Jaq grunted as she went through the motions with her quarterstaff again. Ever since she had announced her feelings to Will, she had been training non-stop. Will himself was wandering the camp in a daze, still unable to fully comprehend or believe that a woman – a time traveling one no less – not only liked him, but also walked up and told him… in public. Little John and Iris had finally managed to tell each other how they felt and were 'courting'. Robin had screamed himself hoarse when he finally came too and remembered the reason for the head bump. Turns out that Kittie had also inherited a temper. She screamed back just as loud, and made much more sense. The rest of the camp stood at the edges of the clearing and watched; it wasn't often that they got to see such an interesting display.

"Jaq?" Little John called to the redhead. She jerked her head up to meet his eyes, slowing down her movements before coming to a stop.

"What can I do you for?"

"Excuse me?" John asked, eyes bugging out slightly.

"What can I do for you?"

"Oh… I was just wonderin'… When is Iris' birthday?"

"June third. Why do you wanna know?"

"I just want to do something special for her… if she's still here at that time."

"Why wouldn't she be?"

"Well, you two will be wanting to get back to your own time and families," Will answered as he joined the duo.

"Finally come back to Earth?" Jaq joked.

"I think so," he answered. Strangely enough, he was the only male in the camp who seemed to fully understand Jaq and Iris' strange ways of speaking. "But you two will want to go home, and if we can figure out how to send you back then you'll probably go."

"I'm only going if you kick me out. I'm not positive about it, but I think Iris feels the same."


"My parents don't really want me around anyway. They wouldn't notice if I disappeared one day and never returned… Probably think I was dead in a ditch from OD'ing on something… And Iris' parents… Well, they're never really around. It would inconvenience them, and they'd miss her, but she really seems happier here."

"Does that mean that the two of you will stay?" Will questioned, sounding extremely hopeful.

"Only if it's okay with all members of the camp."

"It is," Robin announced. "I wasn't spying on you, but I caught the last few sentences as I walked over here. Welcome to Sherwood."

Emissary to SherwoodEmissary to SherwoodEmissary to Sherwood

"Is that okay with you?" Jaq asked.

"Are you kidding? We get to stay in the past, with no plumbing, people who love us, our boyfriends, and an outlaw who has finally accepted us into his merry little family. There's nothing I want more in the world!"

"Then you'd be okay with doubling with me and Will tomorrow?"

"Depends… where are we going?"

"There's this carnival/fair type thing going on in town, and Will asked me to go. He said that if it would make me more comfortable, you and John should come with us."

"Count me in," Iris said, smiling broadly.

Emissary to SherwoodEmissary to SherwoodEmissary to Sherwood

"If I didn't love you so much I would so be hating you right now!" Iris screamed. Beads of sweat clung to her brow and she gripped John's hand tightly.

"You need to push now Dear," a soft, maternal-sounding voice instructed. Iris did as told, screaming in pain will doing so.

On the other side of camp, the rest of the outlaws huddled together, most of them pale at the sound of Iris' screams.

"She'll be okay," Jaq reassured them while holding a redheaded two-year-old in her arms, and smoothing the hair of a blond five-year-old. "I mean, I got through this twice."

"But you didn't scream so much," Will argued, lifting the blond boy into his arms.

"I didn't have a husband twice my size helping me create the kids… They're bound to be bigger than ours were. Take Nicky for me?" Jaq handed the redhead to her husband and stood, arching to back to stretch it. "I just hope she gets a girl. With our James and Nicolas, Robin's son Daniel, and Alan's Michael and Robert, we're having a serious shortage in estrogen."

"I'm sure that'll correct itself eventually," Will laughed before wincing at another long yell from the 'maternity area'. "Besides, you forgot to mention Kittie's daughter Carolyn. She's a girl."

"And thus the not mentioning her in my list of the boys," Jaq retorted pointedly. She picked Nicolas back up, cradling him in her arms while Will got in a tickle war with his elder son. "Do you ever wonder what life would be like if Iris and I had gone back to our original time?"

"Yes… It would be very dull and lonely without you two here… and without the children. Now that I have them, I don't think I could survive without them."

"You had better learn to. Someday they will grow up and move out."

"Or they'll find wives and convince them to move back to Sherwood… That would be nice."

Before Jaq could comment further, Little John walked towards them, holding something in his arms. "I let her name them both," he announced.

"Both?" Jaq questioned. "You had twins!"

"This," he held out a small bundle of blankets, "is Victoria, and this," the second bundle, "is Christopher."

"John, they're beautiful!"

"They're so tiny…."

"Do you think this is what storytellers mean by Happily Ever After?" John asked, staring in awe at his tiny children.

"I believe so."

The End


A/N: Okay, all done. There is no more coming for this story. I hope you liked it, and sorry again for the long delays in the chapters. I have an excuse this time, though! I just moved across the country, and my computer has only just recently caught up with me.

Thank Yous...


Wilwarin Breila - Thanks... I think? I hope that means you like it!

cowgirlnm-1 - Thanks, and I like that deal. Your turn again! Yes I was, and again: No IDEA what was going through my mind. Now living on America's east coast... moved from west coast. Thanks again, I hope you enjoyed the ending.

Mollusk - Sorry to disappoint, but I didn't actually feel like the chapter called for yelling. I tried for a really happy ending, and all I know of labor is what I see on TV, so please don't hold that against me. As you can see, your idea was a winner. They stayed. My friends and I are all insane... Really! I told one of them she was getting a waffle for Christmas and she squealed in joy. Over a waffle... Hope you enjoyed and thanks again!

Lesalanna - Sorry, but I didn't go with your suggestion. I think I've done the reincarnation thing enough for one fandom. I am glad you liked the story that much. All seven? Wow... Thanks again, and I hope you still managed to enjoy the ending.

Smittened by Marauders - Thanks a bunch!

Amanda - Good to know. Thanks for the review, and here's the last installment.

Sweet A.K - Thanks, and as you can see, they did and it did. Thanks again.