Well, hello! Any reviewers out there? Hello? Hello?

Snookman: (places hand on afterdark's shoulder) I don't know how to tell you this...

It's been too long. There're gone...

afterdark: Well we'll just have to get them back!

Review Answers————————————————————————————————

Triforce90: Yeah, innocent children are much fun. And this story is coolio! I thought is was just cool...

Vandagirl: I'd like to hope I've gotten a little better since I last updated, but I'm far from perfect. I do use spell check, but some things get past it. And I'll agree Slade is hard to write! Thanks for the review!

CrazyDeafGirl: Sorry this took sooooo long. But... YES! his name was Melville. And, yes, it's Susie! I remember that moment—Do you remember when Calvin took a phone into the forest to do some "bird calls"? That was funny, too.

RenegadeMustang: Good idea—I'll have to incorporate it.

Hylian dragoness: Yes! It's Melville! And I kinda failed on the "update soon." Sorry.

mew-xena: Yeah I remember that—Hobbes really likes to get Calvin on those kinda things, huh?

Oh, and I guess we're equal, 'cuz I don't know your trivia, but it's going to be the next trivia!


Once again, sorry this took soooo long. The next won't be soooooo long.

and now:

Hobbes' Trivia Corner

(The last one was Melville)

This trivia comes from mew-xena:

"When Calvin alphabetized and cross-indexed his christmas list in "The Revenge of the Babysat", volume one was from through ."

Answer, guess, whatever!


Chapter Five: Explanations of a blonde-haired kid


Susie looked shocked, and somewhat dazed. "Well, I saw a space ship in your front yard, and, well, since that's not something you see everyday, I came to check it out. I climbed up into it, and found it unlocked, so I looked inside and—HOLY SMOKE! IS THAT Hobbbeeesss..."

Susie fainted, and fell right into Calvin's arms.

"This doesn't go down in the club logbook, Hobbes.

"Er, right."


Raven could feel her head—it hurt.

She cautiously opened one eye. A green object was lying across her feet. She opened her other eye, and the green blob turned into Beast Boy. She sat up, and the first thing she noticed was she wasn't a dog anymore. She turned and saw a small red space ship about 30 feet away. There was a blonde haired boy trying to push a brown haired girl out of his arms.


"Excuse me."

Calvin and Hobbes both turned their heads.

"OH! Um, hi. My name's Calvin, and well, um, you're probably wondering why I'm on your roof."

"Yeah." Raven replied. 'This is gonna be a good one...'

Calvin explained everything, and I mean everything.

He began with "So long Pops, I'm off to check my tiger trap!"

And didn't end tell, "...and that's how we got here."

Raven was wide eyed. She'd never seen a six year old with such a large vocabulary.

"Wow. He's worse than Larry." She muttered.

"Well, thanks for saving the team, I guess. I still don't know about GROSS though." Raven finally said. "And I want my powers back."

"OK." Calvin went around back to get the IDT. He needed to modify it since he squashed the gun.

Raven glanced over at Hobbes. "Sooo... a talking tiger. That's a new one."

"Well, I think it's grrrrrreeeeeeeaaaatttttt!" Hobbes laughed a little, and gave a half hearted punch to the air. "Actually, your the first person, well, besides Calvin, to notice me and not think of me as a stuffed doll." Hobbes paused. "Or go ballistic." He added in a nod towards the unconscience Susie.

"So, Calvin—"

"Well, he may seem a little—different. At first. He's really a good kid at heart—he means well. I think."

"OK, lets see," Calvin came around carrying the box, now labeled "Power—thingy." "Raven, you stand here—" He pointed inside the box. "and I'll put my hand here." He placed his hand on a colored in space on the cardboard. "and Hobbes you turn the lever to 'give' and press the button."


Hobbes gave Calvin a questioning look. "Hey! I was running out of sounds!"

Raven interrupted. "Um, right. I stood on a piece of Corrugated Cardboard and heard a funny noise, which looked like it came from your mouth." She glared at Calvin, who backed away. "And now I just have my powers back. K."

"Calvin's inventions have a weird way of working out sometimes," Hobbes whispered in Raven's ear.

Raven sighed. "Let's get this over with—Azarath,"


"Metrion," She said in an equally dull voice.

Still nothing.


Her dark magic caught her off guard, and she flew 20 feet into the air.

She landed with a crash.

"Cyborg's going to want to see this," she said blowing the hair out of her eyes.


Next chapter: Some new inductions to GROSS—with a twist.