Chapter Three - Roses

"It's nothing, Ron!" screeched Ginny, throwing her hands up in the air. She was in her pajamas early in the morning, her hair crumpled and her eyes baggy. She only awoke a few minutes ago in her wizard's tent.

Ronald, who happened to pass by, saw something quite innerving and disturbing. "Nothing?! Nothing? Ginny, someone sent you roses! I demand to know who! Tell me now so I can go and hunt this bastard down! Who in their right mind would send you roses and not consult me beforehand?! Are they bloody thick?! Or have a death wish?!" babbled Ron.

Ginny groaned and plopped onto her bed, that was showered with dozens and dozens of red and silver roses. She woke up that morning with something scratching her leg. Thinking it was some sort of outdoor animal, she sat up and looked around. That's when she found herself flooded with a scent of flowers. A card was placed gently on her pillow, where her head once was. She was just about to grasp it, when Ron proceeded to walk in.

"Ron," started Ginny, "please? I'm tired. I'm very sleepy and I can't think straight right now. I don't know who sent all these things, so please … let me be …"

Ron narrowed his eyes at something behind her, and before she could protest, he reached forward and grabbed the letter. "Ron, no!"

Her yells were useless for he already opened it up and read it aloud. "Ginevra, my love … these are for you … I hope you enjoy them … all my love …" Ron's eyes widened. "M -- Malfoy?" he stuttered, lifting his gaze from the parchment and glaring at his sister. "You and … Ginny!"

Ginny's eyes bugged out. "Don't you dare say such a thing, Ron! There is nothing going on between me and the bastard!" she shrieked.

Hermione popped her head up and screamed, "Shut the hell up!" Then slammed her body back onto the mattress, where she snorted lightly.

"My little sister is -- is shagging Draco Malfoy … she … oh no … poor mum … she's going to be devastated," he mumbled on, dropping the envelope. His face was etched in the same expression he had when he first broke his wand during his second year. His lips were curled and his eyes were wide as saucers. "Pregnant … Malfoy baby … oh no."

Ginny's breathing quickened. "Ron! You know I would never do such a thing! I have no feelings for the prat what so ever! Please, believe me! I'd rather shag a hippogriff then him!"

Ron looked at her. "You can do whatever you want, Ginny. I'm here for you. You can shag Malfoy if you feel, heck, you can even shag Zabini, too. I just want you to know that I love you and that I'd never ever make decisions for you. I've bloodied up my own love life as it is. I hope you're happy," he said in a soft tone.

Ginny's gaze softened as she scooted closer to her brother. She placed a hand on his shoulder. "I love you, too, Ron. I have ever since I was born. Thanks for understanding, but, I am not -- nor will I ever be -- in love or involved with Malfoy. I would never ever have a relationship with him. Believe me, Ron. I'm not with him."

Ron sighed. "I don't know anymore, Gin. I mean … look at us. You'd think we were a great family, but we're not. Percy's disowned himself, Bill's got cancer … Amazing how the wizarding world can't even cure a muggle disease," he chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "Dad's got a heart problem …"

"Don't dwell on the pain, Ron. Use the time we have now to spend with our family. I still love Perce and I know Bill will get through. We've got enough money for Dad's surgeries and … it's great …"

"We spent three years saving up all that money. Three whole years. I don't know, Gin. I just … don't know," Ron said sadly.

Ginny gave him a small smile.

"So," said Ron, changing the subject, "this Malfoy prat has feelings for you, eh? What'd you do, Gin? Turn into a slut?"

Ginny laughed. "He doesn't have feelings for me, Ron. I'm a conquest. I should know … he always does things like that for fun. Believe me, I won't fall for him." She was really trying to convince herself more than she was Ron. "He's a Slytherin bastard."

"Not all Slytherins are bastards," Ron said a matter-of-fact tone.

"Yeah … Craig is definitely not a bastard."

"He's the only Slytherin I'll ever converse with," he joked.

"Him and his sister," Ginny teased.

"I don't want to talk about that," stated Ron. "That's over and done with. Just leave that be."

Ginny looked at Ron worriedly. "What happened? You guys aright?"

"She just … Paige tries to get things out of me and … she can't! This is my bloody business!" he sneered, "she thinks she can just open me up?! I don't bloody think so! I don't have to tell her anything! Merlin, it's nothing! It's my life!"

"I'm so sorry," said Ginny, "you're right though. You didn't have to tell her anything. It is our family affairs, not hers."

"It's over between me and her."

"How did you break it off?"

"She did … I just backed it up and left."


"And Ginny?"


"Don't ever tell Craig."

Author's Note: Here's another installment of this story … I know its short … but Ron and Ginny deserve a brother and sister moment … and plus … this helps with the rest of the story … its great! More Ginny and Draco banter to come … Craig goes crazy … Pansy's in love … and Blaise is having a problem with getting hyped … fun for all !

as always - fawning over cheese,
chalk & gatorade