Act V

Hiya Everybody. I Love the reviews. You guys are GREAT!

So Lets Recap:

Ingrid and Fillmore went to the photo lab to figure out who was behind the lunch thieves.

Fillmore slipped and landed on Ingrid. They kissed accidentally.

The janitor caught them and thought they were making out.

Someone else witnessed the whole event and took pictures.

The pictures ended up on the front page of the newspaper with a huge lie as a headline.

Ingrid is booted off the force by Folsom and is put in detention.

Fillmore gets a new partner who claims to know domeone on the force.

Fillmore and his new partner saw Ingrid at the TV lab next to a broken TV.

Ok I'm a little crazy. But being a little crazy makes life interesting. Being normal must not be very fun. Everybody is different, including their levels of sanity.

Well I gotta write Act VI. Unlike this, it is a CHAPTER.

C Ya Peoples!