"I beat you."

"Get off."

"I beat you though."

"Get. Off. Of. Me."

"Okay, okay, but I still beat you," after saying this Naruto got off of him. Ignoring the hand proffered to him, he stood up. Giving Naruto one last glare he began to walk away, not listening to that idiots shouts of victory. He walked all the way to the Uchiha manor and when he got there he began to train more. He would kill Itachi and Naruto no matter what, even if he had to make a pact with the devil himself, he would kill them. Finishing his training around twelve he walked into his house. It was completely silent, no sounds could be heard nor were any lights on. As he glanced around the rooms he could see the emptiness. If Itachi hadn't killed all his family there would have been signs of life and inhabitance. Suddenly laughing bitterly, he realized if a person were to walk into the house they wouldn't be able to tell someone lived there. The house was bare except for the essentials, it seemed that Itachi not only killed his family, but also killed his life.

Shaking his head at his thoughts he walked into his bathroom, stripped off his clothes and got into the shower. As the water came down onto him, he called up the sharingan. His eyes turned red, the wheels began to spin in his eyes. The anger he was feeling towards Itachi was beginning to include Naruto. How dare Naruto make him look weak, he Uchiha Sasuke was the number one rookie while Naruto was only dead last. He would have to become more powerful to defeat both of them, much more powerful. When he did Naruto wouldn't be dead last anymore, he would just be dead.

"Ano sa, ano sa Yuki-chan! Guess what I got into a match with Sasuke and he nearly got me," Naruto shouted at her. Looking around showed him that Gaara wasn't around, it seemed that Gaara gained an obsession with that Hyuuga kid. He began to tell her all about the match and how he nearly lost. When he got the to the point where he tackled Sasuke he began to mumble about how he pinned Sasuke to the ground and sat on him. Watching the play of emotions on his face, Yuki grinned. Embarrassment was the key emotion on his face, when he snapped 'what' at her she grinned some more. Before she could begin to pick on him Gaara walked in. Twin looks of concern appeared on their faces when they sensed the mood he was in. He was in a killing mood, the anger, rage, and killing intent was enough to put them on guard.

Glancing over at them Gaara grinned, Yuki sighed. As they began to walk towards him, someone entered the room. The ninja looked into Gaara's eyes and moaned in fear. With no change in his expression sand began to fly forwards at the man. Naruto leaped forward to push the ninja out of the way and Yuki leapt at Gaara. Catching the tail-end of the sand attack Naruto felt his leg be cut open by the sand. Cursing he stumbled then looked over at his two friends. Gaara was collapsing to the floor and Yuki had blood dripping down her arm.

"You okay Yuki-chan?"

"Hai, Ruto-kun. How about you?"

"Yah just a scratch. I wonder what set him off."

"Probably has something to do with that Hyuuga kid."

As they began to clean up the blood an sand Jiraiya arrived. He looked around the room and then wandered over to Gaara. Leaning down he checked out Gaara, then went an checked out the unconscious shinobi.

"He's still alive?"

"Hai, sensei. We managed to stop Gaara before he could kill him."

"Oh, well grab Gaara and let's go," Jiraiya marched out of the door. Naruto grabbed Gaara and they headed out. They all jumped on the rooftops so they wouldn't attract attention of the people. Moving across the rooftops they were able to avoid notice. As they reached the clearing Naruto dropped Gaara onto the ground and moved away.

"Yuki, press the release point," Jiraiya commanded. Nodding her head Yuki did so and when Gaara began to awaken she moved away. Gaara laid there for a moment, opened his eyes and sat up. The crazy look on his face was gone and now he had no expression, the killing intent was gone too. He stood up and looked over at the rest of them. Jiraiya shook his head, then came over to inspect the seal on Gaara.

:2 Years Ago:

Gaara had been traveling with them for a couple of weeks an they realized they never saw him relax or sleep. Deciding to find out some more about him they set up camp early.

"Gaara, do you ever sleep?"



"Because Shukaku comes out."


"Yes, the demon inside me."

Cursing under his breath Jiraiya stood up and walked over to him. Pushing Gaara down, he began to pull up Gaara's shirt. Seeing no curse seal on Gaara's stomach his cursing was no longer under his breathe. The sand was beginning to react to what he was doing to Gaara, Jiraiya swiftly motioned Yuki and Naruto over to hold him down. When they did so Jiraiya pulled back his arm and it began to glow a bright blue. After it glowed for a moment he thrust his hand forward to put a seal on Gaara's stomach. As the seal appeared Gaara began to scream and thrash about until he passed out.

:Present Time:

The seal wasn't broken or even harmed, so that wasn't the problem. Gaara had a bored expression on his face while Jiraiya poked and prodded his stomach. Yuki and Naruto were standing back watching him. Jiraiya looked at all three of them sensing something was up.

"Okay guys, what's wrong?"

"We don't know so ask him."

"Gaara, what is wrong?"


"The Hyuuga was hurt."

"Oh that's it? Well don't go crazy on us anymore."

After saying this Jiraiya began to walk away, thought better of it and dragged Gaara away with him. Jiraiya was going to introduce him to the power of a pervert. He shouted that together they would go information gathering for his next book. As they walked off Naruto and Yuki could hear Gaara protesting each step of the way. They began to laugh until tears came out of their eyes, when they couldn't hear Gaara and Jiraiya anymore. The thought of Gaara sitting outside of a bath house peeping at the bathing women made them start to laugh again. Next Gaara would be writing a book that would make even Ero-sennin drool, at this thought they fell to the ground laughing more. When Yuki and him quit laughing he suggested they go eat some ramen at Ichirakus. Yuki agreed and off they went.

A/N: Okay that is the end of chapter 2. Please review!! Hope you all liked the little bit of humor I tried to add at the end. Also sorry about the OOC and sortof evilness of Sasuke. It's all following the storyline and dont worry they will be a pair later on.Anyhow thanxs for reading.

mooneyoukai: Thanxs for reviewing to let you in on a secret there will be lots of Gaara in the story. But don't tell my muse I told you.

HikaruOfArrow: Thanxs for telling me the story was awesome, it warmed my heart.LOL.

Half-Devil: Mwah ha ha hah!! You wanted an update well here is an update. I won't let the story sit for less than 2 weeks or less.

Maliciously Creative: I drool at SasuNaru too. This chapter goes into how they all met those 3 years ago. In later chapters I will go on more about how they spent those 3 years also I will be doing chapters on the histories (in this story) of Gaara and Yuki's history. And here at your command is chapter 2. LOL.

Joce: Thank you for reviewing.

Licht Sieger: To tell the truth I don't know why most people are obessed with SasuNaru pairings. I know I am because I'm just a rabid fangirl Anyhow I guess people just enjoy how those two get along in the beginning and how Sasuke is always protecting or saving Naruto. Other than that I don't have the slightest clue. Hope this answered a little.

Night-Owl123: Thank you for reviewing and here is chapter 2.

To all other people thank you for reading.