#12: A Goddess' Embrace
by Maaya

Alphonse spent more time in Riza Hawkeye's company than anyone would've thought. She was always in the office when he and Edward came to leave a report, even when everybody else had gone home, she was there to write, was there to help Colonel Mustang with something, was there to finish paperwork. When Edward was called to the Colonel's office, Alphonse waited outside.

Alphonse liked those times. He was very fond of Hawkeye.

He thought she looked royal, even dressed in the standard military uniform, sitting straight-backed in her chair and writing out a document about damage to military dorm rooms. Her face was vacant, elegant, she looked feminine and powerful.

She just had this aura that commanded respect.

"Alphonse-kun, would you kindly stop staring at me."

He jumped nervously; Hawkeye hadn't even looked up as she spoke.

"Yes!" he said, arranging himself on the chair once again, mindful not to fall. The chair was so small and his armour so large..."I'm sorry."

Hawkeye looked amused. "It's quite alright." She paused, let the pencil fall into the desk as she turned in her chair to face the boy completely. "Edward-kun should be done soon, I hope. The Colonel has a meeting at five."

Edward was as usual in Mustang's office, probably getting scolded at in a subtle manner for breaking that statue of the city-hero in Dovenburg. Judging from the low voices from the adjoining room, the worst part of it had yet to come. That, or perhaps Mustang had mentioned something serious, as in serious serious, not scolding serious.

Alphonse sighed.

"Brother didn't sleep much last night," he said. "I hope the Colonel won't upset him too much. It'll put him in a bad mood the whole night."

Hawkeye, who had returned to her writing, paused. "Edward-kun really should take better care of himself."

"He has nightmares, sometimes." Alphonse didn't think Edward would appreciate that he told anyone about his periodical troubles with sleeping, but then, Hawkeye would certainly not pass it on. He ducked his head. "I'm trying to help the best I can."

Hawkeye nodded, Alphonse watched in silence as she thoughtfully released her hair from her hairclip to put it up again in a tidier bun.

They both looked up as the door to the office was opened and Edward stalked out, face devoid of emotions, a clear sign just how upset he was.

"We're leaving," was all he said, before stalking through the office and out of the door at the end of the room.

Alphonse scrambled up to follow, finding some relief in that the best part of spending time with Hawkeye had yet to come. As he passed her desk, she reached out with a hand to give his metal arm a friendly pat.

He couldn't feel it, of course. Still, somehow he was certain her hand was warm on his arm, as warm as her expression in that short instant. It was as powerful as an embrace, a comfort between friends.

They bid each other good bye, after that, and were once again left to take care of their troublemakers.


And, the end of the Hawkeye 12 Themes. Thank you all who read and extra love to those who reviewed. Love you!