Author notes: characters do not belong to me. Property of John Hughes

Warnings: rated pg 13 for minor mention of drug use, and issues of violence and rape, although no actual rape.

Summery: takes place on the Friday after the Saturday detention. Will be Claire/John Andrew/ Allison.

chapter 1: Friday. School day : Claire

Monday had come and gone. The group expected things to be so different. They spent Sunday worrying about Monday but it came and went. Very little changed. They were all so different that they barely even saw each other at school.

They had different teachers, different classes. They barely even passed in the halls. But they had kept there promise to each other. They didn't ignore, or didn't make fun of each other. Smiled and spoke to one another, but there really wasn't opportunity for more. Life was basically the same.

Things may have stayed the same, but on the inside they were different. They had learned so much about themselves, each other, and life itself. The way that they saw things made life strange and new. Claire wasn't sure if she liked her new outlook on life, but she knew that she felt free. No longer a little girl who was supposed to be perfect. There were others who could see her for the woman she was, the woman she would become.

The week passed slowly, school days full of homework and gossip. Claire looked for John but only saw him twice the whole week. Once in the morning smoking under the bleachers. It was Tuesday and he smiled and gave her a small wave. She had surprised herself and waved back. Her two girl friends had giggled and asked her if she was her dealer. They wanted her to see if she could get some weed for the party on Friday night. Claire just ignored them. It was easier than she thought it would be. Her friends didn't care, she had expected them to make her a social outcast, rant and rave, demand if she was brain damaged. None of that happened.

She saw him again today being taken to Vernon's office. Being led by the Spanish teacher, Mrs Ortega, who looked extremely angry. He was laughing and gave her a big smile and said spoke to her. "Looks like I get to spend even more Saturdays here, care to join me princess?"

Claire smiled back. "No thank you. One was hell enough. Besides I need my beauty sleep on Saturday."

"Your loss sweetheart!" He laughed as Mrs Ortega grabbed his arm to keep him from lagging behind and pulled in into the office.

Jamie and Samantha, who were walking with Claire giggled and joked about how they heard that he learned some Spanish curse words and used them for his exam. Claire smiled and rolled her eyes as she continued on to class.

Andrew she saw frequently. They hung around the same group of people. She saw him and a few of his wrestling friends approaching. "was that Bender I just saw get taken to Vernon's office?" He asked her.

"Yes." Claire said. Answering his unspoken question. She had acknowledged him like they had all promised to do. Andrew nodded in understanding.

Claire and Andrew spoke to there friends about the big Friday night party. The wrestling team had won the meet the night before and were going on to the state championship. One of Andy's fellow wrestlers was throwing a huge celebration, being referred to as the party of the year. Claire and Andy were both planning on attending. It was almost a requirement for those in their social circle.

Claire barely made it to class on time. She proceeded to gaze out the window wishing that the day would end so she could finally escape the hell that was Sherman high.