Author's Notes: I'm new at this so please tell me if you like it and what I can do to improve. Reviews are good for my soul.

Can't Stay

"Gah! I can't think anymore."

I slammed my book closed and laid my head down on it, closing my eyes. When I finally opened my eyes and looked at the clock, it was 1:00 in the morning. Great, I thought bitterly, I get to have my last final in five hours and I can't think straight. I was going to graduate in a week, one of my teachers had just died trying to save some of us, and the one person that I want at my graduation is tracking his past with no way to be contacted. Logan, the only person who didn't shy away from my skin, saved my life twice, and was the only real "family" I have, and he can't even make it to my graduation. The X-Men are great, but they don't understand me like Logan does. Of course, why would he come to the graduation of a runaway "kid" who he only lets hang around him most likely out of pity? I could feel the tears start to well up in my eyes.

Good going Marie, why did you have to think about him. Now you'll never be able to concentrate on math!

"Time to get some sleep Rogue so you can at least have a chance on your final," I muttered to myself. I laid down on my bed, taking off my gloves in the process, and turned out the light. In the moonlight, my porcelain skin didn't look all that deadly, if you didn't know any better.

Yet another reason Logan, or anyone, wouldn't want to get close to you, the little voice in the back of my mind sneered.

"Shut up!" I said aloud to the darkness, flipping over so my head was in my pillow. I started to cry. Flipping onto my back, I let my tears come. People don't understand that what I feel for Logan is real love, not just a crush like Jean thinks.

"Stop it Rogue, Logan isn't crying over you kid." I laughed a little bitterly at that as I finally got under the covers. I cried myself to sleep; hoping tomorrow would bring something better then today.

6:00 a.m.


My hand shot out to my alarm clock, hitting the button to turn on the radio. I stumbled out of bed and into the bathroom. This is one of the few times that I'm grateful to have my own room. I had to move, everyone was afraid of me after... "Stop thinking about that Rogue," I grumbled, turning the shower on to scalding hot. I quickly washed and combed my hair, pulling it into a high ponytail with my white hair framing my face. I looked in the mirror.

"What are you going to do after graduation Rogue? Can you really stay here after all that has happened?" The DJ on the radio saying that it was 6:20 interrupted my thoughts. I had to hurry. I quickly got dressed in a dark green T-shirt, with long, sheer black silk gloves, along with jeans. Racing out of my room down to the kitchen, where I bolted my food. All the students in the kitchen didn't really know me, which was good, because I didn't have time for distractions. Finally finishing my breakfast, I headed to my last final, math, which started at 6:30 with Mr. Summers. I had five minutes to get there, so I ran like a bat out of Hell to get there.

"You will have as much time as you need to finish this final. When you are done, please set them on my desk. Any questions? Good. You can begin."

Two hours later

I walked out of the classroom and sat down with my back against the wall next to the door. I think I did OK, but I was so tired I really couldn't tell. I hit my head against the wall behind me and shut my eyes, giving what could be classified as a strangled cry. "#." I was slightly startled when someone came and stood in front of me. The ice blue eyes of my friend Bobby Drake met me when I looked up.

"Wow Rogue, you OK? Do you need some help up?" asked Bobby, putting out his hand. I gratefully accepted it, and hoisted myself off the ground. "Wanna talk about whatever just made you slam your head into the wall? I mean I know we broke up after, um, you know...." "Alkali Lake," I replied, knowing Bobby wasn't that comfortable with even saying the name. "Yeah, anyway, we're still friends, and I still care about you. So what's up?"

Sighing, I looked Bobby in the eye, "Do you really think that you could handle it if I started to talk about Alkali Lake, everything that has happened to me, and Logan?" Bobby visible faltered when he heard Logan's name. I know he thought Logan wasn't a good guy, but if he wanted to be the shoulder I cried on, then he couldn't get defensive over anything about Logan. Plus, after Alkali Lake, Bobby had changed. He had lost a teacher, and his best friend had gone with Magneto. Also, personally, I don't think he would understand how I'm feeling. Heck, I don't even understand all of it, and I really didn't want to lay all that on Bobby. "Rogue, maybe I'm not the best person to talk about that kind of stuff to. Maybe the Professor, but not me. But if you need to talk about anything else, I'm here. OK?" I smiled and hugged Bobby, who tried not to flinch, but failed. I gave him a sad smile,

"Thanks Bobby, I think I will go see the Professor." With that I turned and quickly walked down to Professor Xavier's office before I changed my mind, hoping he would be there.

Come in Rogue said a voice in my head right before I knocked. I quickly came in and sat down.

"Professor, can we talk?"


Authors Notes: Please R&R. You know you want to.