Authoress notes: ((Ahem)) Wow. I haven't updated this story in forever; actually I'm discontinuing it, as the grammar in it is horrible, the plot is choppy, and ick. It's all horrible. Mm, I might consider re-writing it, but then again I'm lazy as hell so that probably won't happen. X3 Well, all I can say is my writing style has matured, a lot. So even if I did write this chapter it would end up being forever long (and I don't have to energy to write a long chapter of a story I loathe writing) Hm. I probably won't update/finished my other stories as well, and I most likely will not be writing in the TMM genre anymore. I might finish my Yuugiou story, though maybe not. I've moved onto other shows ((cough)) Heroes ((cough)) sorry guys. ((Bows apologetically)) Really, I just out grew the TMM fandom, I guess. Well, Bye bye. :/