Some inspiration drawn from the Goo Goo Dolls Acoustic

Bricru handed Fiona a book.

"It's Jack's journal. I didn't even know he kept a journal."

"Aye, another wonderful window into the world that is your brother."

Bricru made the journal flip to the page he wished Fiona to see.

"What's the point in trying?

Even if I scream, no one's listening anyway.

My voice is so small in this family now. And fading. It is so exhausting trying to take care of Fiona and Mom. And even more difficult hiding my concern from them. I know I don't have to do it, but I know in a way they depend on me; even if they don't say it.

People say it's not my job. But it is, it's mine till the day I die."

"I don't understand the human preoccupation with others of yer kind. Especially family."

"No, I don't suppose you would."

"You can help yer brother ye know."


"If... I were your brother, I could look through his memories and ye could see how to help 'im."

Bricru could see his persuasion was beginning to tempt her.

"I feel fer 'im, I do. Poor, poor Jack. Such a burden he bares."

"I had no idea. But how do I know this is all true?"

"You do not trust me, Little Duck?"

"Have you given me reason to?"

"All right. All I can show you is what I have seen when I was your brother."

"All right."

A memory of Jack's flashed up onto a screen. It flashed by a house.

"That's our home when we're not on tour."

Fi watched on as the scene progressed.

"I'm going for a walk, Mom."

"All right, Jack. Be back by 6!"

Jack walked down the street until he got to a house about a mile down the road.

He went up to the door and knocked. A friendly looking man opened the door and invited Jack inside.

"It's good to see you, Jack. I was a little worried after I got your last e-mail."

"I'm sorry, Joe. Long day."

"Let's sit down over here. So tell me what's been going on lately."

"Is that who Jack talks to? The one you were talking about earlier?"

"Just tell me where he is. We can help him together, Fiona."

Fi felt such sympathy for her brother, and did not want to be a burden on him his entire life. But Bricru was evil. He couldn't be trusted. Maybe he can show me what else Jack-

"No. I can help Jack on my own." She said as if coming out of a trance. Fi had to fight the urge to tell Bricru yes that she wanted his help.

"Fine," the spunkie said firmly. "I'll have to find my own way to him then. I thought we could be allies this time, Little Duck. You will be sorry. My powers are stronger now. Things even you couldn't think of."

Suddenly they were zapped into Fiona's bedroom at her aunt's home. Bricru looked at her and grinned. The jumped into Fi's open laptop computer.

"What are you doing?"

The human form Bricru had left was suddenly himself again.

"Where, where am I?"

"Um... I am your math tutor. But, uh, it turns out I won't be able to tutor you after all. Sorry. I'll show you out."

Fi returned to her computer after seeing the poor boy out. What is Bricru doing to my computer? She logged onto her e-mail and waited for a sign.

An e-mail from Jack.

Dear Fi-

Okay, look I'll fess up. I had this weird dream that you were in trouble so, I just wanted to do the brotherly thing and check up on you. I worry about you, ya know. Glad to hear you're okay. I just had a strange feeling – but don't' read anything into it, I'm not joining you cult. Maybe you're rubbing off on me or something...

Let's hope not.

Your favorite brother,


"Maybe Bricru was right about me and Jack being connected somehow."

A voice came from out of her computer.

"Thank ye, Little Duck. Now that I have a direct link between you and your brother through the internet, I can locate him almost effortlessly. He he he."

"NO!" Fi screamed. "I've gotta warn Jack!"

She picked up the phone and began to dial.

"Hello? Jack? Listen, Jack. Where are you? You have to get off the bus, you have to get as far away from it as possible, you have to stay away from your computer. Don't ask me why you just have to do it, you've got to... Jack? Where are you right now? What do you mean you're on the computer? You have to get off. I'm not crazy, just trust me! Jack! Jack!"