Shadows of the day and night

Chapter one

In the normal world people are protected by an unseen force off good that nobody ever sees and everybody takes for granted. One may be travelling on the tube with you to work or might even be working in your local shop as their cover job, you'll never know.

These spies or shadows as some call them work by a series of rules that can never be broken, if they are the consequences could be disastrous. Harry James Potter has been working for them since the age of seventeen when he had been informed of their existence. His parents had been 'shadows' they had been killed in action that same year.

Now Harry was good at what he did Albus Dumbledore the man in charge of operations might occasionally be foolish enough to call him the best that he had. Harry worked with only Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger, the first picked out of police training especially for this and the latter taken from university, she was the smartest woman they could have asked to join the team.

When the three of them weren't working they were inseparable friends, if they could of they would have shared a flat but as a rule no two 'shadows' should stay in the same building. The one thing that Harry despised was rules and he hated living his life by them and that was why he broke them as often as possible.

A 'shadow' can be called in at anytime and sent to any country in the world to fulfil a specific mission that had to be completed so they generally steered well clear of any form of commitment, in other words it was an unwritten rule, never fall in love.

Harry had been foolish, an old school friend had got in touch with him and they had arranged to meet. He and Draco went way back, they had been boyfriends in college before Harry had been called away and informed of the secret life that his parents had lead.

They had arranged to meet in a small café only minutes from Harry's flat, this was Harry's first mistake. His second was to leave his pager back at his home so no one from his life as a shadow could contact him. He put his mobile on silent and set off; Ron and Hermione were the only shadows who had his public home and mobile number.

Draco was already there, sitting at a table near the window looking as radiant as ever. His long blonde hair that was tied back into a ponytail shone in the sunlight, his molten silver eyes glistened when he lay eyes upon his date.

"Hey Harry, your looking as gorgeous as ever, how are you?"

"I'm great, I could say the same about you, you honestly haven't changed a bit the past two years have been good to you. So what have you been doing with yourself?"

They talked about what they had been doing for the past two years, well Draco spoke and Harry listened, not that Harry could tell the truth even if he had been asked.

"Sounds like a lot has happened with you."

"It has, so what about you what have you been doing?"

"Are you seeing any one special at the moment?" Harry asked artfully dodging the awkward question that he could be arrested for asking. At that point he felt his mobile vibrating in his pocket; he tried his best to ignore it.

"No one, I'm completely single." Draco said obviously trying to hint that he wanted Harry to make him unavailable. "Are you...seeing any one?"

"No, but I guess I will be very soon."

"And why is that?"

"Because I'm going to ask you out tonight and I'm predicting that you're going to say yes."

"You seem very confident with yourself, where are you going to take me?"

"Oh I thought a romantic meal for two and then a moon lit stroll back to my apartment where we could...catch up."

"That sounds very appealing but how do you know I haven't already got plans tonight?"

"By the look in your eyes." Harry replied. The vibrating seemed never ending and was getting on his nerves. Continuing to ignore it he leant forward and placed a soft kiss on Draco's lips. "Now please excuse me one second while I use the bathroom."

Harry got up and went into the men's loos where he took out his phone and answered it, on the other end was Ron, he sounded frantic and a bit pissed.

"Where the fuck have you been?" He hissed.

Harry sighed in an exasperated tone and replied: "Out, you don't need to know details."

"Well it has to wait, your needed."

"Well your going to have to wait. I'm kind of in the middle of something."

"Getting laid shouldn't be high on your list of priorities Harry."

"You know me better than that Ron, you should also know that I play by my own rules, the ones we are given are only guidelines. What's the big emergency?"

"I can't speak over the phone, you know the drill."

"I'll be in, in about an hour."


The phone went dead; assignments always came up at the very worst time. Harry hurriedly exited the toilets and returned to Draco who was still sat patiently at their table.

"I thought you'd fallen in or something." The blonde joked smiling.

"Look Draco I'm really sorry but I have to take off, I have your number and I'll call you to make arrangements for tonight."

Draco looked a little put out but nodded all the same not really having an option in Harry leaving. "Where are you going?"

"Work." Harry replied simply. He stood up and so did Draco and they both walked out of the café leaving money on the table.

"So don't I get a kiss goodbye before you run off to work?"

"Of course you do." Harry engaged Draco in a passionate kiss before breaking it and looking deep into his partner's eyes. "And don't think that that'll be the last of those, I'll see you tonight."

"Sure, and maybe you could tell me what you've been doing over the past two years."

Harry smiled and began to walk away whispering under is breath. "I'm a shadow."

It didn't take long after he got off the tube for Ron and Hermione tracked him down and began to walk along side him.

"What took you so long?"

"Stuff, details are irrelevant at this point, what's the emergency?"

"Three of our men have been hit, all are dead, someone is watching our every move, they've tapped all the phone lines, it's someone working from the inside."

"Any idea who?"

"No but we know their overall goal is."

"Go on."

"Destroy those known as the shadows, without them it leaves the more vulnerable police force and army alone and the scale of invasion that this group of men are planing would over run them, we're the only ones who can stop them."

"Right, what information do we have already?"

"Not much, only that the organisation call themselves deatheaters and their leader is a man by the name of Voldermort but there is no trace of him ever being born, going to school, getting a job etc so the team are working on figuring out who he was before he changed his name, so far we have no visual of his face, which is making out work a lot more difficult." Ron informed his friend and co-worker.

"However we do have a list of possible deatheaters, we're checking out each one, tailing them and reporting where they are going what they are doing and with whom they are in contact with." Hermione said. "Any one from our pasts that are trying to get close to us have to be checked out, that includes Draco Malfoy."

"How did you...wait don't tell me, it's not like I wasn't expecting this, alright check him out."

"There's something else." Ron said, this time a little more carefully. The three found a park bench facing out onto the river and sat down. "Draco's father Lucius Malfoy was on the list of possible suspects."

"That doesn't necessarily make Draco a deatheater though does it."

"We know you have arranged to meet him tonight, you will go along as planned; however we're going to wire you and monitor the conversation."

"No, you may use your training and watch me from afar I don't care about any of that but I want to you know...get lucky with him and I can't do that if I'm wired."

"Sorry Harry, you know we wouldn't if you didn't want to but these are direct orders from Dumbledore himself."

"Then I shall take this up with him, I refuse to be a pawn in his games, I deserve outside of being a shadow, I had that with Draco before but lost it because of this stupid job, I refuse to do it again."

"What are you talking about Harry?"

"Back in college when we were dating before, I told him that I loved him and I meant it, he said it back but within the next few weeks I was told my parents were dead and I was shipped off to be trained as this, I was heartbroken for weeks and now that I have another shot with him I'm not giving that up even if it means throwing in my career."

Harry stood up and began to head up to the main headquarters of the Order, which was where the shadows gathered and worked; it was there main base of operations. Situated in London underground with a secret entrance on street level.

Harry casually leant against the lamppost outside of a rotting abandoned building until he heard a clink that signalled that the door had been unlocked to admit him. He checked that the coast was clear before wandering round to the back of the house and opening the door, walking down the corridor within and placing his hand on the scanner.

The light flashed green and elevator doors opened. He stepped in and pressed the button that lead him to the floor where Albus Dumbledore's office was situated. He wasn't going to let his work interfere with his social life any longer.

He wasn't confident that Dumbledore would let it slide but they had always been close. He and his parents had worked extremely closely; Dumbledore had been present at his birth and had looked after him when Lily and James had died. Their relationship besides being boss and worker was that of a grandfather and son. If it hadn't been for this man he didn't know if he would have survived everything he had bee through.

He walked quickly past his fellow shadows greeting a few as he past, he walked straight past Dumbledore's secretary Minerva Magonigal and barged into his office with only delivering one or two quick knocks before hand.

"We need to talk." He said upon seeing Dumbledore sat at his desk reading through a few documents and drinking coffee.

"What is it Harry, you should be concentrating on these attacks not socialising with myself or...others."

"This is about work and the fact that you want to sabotage my date tonight but getting my work life involved again. You have done it countless times and ruined any chance I ever had at having anything close to a normal life. I won't let it happen again."

"I do not understand you only met this boy this morning, how can you feel so passionately about it already, it is impossible to fall in love so quickly."

"Before my parents died I was dating Draco, we loved each other we believed we were soul mates, when I moved away we decided it was for the best that we o our separate ways, I never stopped loving him, never, if you force me to go through with this tonight I quit, I won't be coming back tomorrow."

Dumbledore sat in silence pondering his options. "I see your point but you duty as a shadow comes before everything personal, we have discovered that your boyfriend had links to the deatheaters that pose a threat to us."

"Yes, through his father, Draco despises his father why the hell would they be working together? I know Draco, he would never hurt me."

"Unless he didn't know." Dumbledore said quickly. "He may not willingly hurt you Harry but you are forgetting that he doesn't know of your involvement with the Shadows, well he shouldn't do if you followed the given rules."

"I haven't told him Sir but that still doesn't make him a killer."

"Dean was one of the three killed Harry, his insides were ripped out and a message was written on the wall in his blood. 'Shadows Beware'."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I am going to let you go without anyone following you and without wires or tracking devices, I wanted you to know what these people are like, what they are capable of. Be careful Harry.

New story...I know I should be updating my old ones but I have major writers block, I'm sorry, however I have already finished this one so I can post a new chapter whenever I want. Please review, if I get enough I may post a new chapter. SS xxxx