A/N: this story is the same as last "Live a Little"-- i just failed to meet guidlines for the second chapter and it was deleted (I'll 'revise' it or just leave this one up only or w/e)...so sorry for any inconvienience...


FPM: alright, a quick 'before hand idea of what's going on : ' ' signs stand for Cell talking in his head whereas " " stand for when he's actually talking like outside of his head, and - - is 17, and is 18. They are in his head, like literally, kinda like Buu, but not in that funky goo stuff...

17: She doesn't own us, just her story and ideas.

18: -And she is a she, not a he, just to be sure to confirm just incase she has a typo and ends up being a guy for the day.

17: Yeah, or just thinking she's gay for the day and thinks of herself as a 'he' and yup.


17: Right then (-cough-) here's the story:...


Cell was getting annoyed. He had been promised a battle with Son-Goku in ten days, but it seemed much too long. He was bored to an un-bearable extent that even the strongest being in the universe couldn't stand. He frowned and he stared at his feet. 'No good that'll do you...' he thought to himself. Sighing, he looked up at the clear, cloud-contaminated sky.

/Ooh...a bunny./

'Shut up, 18!'

-Don't you dare say that to my sister you bastard!-

'...Why? Afraid she'll cry?'

/I won't cry. Not in the frickin' presence of your stench!/

'Was that a come-back or a-'

-Cell! Just shut up, leave us alone and we'll leave you alone. We don't enjoy being in your head more than you like us being in your head.-


Their small conversation ended at that. Cell's arms were still crossed and he had been standing the same way for what seemed forever. He smiled as he remembered that frightened girl he had almost absorbed when he was in his in-complete form...


Cell walked through the town, terrorizing the occupants of the brightly-lit city bustling with what was fun turned into horror. He smirked as he threw an energy-ball through a few buildings in his path. Cell turned the corner and headed into the downtown area. He had already 'absorbed' thirty-six people. Ah, thirty-six...What the French use to say 'many' he thought.

He stopped walking when he saw a small, dark form at the end of an alleyway against the old brick wall. It had shivered and began shaking. Cell smiled as he approached the being bundled in a black-blue blanket covered in moss and dirt.

He stopped two feet from it, and got down onto his right knee, bending his left, his left arm resting on it, right arm reaching for the blanket...

He pulled it off and there sat a girl possibly seventeen, huddled into a small ball, a frightened cry in her eyes. She looked at him and whimpered, whispering, "please don't kill me...i'll try to help you if you need it...no...i'm sorry..." She looked down at where the wall joined into concrete floor, ashamed at what she had said. Cell smiled.

"Do what you want, little girl. But you are mine."

She looked up at him with large blue eyes. "Fine then. Kill me and do as you wish." At that she began crying in despair. Cell's smirk crinkled away and his face swirled into a worried look. Why do I cause pain because I want to? Isn't choice what separates people from the animals? He frowned and looked to the side. But I'm not a human, so why do I care? Why should I care?

Cell got up and walked away. The girl looked up without understanding what he was doing. From the corner of his eye he noted what her sharp face and fierce gaze looked like. He smiled. "I will come back, make no mistake, little girl." And with that he jumped into the air and flew off.


-Well, that was rather unique.-

'And what do you mean by that, 17?'

/For starters, you obliviously like this girl.../

'What the Hell?!?'

/Seriously. No creep leaves someone because they start crying.../

'Have you ever heard of pity?'

/Creeps don't have pity./

'And how would you know that?'

-We've been with Doctor Gero. I think he qualifies.-

'How was Master Gero a creep?'

/He RUINED our LIVES! He took us from the street and turned us into super beings! How much more of a creep can you get?!/

'...He did that so you would live. Don't you see? It was through pity that he saved you.'

-It wasn't pity. It was a longing to find guinea pigs that wouldn't be missed.-

'...Do you realize that you have just called yourselves guinea pigs?'

/No. Doctor Gero treated us like some-/

'Do I remember correctly or did he feed you?'

/He did. But only so he could complete his stupid experiments.../

-And what would you know of it? You came from the future, you dolt. Not in our time.-

'I know things I have learned.'

-Ha. Fat chance-

'...I was able to defeat both of you, wasn't I?'

The two android-humans fell quiet in his head. Maybe I won't be bored after all... he thought, smiling. Cell thought of the girl again.

"Why was she scared?"

Cell shrugged at his own question and looked back at the clouds and saw the stupid rabbit the android-human number 18 had seen. Dammit, why are they always right? Doesn't matter anywhos...And why is the sky blue and grass green? Cell's brow rose at his own stupid question. Oh-My-God! I'm turning into Goku, his stupid cells in my system and all...Shit!


'You shouldn't be talking, being beaten by one and all...'


'Much better. Wait. Why are you two in my head when all the other humans absorbed aren't?'

/So you do care! /

'No, I'm just bored and I can't think of anything else to talk about and the damn question is out of curiosity anyways...'

/...You so do care, and that's that./

'Shit on you.'

/I'm in your head, and if you did, poop would be in your head instead of your anus, you anus.../

'Hey, I'm a smart anus. Smarter anus than you, anyways...'

-Am I the only one turned on by the word 'anus'?-

-Wow, yeah, um, never mind...-

'Mind boggling you're related to him...'

/Brothers and sisters are usually opposite, so I'm not troubled.../

'Usually, huh? But what if, in your case, you're the same?'

/...Shut up!/

-Up Shut!-

'...How could Master Gero use such nincompoops such as you both to hold vast power in? Why, oh why?'

-...He thought my sister was hot...-

-Yeah. Remember when he tried to- -

'Well, he's only human and can't avoid temptation...wait, no! That did NOT come out right...'

-Obliviously Doctor Gero wasn't the only one who had a thing for my sister...-

'I so do NOT!!'

-Riiiight. Then why did you absorb her?-

'...Because I wanted the power she had for myself! Nothing of any feeling in that!'

/Back to the philosophy you don't have pity./

'...Shut up! I do so...'

-...Vegeta had pity. He let you absorb 18, remember? Maybe he had a thing for you, Cell. Who knows? Maybe you'll be the next best couple in the world...-

'That was out of his greed and his stupidity that he let me absorb stupid 18.'

-Don't you dare call her stupid, idiot!!-

'Who's the bigger idiot? The idiot or the idiot who got kidnapped by the idiot?'

/...That's from a stupid kid's movie...you like that crappy stuff?/

'...It's educational. I learned what erotic meant...'

/Eww...And that's why boys are defined as stupid.../

-That's why it's good I'm a man, right?-

'Hahaha, right'

-No seriously 18, did you mean- -

'I love you guys....'


-...Is there, uh, something else you would also like to share?-

'AIH! That did not some out right! I swear it! Goddammit! Shit, Shit! Gahh...'

/ One thing's certain: his temper's like Vegeta's.../

-...Something you would like to share, 18?-

/...STUPID! NO, NO, NO!/

-Oh, I forgot...you like that Krillin dude...-

/ (-blush-)/

'...What? You mean that shrimp? What an ironic scene...'

/And WHAT is WRONG with Krillin?/

'I can't say. Then you'd do that whole stupid 'teenage rebellion' thing that is seriously nerve-grating...'

/...He's a nice guy and a lot nicer than you at that, so just shut up, Cell...and what you know about liking people?/

'...I know stupid instincts...by the time I acquired Goku's cells, he had already-'

/GAIH! Never mind me asking.../

'...Why are we talking in my head?'

-I dunno maybe because you ABSORBED US, Freak!-

/...Just the same, you could let us out if you want peace.../

'No. I'm fighting in ten days, and I need the most power I can get...'

-Then those ten days are going to be a blast, huh? Right? Right?!?-

'...I guess...'

/YEAH! And in the meantime, I can brainstorm ideas for your makeover!.../


/Right, then.../

18 began drawing on the inside of Cell's head multiple sketches of a new look for Cell. 17 and Cell both sighed as they watched a girl being a girl...


FPM: Yeay! Right, then, along with the story.

Cell:...but that's all you wrote...

FPM:...shut up!

17: (-sigh-) everybody's got pms today....

Cell/FPM/18: o.O...

17: (-cough-) right then...