Special thanks to SnowAngelYuki and Cecikun

Special thanks to SnowAngelYuki and Cecikun!! Without them, there won't be this story!! Sorry for the OOCness, this is my first story…

Disclaimer: I don't own anything…. for I'm too poor AND that I have to share a room with my sis, AND THE ROOM IS SO FREAKEN SMALL!!

Yay I finally updated!! Man it's been like over 2 years, so sorrie… ;; I'm sorry everybody!!

Special Thanks to the readers that still review me, even though I haven't updated in 2 years…

WELL THIS IS THE LONG AWAITED 7TH CHAPTER!! And OMG Hiei and Kagome is finally going to meet!! YAY



Telepathic thoughts

Youko's Thoughts to Kurama

PLEASE!! I can't write fashion-wise so if anyone's interested, please help design something for the characters to wear. Any character!!

Chapter 7: Meeting Once again...

Kagome steps out of the cab with a look of relief. I'm so glad that we made it in time! I guess scaring the driver does work- we're actually 15 minutes early!

The rest of the gang soon followed her. Although it was tough getting Inuyasha out of the cab, but after a few "Sit!" threats, he finally came out. Miroku cried out as soon as he caught the site of hundreds of pretty girls, walking around waiting for the pageant to start. Tears of happiness spilled out of his eyes, as he rushed to the girl closest to him and asked her to bear his child. Apparently he forgot that he was dressed up like a girl. Although he didn't get slapped, the girl slowly moved away from him and scurried toward her friends. They walked away mumbling something about perverted lesbians...

Sango sighed as she saw the scene unfold before her, I really do wonder what part of him that I like... not that I'm going to admit to him that I like him... it'll go way over his head!

"Okay guys, we're about 15 minutes early, so I'm going to check out if I can find my friends, you guys stay over there." Kagome pointed at the stop right next to a table with a sign that says 'Sign Up'. "I already signed us up so just stay there where I know where to find you. DO NOT WANDER OFF PLEASE!" Kagome began to walk away, as she went to search for her friends.

A portal open up in the parking lot as Spirit Detectives walked out... with much difficulty due to the high heels that they were forced to wear... "MAN! I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW GIRLS CAN WALK AROUND WITH THESE ON!" Yusuke shouted to no one in particular as he tried to balance on the heels. The parking lot was empty due to the fact that time was running late, and nearly all the contestants had arrived.

"Now, now," Kurama said, attempting to soothe. In truth, he was having a hard time too... But showing it would ruin his image of being the calm and able to do anything. "Let's find Keiko and the others and sign up before the Pageant starts."

"YUKINA-CHAN HERE I COME!!" Kuwabara shouted as he ran out of the parking lot, hearts in his eyes, totally forgetting the difficulty he was having with the heels.

Yusuke harrumped but follow Kuwabara slowly. Kurama began to walk too, but stopped when he noticed that Hiei was not following them. "Hiei, aren't you coming?" Kurama asked.

"I'm going to look around..." Hiei said, and suddenly disappeared.

"Alright then..." Kurama said as he began to walk out of the parking lot. "Just be back before the Pageant starts in five minutes!"

Hiei leaped into a tree as he stared at the hundreds of girls underneath him. A look of disgust marred his face as he watched the girls chatter about how pretty they are and putting on make-up that smelt too strong... In truth, Hiei didn't really want to look around, but he wanted to delay the moment his sister would see him dressed like this as long as possible. THE NEXT TIME I SEE HIM- KOEMNA IS DEAD!

Kagome squeezed through the crowd, I didn't think there will be this much girls entering, WHERE ARE THEY! THEY'RE THE ONES THAT TOLD ME TO JOIN!

Kagome, lost in her thoughts did not see the banana peel under her feet. Her shoe landed on the slippery peel and was sent flying through the crowd, unable to stop herself. OH MY GOD! I THOUGHT THAT STEPPING BANANA PEELS THAT SEND YOU FLYING ONLY HAPPENS IN CARTOONS!! WHO WOULD LEAVE A BANANA PEEL ON THE FLOOR ANYWAY?? Kagome screamed as she saw a tree approaching. Unable to stop herself, Kagome place her hands in front of her face, shutting her eyes tightly and braced for the impact.

After a few seconds, she still hadn't felt the pain that will surely come if she smacked into the tree. Opening her eyes, she realizes that she has stopped sliding towards the tree which was three inches in front of her. A hand on each of her shoulder was what stopped her. Turning slightly, Kagome caught the eyes of her savior. Her heart skip a beat as she look into the blood red eyes of the one who rescued her. She blushed when she realized that a pretty girl in a black dress has saved her. OH MY GOD, DID MY HEART JUST SKIP A BEAT BECAUSE OF A GIRL?? NOOOOOOOOOO, DID THE SHOCK OF INUYASHA NOT LOVING ME TURN ME LESBIAN? AM I GIVING UP ON MALES FOREVER??/!! Kagome blushed even harder at her thought. "I'm so sorry! Thank you so much for saving me!!" Kagome shouted quickly and ran away from the red eyed beauty.

Hiei stare at the shadow of the girl that he had just saved from a painful situation. She looks kind of familiar… I just don't remember wh –

"Hiei we have to go, the Pageant is going to start soon." Hiei's thought was interrupted by Kurama, who had volunteered to go look for him in a desperation to get away from Kurabawa and Yusuke who was acting a bit "manlier" than they should, coughpunchingeachothercough.

Hiei nodded and proceed to following the redhead back to the group.

Soon they caught sight of Kurabawa's big figure that stands out from the rest of the girls. It was not hard to find considering the empty space they were occupying. Everyone just seems to "mysteriously" avoid the group.

Hiei can see the figure of Keiko and Shizune, along with the small light blue figure of his sister. Sighing, Hiei slow to walk behind Kurama, hoping to make himself as small as possible… not that he's very big to begin with…

"HEY!! KURAMA! HIEI! OVER HERE!" shouted Kurabawa as he caught sight of the two.

Resisting the urge to feed that idiot to his dragon of the darkness flames was really hard as all the attention was now on Hiei and Kurama. So much for hiding, Hiei thought bitterly.

Kagome joined Inuyasha rather quickly- his silver hair making it incredibly easy. Kagome glanced at her watch; it was five minutes until the pageant started.

"Kagome-sama," came the high voice of Miroku who was trying to sound like a girl, (and failing) "You look flushed- are you alright?"

"I'm fine," replied Kagome, "Just a bit out of breath from running." And thinking a girl is attractive! "But Miroku… never use that voice EVER! You don't have to speak so high, relax your voice a bit, not that high. Inuyasha let me hear your girl voice."

"What girl voice?" Inuyasha ask in his normal… totally MAN-voice.

Kagome couldn't help get goose bumps; it's just so wrong hearing such a deep voice from a "girl". "Inuyasha, we have to fix your voice, Sango you work with Miroku, Shippo and I will do our best with Inuyasha. We only have 5 minutes, so we better hurry!"

Sango nodded. Shippo excitedly agreed. For the next five minutes, the two girls and one young fox youkai tried to help two grow men sound like girls…

"LADIES OF ALL AGES!" came a voice on the loud speaker. "The preliminary round for the Crystal Pageant has begun. Please make an orderly line at the entrance. No pushing or shoving. Everyone will be judged fairly. In this round we'll judge based solely on your looks to make sure you qualify to even be in the Pageant. This round will not be aired on TV to save some people the embarrassment."

As soon as the loud speaker went off, all the girls rush to get on line; wanting to be the first ones to pass and make a fresh appearance on the judges. Everyone knows that the first ones had the advantage. The later ones would have to face judges that had seen hundred girls and by then have high expectations. There was much shoving and pushing even though the speaker said not too. After about 10 minutes, a long line was formed. Our shard hunting group manages to get in the middle of the line, with Kagome dragging Inuyasha, following by Sango, Miroku and Shippo.

"Well, the voice is not perfect yet," said Kagome after they had secured their place in line. "But it'll have to do."

"Wha-" began Inuyasha in his normal voice, but was instantly silence by Kagome's glare. "What is the first round about again?" ask Inuyasha in his "girl-voice". Inuyasha's voice was still a bit lower than normal girls, but it's higher than most guys. His tone was slightly grumpy and irritated but that's just the way Inuyasha was.

"I would like to know as well," came Miroku's female-voice. His voice was surprising well done. It was calm and relaxing, a bit like how an opera singer would sound when they are speaking normally.

"Well," began Kagome. "It is actually quite common. When there's a large pageant, many people sign up. So many that they can't be all judge individually, so to make the process faster, they are first taking out the people who doesn't look the part." (A/N not sure if that's true…)

"Make sense," agreed Sango.

The girls on the lines were all taking out their mirrors and checking their make ups, making sure their dress is all nice and wrinkle-less.

The Spirit Detectives were actually one of the first 20 on lines. Their meeting spot was pretty close to the entrance so they don't have to walk very far. The other pageant girls also avoided the group so the pushing never reached them.

As the girls went in one by one, Keiko couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. She unconsciously smoothed out her dress. "Do I look alright?" Keiko shyly asks Yusuke.

"What're you asking me for?!" Yusuke ask grumpily, not liking how close he is to actually begin in a pageant. He's never gonna live this down- EVER!

"Don't listen to that idiot," Shizune's voice. "You look beautiful."

And indeed she does. Keiko is wearing a dark amber colored dress that hugged her until her hip, where it fan out loosely, stopping an inch from her knees. Two thin straps wrapoed around her neck, keep the dress up. An amethyst necklace tops it off. (A/N I TOLD YOU I'M BAD AT THIS! From naw on, I'm not doing anymore fashion stuff (unless completely necessary) D use your imagination! Besides, the story's gonna drag if I do…) It's casual, but in a pretty way.

Yukina giggles a lightly on the side as she watch her friends do what they always do. It's very amusing and heartwarming to her. Yukina decide to just come in her usual kimonos. She is most comfortable with it.

Shizune also did not really dress up for the occasion. She dressed casually, as she usually did. In truth she was not all that interested in this whole pageant thing. She's just in it to keep an eye on the girls and Kuwabara. However, when she actually saw her brother in the so call "girl-clothes", she decided she had nothing to worry about. Her idiot brother won't even make it pass the preliminary, maybe not even though the front door. Kurama on the other hand… her thoughts wonder about how much of a shame it was for Kurama to be a boy.

Soon the last girl in front of the Spirit Detectives went in. It was their turn.

Well, there you have it. The 7th chapter D. I hope you've enjoyed it. The next chapter will be the preliminary and the appearance of some characters that I'm sure you're all DYING to see )

Review please! If you don't want to wait another 2 years XD

Jkjk XD, please review though, press the button right there!