Disclaimer: (goes to all chapters) I don't own the characters I am using from charmed.

AN: Hello people! Welcome to my new story.

It is NOT a sequel to any of my old ones, but if you liked "Fast Woman, Delicious Man" then you are in the right place. I am borrowing the characters from Charmed, but this is a completely different story, and for some background scroll down, but be aware that most info will be presented in the fic itself.

This is a Piper/Leo story for all you fans of the two (and I know there's a lot of you...).

Background: Leo (32) is the head sheriff of a small town by the name of 'Lustville'. Piper (29) and her younger sisters, Phoebe (25) and Paige (23), are just looking for a quiet life, away from everything. (Prue was never their sister, she might appear in the story but not as a Halliwell).

Alright, not giving anything away, the rest you will find out in the fic itself... Enjoy!!!

Chapter 1

OoO Welcome to Lustville OoO

"Ok, where to now?" Piper asked, wiping the sweat off her forehead.

"Right." Paige called from the back seat.

"There is no Right." Piper blurred out with a tired sigh.

She looked at the road which continued either straight forward or to the left.

"I mean the other Right." Paige said after a moment.

"Left, you dumbass." Phoebe said next to Piper.

"Shut up Phoebe, last time you gave directions we ended up in a Lama farm." Paige snapped.

"Alright you two, we're all tired" Piper said while turning the car away from the highway to the narrow road which she hoped would lead them to Lustville.

They've been on the road the past two days and they were all completely worn out.

"I see a sign!" Phoebe exclaimed with enthusiasm, taking her dark glasses off and pointing out of the window.

"What does it say?" Paige asked, her voice all hope.

"Wait, we need to get a little closer..." a few seconds later, Phoebe continued, "Welcome to Lustville! Yes! We made it!" She cried, waving her hands everywhere.

"Thanks you GOD!" Paige said from the back seat, almost jumping from her seat.

Piper just smiled to herself, mostly because she was dying for a shower.

She still wasn't sure that they made the right decision by coming here.

All three were used to the busy life of San Francisco, and Lustville was defiantly a whole different story. Although, that was precisely the reason why they decided to move there; it was getting way too busy.

She looked at her surroundings, but nothing seemed too promising. Some trees were starting to appear, more grasses, and from far away she started seeing some houses, but mostly green and orange tops of high trees.

"This is so exciting!" Phoebe said.

Piper was all but excited. She was mostly there because of her sisters. She's been taking care of them ever since she was fifteen when their grandmother passed away. Their mother died not long after Paige was born, and their father is a crook and a con man who spends most of his time in Las Vegas stealing millions.

She's never accepted any money from him, and she wasn't going to break down now.

After series of unpleasant events in the past few months Piper decided it was time to take a break, get away from San Francisco and all the troubles and that's what brought them to Lustville.

They bought the local bar/club (which from she heard used to be the hot spot in town, or rather the only spot in town) after the owner died and no one in the sweet little town wanted to deal with buying the place from his family and dealing with the trouble of getting the place back on it's feet.

"Oh, look!" Paige called form the back.

On their left was an open stable with numerous horses in it.

A man in his late forties was brushing one of the horses, and looked up when their car stopped by the curve.

Piper rolled down the window, and popped her head out.

"Good evening ladies." The man said, taking his gloves off and walking closer to the car.

"Evening, we were wandering if you could give us some directions." Piper said, forcing a smile.

"Who is it Frank?" A woman's voice came, and a lady in a bright orange dress with her red hair pulled up and joined 'Frank'.

"Oh, the Halliwell sisters!" The woman exclaimed with excitement.

What the hell?

"You know who we are?" Phoebe asked.

"Of course we do! You are the new owners of Marlin's place!" The woman answered sweetly.

'Marlin's place' must have been the club.

"Very true. Hi, I'm Paige." The youngest sister said from the back, sticking her hand out of the window and shaking the red haired woman's hand.

"Oh, Frank, where are our manners?!" The woman said to her husband, giggling with her high voice. "My name is Harriet Tucker and this is my husband, Frank. We have all been expecting you!" She said with a little too much enthusiasm.

"You have?" Piper said, trying not to loose her smile.

"Of course dear!"

Piper opened her mouth to say something, but Phoebe went first.

"Anyway, I'm Phoebe, and this is Piper, we're very excited to be here!" Phoebe said, probably trying to copy Harriet's hyperness.

"How delightful! And look at this! It's tea time, why don't you girls join us?"

"How sweet of you, but really we can't, we're a bit tired, it's been a long way." Piper said before any of her sisters could agree to the offer.

"Of course. Where will you be staying?" Frank asked.

"Good question." Paige said from the back.

"Is there a motel anywhere close by?" Piper asked.

"Darling, everything here is close by. AND, you've come to the right people! Our family owns the only motel in town. Just take the right after the courthouse which is right down the road, and you'll have no trouble finding it. You shouldn't get lost, but if you do then I'm sure you can ask someone on the way, we are all very friendly here." Harriet said.

No doubt in that.

Piper thanked the couple who promised to come by the club tomorrow with a few other people to help the sisters settle down, then waved them off as Piper pulled the car back on the road.

"What a sweet couple." Phoebe said seconds later.

"Very." Piper muttered.

"Oh, this is going to be so great!" Paige said with excitement.

Piper just sighed.

They took the right turn by the courthouse which was very easy to recognize (sign; 'Courthouse'), and found the small police station by the SUV that stood there and obviously belonged to a cop.

By the police station, stood probably the oldest house in town (but then they haven't seen the rest of them...). It said with big bright red and white letters 'Lustville Motel'.

"Neat." Paige said.

"Come on, let's go in." Phoebe said, already opening the door.

Piper took a deep breath in, and finally got out herself to follow her sisters.

This town had a population of 3,103, or so it said on their little site. She tried to stay positive, but it was getting hard to do.

For Phoebe and Paige, She kept telling herself, and slammed the door behind her.

When they opened the doors to the Motel, their eyes went wide.

There were approximately 100 people in the lobby, which wasn't quite big enough to contain that amount of people.

"Well then." Phoebe said, looking around.

"Yeah, no kidding..." Paige added, and the two started walking forward.

All the people in the small lobby suddenly stopped their conversation and looked at the sisters, leaving only the sound of someone playing pool in the back of the room.

Piper walked and stepped in front of her sisters, somehow feeling she should be protecting them from all these people, but both Phoebe and Paige had a smile on their faces.

"The Halliwells?" Someone asked, and low talking begun throughout the room.

I REALLY don't like this, Piper thought.

Then she saw a man approaching them from the back with a cue in his hand. He had send blond hair, tall, green eyes, gorgeous.

Now THIS I like.

"The Halliwell sisters I presume?" He asked, and both Phoebe and Paige nodded enthusiastically.

"Evening ladies, I welcome you to Lustville." He said with his yummy lips.

Damn Town boys. Grams warned me about his kind.

"Thanks!" Phoebe said from behind her, stepping up to shake the man's hand. "I'm Phoebe. This is Paige and Piper."

His eyes scanned all three sisters, and when he and Piper made eye contact she looked away.

"There sure are a lot of people staying at this Motel." Piper said.

"Actually, there are none. We are all Lustville people. Ever since Marlin's was closed down this is where we hang out. We're trusting you three to fix that one." He said with a grin.

"Figures." Piper muttered.

"Anyway, I'm Officer Wyatt, but you can call me Leo." He said, staring at Piper.

Look at Phoebe, she's more interesting.

Piper then noticed the badge on his shirt, saying 'Sheriff'. Well, that figures too.

A woman looking about Paige's age walked up to them from the counter in the center of the room.

"Welcome. I'm Margaret Tucker, everyone calls me Mar." The woman said.

"Any relation to Harriet and Frank?" Paige asked.

"My parents. Sorry if they scared you guys, they can get very annoying sometimes." Mar said.

"Not at all." Piper said, but looking at Leo she saw he wasn't buying it.

Stay away, town boy.

An hour later, half the people in the room already introduced themselves to the sisters, and Piper thought she would pass out on the floor if they didn't let them rest soon.

Her sisters, on the other hand, looked full with energy, talking with everyone and already blending in

Well, you two weren't the ones driving these past two days... She thought to herself.

Numerous people were talking to her at ones, when she herself could hardly keep her thoughts straight.

"So, I bet you three had a long way up here." She heard the sheriff's voice between the others.

"Very, VERY long." Piper muttered.

She saw him smile, and tried to return a smile but it was too much of an effort so she didn't even bother.



"Want me to ask Mar to set you guys up with a room?"

"Oh, yes, please." She almost begged.

He laughed, and disappeared somewhere into the crowd.

Fifteen minutes later, she was given a key and a room number.

"Thank you." She said, and called her sisters.

"Aright, fun's over, let's go."

They waved all the people goodbye (after everyone reassured them they will see them tomorrow. Oh joy), and finally headed upstairs to find their room.

Phoebe and Paige started talking about how exciting this was going to be, and how great it was that finally they will be able to open that club and get it all decorated... while Piper chose to collapse on her bed and fall into deep slumber, knowing that adjusting to Lustville was going to take her a while, but she was going to do it.

For Phoebe and Paige, she was going to do it.

AN: Well? Like? Don't like? Let me know if you want me to continue, so don't forget to leave a review!