This is my first fan fiction with the help of SnowAngelYumi! Special thanks to Cecikun, for beta-reading this chapter. I hope you all enjoy it! No flames please. I'm very poor, I don't want to live on the street for the rest of my life!!! DON'T SUE!!

Disclaimer: Hey, who says I don't own Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho, well, I DO!!!!


""- Talking

''- Thinking

-Telepathic thoughts

##- Youku's Thoughts to Kurama


Chapter One: Childhood

A car pulled into the front of a new house. A young girl averaging to the age of five came hopping out of the vehicle, her shoulder length raven hair drag lightly behind her.

"Mommy, Mommy is this our new house? It's beautiful!" the little girl said excitedly.

"Yes sweetie, now why don't go look around while mommy and daddy unpack our stuff." Ai told her daughter.

"Hai!" the little girl cried, already running down the sidewalk.

"Be careful dear, don't go to far" Ai cried, but her daughter was already out of sight. Ai sighed and shook her head. She then walked over to her husband and help him drag the television into their new house.


A six year old Hiei was awaken from his nap by playful laughter. Looking down from the branch he was currently sleeping on, he spotted a energetic little girl running down the sidewalk. Her raven locks flew behind her.

Suddenly, she stopped at the tree that Hiei was sitting in. "Why are you up in that tree?" she asked as she look up at the tree.

Hiei was so startle that he fell right out the tree and hit his head on the ground as he landed. The little girl quickly ran over to him.

"Are you alright?" she asked with those innocent sapphire eyes of hers.

Hiei quickly stand up and nodded at the young girl in front of her, still surprised that she knew he was in the tree.

"Hi, my name is Kagome Higurashi. What's yours?" the little girl now known as Kagome stated.

Hiei didn't answer.

"I said, what's your..." Kagome never got to finish.

"Hiei." Hiei stated calmly.

"Hiei, let's be friends!" Kagome smiled at him.

Surprised was an understatement. It was the first time anybody ever asked to be his friend because he's a forbidden child.

Kagome began to drag Hiei into the park she had just come across. Hiei, in a stage is shock, didn't resist, and was dragged all the way to the park.

When they arrived at the park, Kagome ran to the swing and sat.

"Come on, Hiei let's play!" Kagome yelled as she began to push herself.

Hiei hesitated for a moment but decide to play along with Kagome.


Kagome and Hiei soon became best friends and played together almost everyday. But because Kagome plays with Hiei, she became an outcast. Everyone thought Hiei was weird so they stay away from him. Since Kagome play with Hiei, everyone stood away from her too.

Since Kagome doesn't have any female friends, she use to play with Hiei's hair. Much to Hiei's protects but he soon got use to it (like he had any other choice). Hiei blame himself that Kagome doesn't have any friend so he vow that he would always be her friend and will always protect her.

Soon.... A year past....


"Hiei." said a very nervous Kagome.

Hiei look down from the tree at the little girl that he had befriend with. He nodded telling her to continue.

"Well, you see..." Kagome said even more nervous and with a hint of sadness.

Hiei jumped down onto the ground as he stared at his best friend, silently wondering what could have happened to make her act this way.

Kagome stare at Hiei's blood red eyes for a couple of a minutes.

"I'mmovingtomorrow (I'm moving tomorrow)" Kagome said quickly and ran home.

Hiei stood there, too shocked to move. When he finally processed what she had just said, Kagome had already gone home.

Hiei turn and walk towards the opposite direction slowly, still thinking over what's going on.


Kagome was in her room, crying softly into her pink pillow. Her rooms were empty, bags packed and left on the floor.

She silently fell asleep while thinking about the days her and Hiei had spent together.


The next morning....

Kagome stand near the door step waiting for Hiei to show up. Her mother and father were lodging their bags into his car.

"Kagome, it's time to leave," Ai shouted.

Kagome nodded and head towards the car when Hiei suddenly appeared. Kagome jumped slightly. "Umm... Hi!" Kagome said nervously, at a lost of words.

Hiei didn't say anything.

"I guess this is good bye then... I'll never forget you." Kagome said trying her best to sound cheerful, but failed miserably.

"I guess." Hiei answered so quietly, Kagome almost missed it.

They both didn't said anything for a while. Kagome looked around making sure her parent wasn't looking.

"Ten years later, lets meet again in Tokyo, okay?" Kagome said as she suddenly hugged Hiei.

Hiei hesitated, but hugged her back. He could feel her tears on his shoulder, feelings of guilt wash over him.

"It's our promise, okay?" Kagome said pulling away from the hug as she stare at Hiei, her face wet from crying.

"Promise." Hiei told Kagome.

Kagome smiled as move forward and kiss Hiei on the cheek. She blushed and ran towards the awaiting car. When she got in, the car drove away.

Hiei stand there, with a hand on his cheek, blushing ten shades of red. He slowly came back to reality as he watch the car drove out of site. Kagome's voice still in his head as he walk away. 'I guess it's time for me to go back to Mekai.'


Note: I know this chapter is soooooo boring (even I think so...) But I promise that next chapter will be better . This chapter is just to tell you how Kagome and Hiei met.

Mizuiro: Yeah! First chapter finished! Throwing a big party

Yumi: Don't forget who made the plot! Me!

Mizuiro: Oh shut up! You don't need to remind me 24/7

Yumi: But you're getting all the credit. IT'S NOT FAIR!!!!!!

Mizuiro: Because I wrote this thing!

Inuyasha: Hey wench, why aren't I in this chapter! The story is name after me, INUYASHA, so why am I not here! Why is the shorty so close to MY Kagome!

Kagome: I AM NOT YOURS!!!!!!!

Inuyasha: YES YOU ARE!!!!!!!!

Kagome: SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT...

Yumi: Inuyasha, you deserved every single one of them! Give me a high five Kagome! Keep it up!

Mizuiro: sigh this is going to take a while, there goes my party...Don't forget to review! Push the "go" right over there...