Mutant Love
Prologue: "Noting Was as it Should Be"
Quick author's note: It's a musical. My brother was in Fame when I started writing this, and I couldn't get musicals out of my head.
Disclaimer: I don't own Hey Arnold! I don't even know if I own these stupid…I mean, poignant…songs I wrote. :) Steal them though, and die.
Nothing was as it should be
That is the point of my story
Arnold found his parents when he was ten
They took off for the jungle but came back again

By then, three years had now passed
Helga knew her loneliness could not last
But she wasn't the only one to miss her football head
The scene that transpired made her wish she were dead

Lila and Arnold were kissing
It had been Lila that Arnold was missing
Distraught, Helga ran away
But it was Brainy who saved the day

Love was a cruel and funny game
Nothing in Hillwood would be the same
One crush forgotten, one slowly dying
One crush fulfilled, one lover sick sighing

And soon all would be all right
All would be settled one fateful night
The true lovers reunite!
All after one huge fight…
Okay, review now and then I'll like…give you act one. :)