Chapter seven

Dear my beloved Draco

I am sorry to leave you but I could not allow you to accompany me on this time however much I want you by my side. As I write this you are asleep and I must say how peaceful you look laying their without a care in the world.

Know this my love, I will be back for you before this day is out, sooner if I possibly can. Do not worry about me I do not desire to cause you heart ache my dearest. In your heart I know that even though I have done this you will be able to forgive me. Know that I had the best intentions. Right now I want to hold you, I want you by my side, temptation to wake you up is to great which is why I must go now before I do.

Much love and kisses yours forever and beyond Harry xx.

Draco could have cried as he read and re-read the letter over and over again. The thought that Harry had gone properly to fight Voldermort and his deatheaters alone made him want to vomit. He wanted to be angry with Harry for leaving unannounced but he found that he just couldn't hold that feeling towards Harry.

All he did was miss him. Draco slumped back against the pillows and cried. Not just because Harry was gone but because the letter Harry had written him had been so beautiful. He refused to think that his one true love (so cheesy) could die without him even saying goodbye.

He found himself not wanting to go down to breakfast, get dressed or even get out of the warm sheets where Harry's scent still lingered. However he knew he had to be ready, one thing he had learnt about Harry was to expect the unexpected and that was what he was going to do.

At that moment a phone starting ringing, he knew it was coming from inside this room but he hadn't been aware that there had been a phone in the room. He found it and answered it.

"Hello?" He said cautiously not knowing who was on the other end.

"Draco…where's Harry?" It was Hermione.

"He…er…he's not here I assumed he'd gone back to Malfoy manor with you…please don't tell me he's on his own." Draco said starting to panic.

"He's not anymore, are you sure that's where he was heading?"

"He never said, he was afraid that I'd follow, he left me a note saying he's be back before the day was out and that's it."

"Don't worry Draco we'll find him, we'll contact you when we can ok, just stay where you are, we'll send someone over to keep you company later, our phones have tracers in them.

Before Draco could protest the line went dead and once again he was left with his thoughts and worries, he hoped Harry wasn't in any trouble.

Harry had indeed gone back to Malfoy manor, he wanted this over with, he knew that Ron and Hermione would have been able to escape with ease already, in fact he was counting on being alone for this.

Voldermort and his followers knew the shadows and their training, they knew that the wouldn't turn up alone no matter what and that was what he was counting on.

He had used the same tunnel as he had done before even though it could have been guarded, this however didn't bother him in the slightest.

What he was surprised to find was the tunnel entrance unguarded and the deatheater that Ron had killed yesterday was still lying on the floor, his body quite obviously untouched.

The smell coming off the body was enough to make Harry retch however he kept silent, climbing out of the hole and closing the door as quietly as he could. He manor was silent even though it was the middle of the day. This was what worried him more than anything else did.

He opened the door a crack and looked out on to the deserted corridor. He exited the toilet and crept along the corridor without a sound. He made his way through the house until he came across the sound of voices.

He didn't care much for what they were saying he just wanted to get this over with. By the sound of it there were at least eight of them and Harry wasn't stupid enough to go in there alone. He didn't have a death wish.

Continuing on he came to what looked like where a few of the deatheaters had been staying. There were a number of sleeping bags and pillows' lying around, but apart from that the room was empty.

Continuing on he explored the floor and found no one else therefore summing up that everyone was in that room. He went back and waited outside the room. They were conversing in low tones that Harry couldn't quite make out but what he assumed was Voldemort's voice sounded irritated.

"That brat killed Lucius, I want him dead and his boyfriend too."

"Potter is untouchable, Dumbledore made sure if that, he is completely untraceable, there is no way to kill him unless he strolls in on his own accord, Lucius' brat is the same, as long as they are together nothing will stop them." A deatheater told his leader.

Those words gave Harry a sinking feeling in his stomach, he and Draco couldn't be hurt but he had gone and wandered into the enemies lair without a second thought about the consequences, however it was to late to do anything about it now, he was here and he was going to do what he came to do.

Harry took out the knife that he had taken with him and stepped into full view of the deatheaters and threw it at one of there heads, his aim was true and it embedded itself in the mans forehead. Taking out his gun he fired it at five others before they had a chance to fight back.

They all started shooting at once, Harry dived doing a forward roll into the room and retrieved his knife from the deatheaters head and then moved behind the desk as they continued to shoot.

Draco sat on the end the bed, going insane with worry; the thought that Harry could be dead was driving him mad. So far no one had turned up to keep him company and Draco was glad of this as he didn't think he could cope with someone continuously reassuring him that everything is going to be alright.

Having had enough of waiting he took Harry's phone, left a note just in case Harry should return before he did. He wandered the streets for a while, casually gazing in shop windows at the displays.

It didn't matter what he looked at it all reminded him of Harry, one look at the optician reminded Draco that Harry used to wear those hideous wire frame glasses that hide his wonderfully expressive eyes.

An hour or two later, Draco wasn't really keeping track of the time, he began to head back to the room to wait. The sun was beginning to set, making the sky turn the most wonderful colours, he wished Harry could have been there to see the beauty of it.

Harry meanwhile had killed all the deatheaters in the manor, he knew more were on their way but Voldermort was here and vulnerable. However the coward was hiding, either that or waiting to strike when he wasn't paying attention.

He crept around the house listening for any sound that Voldermort could be close by but the sound of the front door bursting open was the only sound that he heard and it scared him. The other deatheaters had arrived.

Turning away from the direction he was heading only slightly before he felt strong arms grab him from behind roughly almost strangling him. He felt a knife pressing to his throat and a harsh whisper in his ear. "Time to die Potter, like I killed your parents."

Harry refused to shed any tears in front of this monstrous excuse for a man. Thinking fast he slammed his heel down on Voldemort's foot and as he howled in the unexpected pain Harry elbowed him in the crotch causing him to double over and let go of Harry.

Taking the knife that Voldermort had dropped Harry drove it into the mans stomach with a sick feeling of satisfaction. "That's for my mother." Then he roughly pulled the knife back only to thrust it in again. "And that is for my father."

The other deatheaters rounded the corner and began to shoot, Harry stepped behind Voldermort to shield himself from the bullets, which hit the almost dead man.

Harry then still holding Voldermort upright to protect himself began shooting at what could have possibly been hundreds of deatheaters that were now attacking him in revenge for their deceased master.

There were to many for Harry to kill, he had the horrid feeling that he wasn't going to make it out of this alive, he was never going to see Draco again.

Harry had long since run out of bullets and only had a single knife to protect himself with, he doubted that it would be enough. However he refused to go down running away, if he was going to die he was going to go down fighting.

Just as he was about to charge at the approaching deatheaters Harry heard gun shots behind him, he ducked at once and whipped around in a panic, however the shots had not been made by more deatheaters trying to kill him but his two best friends Ron and Hermione.

Draco was sat in his room alone, no one had turned up and there had been no word from anyone to tell him where his Harry was or even if he was all right.

At the sound of the annoying jingle that Harry had as his ring tone Draco jumped and hurriedly answered it. The voice on the other end almost made him cry.

"Draco…is that you."


"Yes my love…it's me."

"Oh God…are you alright?"

"I'm fine, just a little sore that's all…I'm coming to get you before we go into head quarters."

"Is it over…can we…"

"Yes…I killed Voldermort…we can…"

This reduced Draco to tears. His beloved Harry was all right, it was over, they could finally have a normal life together…

"Hurry up and get back here…I want you in my arms again."

"Gladly my love." Harry answered then there was a sudden knocking on the door. Draco flung it open and there in front of him stood Harry smiling, a mobile in one hand. This he dropped as he flung his arms round Draco and hugged him.

The blonde wasn't the only one crying his eyes out now as they both sunk to the ground holding one another. They didn't care that they were sat in the threshold of their room for everyone to see…it just didn't bother them.

"I love you." Harry whispered holding Draco still closer to him.

"I love you to Harry." Came the reply as tears continued to spill from silver orbs.

Those were the only words said in a long time until Harry's mobile, which now lay next to Draco's foot began to ring, giving them the signal that they had to go into headquarters. However neither seemed willing to let go.

Chapter eight

Recognising the fact that Harry had destroyed the biggest threat to the shadows in at least ten years Dumbledore had given Draco and Harry the dream life that they had always wanted. The life of a shadow was now behind them, and this they were glad about.

Harry had earned enough money so that they didn't have to work at all however they had insisted that they have jobs, Harry was working as at the local paper, the Daily Prophet, as a advise columnist. Draco had finally got to follow his dreams and had become the owner of his very own bakery, which they lived above.

It was the most amazing feeling to be free of commitment and duty. Harry couldn't ever remember feeling so happy in his entire life, the last time he had felt this way was wen his parents had been alive.

Harry and Draco lay cuddled together in a tangle of limps as the sun rose and shone though the window. It was almost Christmas and Harry was working from home for the next month. He loved this, he would sit and write his column and watch Draco cook and deal with the customers.

As the suns brightness woke the blonde he dove under the covers and clung to Harry tightly like a teddy bear refusing to get up, refusing to let Harry get up.

"Draco…come on baby I know it's early but you've got cakes and cookies to make…I could help you."

"And let you ruin my bakery's good reputation with your bad cooking I don't think so…and I'm not getting up, I'm warm and comfortable."

Harry found Draco's lips under the cover and kissed him passionately. "You know I could cook everything for you…I mean someone has to if you won't get up."

"Alright already, you don't have to threaten me or anything." Draco groaned and rolled out of the bed hitting the floor with a thud and another groan making Harry laugh.

Deciding against hi morning shower as he was already behind schedule he dressed and made his way downstairs to start the days work. Harry followed shortly after wearing only a T-shirt and boxers.

The delicious smell of baking cakes and bread soon met his nose making his mouth water and Harry wasted no time in following the smell downstairs into the shop to find his boyfriend taking gingerbread cookies out of the oven.

"Mmmm, those look great." Harry said staring at them hungrily.

"Don't even think about it honey…or I will hurt you."

"Ooo that sounds like a threat."

"It is."

"And I'd bet you'd follow through with it if you didn't have to open up shop in ten minutes."

"Who said I needed longer than that." Draco said raising a suggestive eyebrow.

"Maybe later babe…I'm to hungry right now." Harry whined pouting, he knew full well that he'd get his way eventually.

"Oh fine." Draco said giving in and stuffing a gingerbread man in Harry's mouth.

Harry grinned removing the biscuit and kissing his boyfriend on the cheek before heading up stairs to dress, Rona and Hermione were due over soon, he may not be a shadow any more but they were still his friends.

However Harry found that they weren't there for a social call, they were there to discuss business.

"Guy's, I want nothing more to do with it remember, Draco will be devastated when he finds out."

Ron and Hermione exchanged cautious looks with one another and said nothing as Draco entered; he'd closed the bakery for lunch. "What am I going to be devastated about?" He asked grabbing a bottle of water out of the fridge.

Harry glared at his friends as he slumped down in the nearest armchair and sighed. "Dumbledore wants to use the shop as a meeting place…you know like how we used Starbucks."

Draco who had looked confused for a second now looked horrified. "But…but Dumbledore said…"

"I know and I'm saying no as well but it doesn't look like we have a choice in the matter."

"I'm really sorry but we're only the messengers…we…we're sorry."

"Alright stop saying you're sorry already…Draco it's your shop, you decide."

Draco looked pensive, a part of him wanted to refuse this of them but then he remembered that they had given him this, his dream, Dumbledore had given up Harry for him, so he could hardly refuse them this.

"As much as I hate the idea…alright…I'm not ok with it but as long as you do it discretely and don't scare away the customers that's ok."

"Erm Draco…the shadows are in charge of making Starbucks…that's why so many of them are meeting points." Hermione explained. "And you know how popular they are."

Draco nodded his head. It seemed that even when they escaped the life of being a spy it still hung over their heads like storm clouds ready to strike down upon them like thunder. As much as he loathed the idea that the Shadows were still apart of what they were trying to make normal lives he could do very little about it.

The End.

So tell me what you thought, I would really like to know, I only got one review for the last chapter. I know I've been away for a long long time but I'm back now and story updates will be up as soon as I possibly can. I am even working on a few other stories for your enjoyment and don't forget that th3e Christmas holidays are coming up meaning lots and lots of neat writing time. Hope to hear from you in all my lovely reviews.

Over to you, here are four story ideas that are ready to go.

Which story should I write next?

1. Defiant Destiny (romance, Action/Adventure)
2. When it comes to you I want everything (romance, fluff, cheese)
3. Cat stuck in a well, story by Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy (humour)
4. What you made me (Alternate universe, non-magic, romance)