Disclaimer: I don't own anything from "DragonBall/Z/GT" or "Married…with Children." I think they are awesome shows, but I don't own them. If I did, I would be a billionaire since they are, along with "South Park," the GREATEST SHOWS OF ALL TIME! YEAH BOY!

Hey, hey, hey, hey! Hey yo, like this and like that…like this, like this, and like that and uh…like this? Yeah!

What's up, my peeps? Sorry for not being able to update in so long. Forces beyond my control kept me from doing so. Being on Christmas break allowed me to go back home to spend the holiday with my family, which was everyone in my close family. But I came back to my place sometime after New Year's and had to get situated to living on my own again. But spring classes started last week and my computer was acting like a little bitch for a while.

But everything is cool now, so don't sweat it. But enough of my excuses, it is now time to get into part three. Here, we will see what happens now that Goku has returned from the Lookout and Vegeta now knowing of Chi-Chi's late night dreams. Enjoy.


Part 3

The next night, Bulma sat on the couch when a knock came at the door, prompting her to get up from watching her program to answer it.

Once the door was opened, a haggard-looking Chi-Chi once again dragged herself through the door.

"Chi-Chi, you're a wreck!" Bulma, being the good friend that she was to Chi-Chi, helped her to the couch. "Oh I see, Goku finally came home last night and you two didn't even get the chance to sleep."

"Not really. I had another dream again…about Vegeta."

The younger female looked at her friend, who herself had a look that could burn through stone.

Chi-Chi nervously giggled, "You see Bulma? This is the part where we laugh so that I know you're not really mad about it."

"Chi-Chi, this is the second night in a row," Bulma said with her hands on her hips. "I didn't seriously think it would actually happen again."

"Do you think I want this?" the dark-haired woman asked desperately as she stood up. "I spent half the night just throwing up. Whatever happened to 'it was just a dream so don't worry about it?' Bulma, don't you see how much of a hell my life has been recently? I haven't slept in 48 hours. I haven't eaten, and now every time Goku mentions sex, I get sick."

Bulma stood up to face her friend.

"And now, you're mad at me," Chi-Chi said as she turned her back to Bulma.

"And why not?" Bulma stuck her chin up. "I have every right to be mad. You're the one dreaming around with my husband."

Speaking of the devil, Vegeta walked in from his workout in his usual workout attire.

"Hey Bulma," he greeted his wife.

The woman in question huffed and walked away from Chi-Chi.

"Hey woman," Vegeta's trademark smirk appeared on his face at the sight of Chi-Chi.

It was now time for the Saiyan Prince to have his fun. He stretched, showing off the muscles he gained from years of fighting and training.

"What a workout I had today," he said as he walked up to Chi-Chi. "You punch and jab a couple times and fight some worker bots and it can get strenuous after a while. Maybe tomorrow, I'll just take it easy on the training and just go swimming. I probably won't even wear a suit."

Upon seeing Vegeta's smirk grow, Chi-Chi became furious at Bulma. "I can't believe you told him!"

Bulma was just as furious at Chi-Chi. "I can't believe you dreamed him!"

Vegeta proclaimed as he crossed his arms. "I can't believe everybody doesn't."

"I'm mortified!" Chi-Chi cried out.

"Get over it," Vegeta said as he did a pose that would have put the Ginyu Force to shame. (Whether or not this is OOC is up to you. In the case of him doing a silly pose or just doing it to annoy Chi-Chi is your choice)

Chi-Chi placed a hand over her mouth and ran out as Vegeta laughed loudly while falling down on the couch.

Bulma sat down next to him with her arms still crossed. "Vegeta, what are you doing in Chi-Chi's dreams?"

"Making her life miserable," he said simply.

"Now I know you're doing something to cause these dreams. So whatever it is, I want to you to put an end to it right now."

Vegeta gave a little nod. "Alright Bulma, what should I do?"

Bulma had a little sultry grin as she leaned into him. "Well for starters, how about we go upstairs and you can be my dream lover for a while?"

"I would Bulma, but my stomach is acting up again," he said as he grasped his mid-section and scrunched his face. "It's been bothering me now and then ever since that dinner all those years ago."

"Fine!" she exclaimed as she got up and started pacing back and forth. "Then let's talk about other people's dreams you've been gallivanting in. What about some of my colleagues at work? I see the way some of them look at you when they're over here."

Vegeta rolled his eyes as he slumped further into the couch.

Meanwhile at the Son residence, Chi-Chi sat in bed, ready for bed, reading a book dealing with the interpretation of dreams.

Goku came out of the bathroom, ready for bed, but was hoping for a little bit more tonight as he sat next to his wife.

"Oh Chi-Chi?" he asked.

"Goku not now please, I'm reading."

"Okey-dokey, I'll just grab a hammer and we'll nail that to the ceiling," he said as he tried to play-pounce on his wife, who moved out of the way subconsciously.

"Goku," she said. "Is it possible to dream within a dream, or do you have to be in a sleeping state? And what are dreams? Are we perhaps the imaginary figures of a greater being, and in that sense, are we ourselves real?"

The expression on the Earth-raised Saiyan's face was that of someone asking him the square root of 144.

"I want sex, Chi-Chi," Goku whined.

"I think I'm going be nauseous," she said as she ran to the bathroom.

Goku had enough, even for himself as he walked to the closed bathroom door.

"Alright, now out of the other times I asked and you weren't in the mood, I don't remember you ever running up and sticking your head in the toilet," the simple-minded Saiyan said. "Now something strange is going on and I want to know what? Don't test me Chi-Chi, I'm horny and I've been up at the Lookout for the past couple days."

Chi-Chi opened the door to see her husband. "Okay, but promise you won't get mad."


Chi-Chi nodded. "Alright, here it goes."

Outside, a flock of birds flew away from the house in fright from hearing Goku scream.

Meanwhile back at Capsule Corp., Bulma still went on, having since changed for bed while Vegeta sank even further into the couch.

"And where are you in my dreams?" she asked. "Where were you when I dreamt I was drowning?"

"How could I swim?" Vegeta looked up a little from his position. "You said I didn't have any feet."

Bulma crossed her arms again. "If you loved me, you would've paddled."

With that, she marched up the stairs, leaving Vegeta alone in the living room.

"Finally," the Saiyan Prince sighed as he relaxed on the couch, only to have a knock at the door alert him. "Who is it?"

"Son Goku!" said the voice.

Vegeta got up from the couch and walked to the door, revealing Goku on the other side of the door, still in his bed clothes.

"I'm horny Vegeta, what are you going to do about it?"

This made Vegeta yank in his Saiyan counterpart and shut the door quickly.

"Are you nuts, Kakarott?" Vegeta exclaimed with a shocked expression on his face. "You can't go around saying stuff like that. What the hell is the matter with you?"

Bulma came down the stairs after hearing the commotion.

"Hi Goku, did she tell you?" she asked her childhood friend.

"Yeah Bulma," Goku nodded as he approached the blue-haired female. "I don't understand: I go away for a couple of days and return, only to find my wife dreaming about sleeping with your husband. I guess that's why they call it the blues."

"I'm getting out of here," Vegeta said. "I don't need this crap. The two of you can go on talking about the dreams of a clearly insane woman. I'm going to sleep somewhere else."

The Saiyan Prince walked out and closed the door behind him, only to run into Chi-Chi.

"Well, if it isn't the dream weaver herself," Vegeta said to the dark-haired Earth female. "Why can't you have normal dreams like me? You know, when you're the king of your own planet, blowing up people and eating dings dongs?"

"Is Goku in there?" she asked

"No, there are no other men in my dreams, except for Ashton Kutcher but I feed him to the spider people."

"I mean is he in the house?" Chi-Chi asked.

"Oh yeah, he and Bulma both want me dead." Vegeta said as he smirked once again. "You, on the other hand, just want me."

"Sit down Vegeta," she said as she sat down on the steps outside the door.

Vegeta was about to join her, but stopped himself. "You're not going to seduce me or anything like that, are you?"

"I'll try not to," she replied as he sat down next to her. "I think I know what's been causing me to have those dreams about you. Remember a couple of days ago when you said those men were going to swindle me out of my money?"

"I do. So what?"

"Well you were right about them, Vegeta," the dark-haired princess said. "Only I chose not to tell you, and in response manifested into my dreams."

"So wait a second," Vegeta said. "You mean you're not..."

"Attracted to you?" Chi-Chi finished. "No Vegeta. I was being punished. So here I am, to finally cleanse my mind and my conscience. So Vegeta, you were right. I should've listened but I didn't. In this case, you were right and I was wrong. I should've have listened to you. Are you satisfied, Vegeta?"

"Hold on," he said. "So you don't desire me then?"

"Vegeta," she said as she shook her head. "You didn't even have feet."

At that moment, Goku came out of the house to see his wife and fellow Saiyan.

"Oh Chi-Chi, I thought I heard you out here."

Chi-Chi stood up and went to her husband. "Not to worry Goku, I was just purging myself."

Goku whined, "Oh Chi-Chi, not again."

"Goku. I don't know about you, but I'm feeling a little frisky right now."

Goku arched an eyebrow. "You mean…"

"First one on the bed gets to read the ceiling," she said as she grabbed onto Goku.

The Saiyan in question looked at Vegeta, then at Chi-Chi, and again at Vegeta before raising his fingers to his forehead to use the Instant Transmission.

"I'm gonna have sex, Vegeta," he said with the patented Son grin intact as he and Chi-Chi vanished.

Vegeta sat all alone on the step as he raised one of his legs and started feeling his foot. "What the hell are they talking about? I have feet!"

The Saiyan Prince sighed, got up and went back in the house, where he was met by Bulma.

"Hey Vegeta, Goku and I were talking about what's been going on and I realized…"

"I was right about it not being my fault," he finished.

"You're not going to lord this over me, are you?" she asked.

"You bet your ass I am," Vegeta said as he sat down on the couch again. "But not tonight, now I just want to relax."

Bulma leaned over the couch, wrapped her arms around him and kissed the side of his face. "How about coming upstairs and showing me what dreams are really made of?"

"I'll be up shortly, Bulma," he said softly like he had little energy.

Bulma kissed his cheek again and went upstairs as Vegeta repositioned himself on the couch so that he was laying across it.

"Glad it's over with," he mumbled with closed eyes.

"Vegeta, are you coming up?"

Vegeta mumbled, "I said I would be up in a minute, Bulma."

Bulma came down the stairs and saw Vegeta lying on the couch. She smiled softly as she crouched over him while stroking his face.

As his eyes fluttered open, Vegeta mumbled, "I said I would be up."

He opened his eyes fully, only to be shocked at the sight before him.

"Don't wait too long," Chi-Chi grinned as she winked at him. "Tiger."

Birds outside of the Capsule Corp. flew away in fright at hearing Vegeta scream.


And that wraps that up. Wow, for being only a three part story, it sure took me long enough to finish. But like I said before, I dealt with forces beyond my control. Anyway, go ahead and send in your reviews as they are greatly appreciated. I hope you all enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it.

So until next time, this is T-Money saying "If you want some, come get some. And if you don't like me, bite me."