Hi! This is my first fic on FanFiction and hopefully not my last! So enjoy?

(ps- I don't have full time access to a computer so my story will appear in bits and pieces, sry!)

Disclaimer – I don't own any of these characters.........Darn......

Ray's Hometown

Mariah sat under an oak tree waiting for Rei. Rei had told her earlier that he wanted to talk to her privately, but she didn't know why. That funny feeling returned to her stomach when she thought of him. Did he remember? She looked down at Galix that was clenched in her fist. "He wouldn't forget......" she though to herself. Mariah looked up as Rei walked towards her. She stood up and greeted him with the best smile she could muster.

"What's this all about, Rei?" Rei laughed and held out a package.

"It's your birthday, isn't it? I got you a present..." Rei handed Mariah the package. She hugged him and giggled.

"You didn't forget" she thought and unwrapped the package, revealing a golden locket.

"Rei.....it's beautiful....." Rei smiled and took the locket from the box and helped her put it on.

"It looks great on you, let's go...." and they headed into the village, hand in hand.

Kai's School

Kai leant against the cold brick wall and listened to his walkman. I was another one of those boring school days that he couldn't wait to be over. He watched as the other students practiced their novice skills in a dish that could hardly be worthy of any beyblade. Kai glanced out the window and watched the sun fall behind the horizon. He sighed and started down the hallway to his room. The other boys stopped and watched him leave." Maybe Rei sent me an email" Kai entered his room and locked the door. He sat down at his computer and logged on.

"You have one new message" Kai clicked on the icon that popped up and his screen opened to the email. It was written in a pink font, definatly not Rei's.

" Hey Kai, It's Mariah if you haven't already guessed."

Kai scoffed, she was always so predictable

"Anyway, Im writing you because Rei and the others have gone to the top of the mountain and...well nevermind. Rei says hi though! Back to the point, Rei and I were wondering if you wanted to come to the village. Tyson and Max have already agreed to come! Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease! Well I better go, bye!"


Kai wrote an email back to Mariah explaining that he'd be their when he could and that she needed to choose a less bright font. He logged off his computer.

"Might as well leave tonight...." Kai grabbed a bag and packed some things. His fingers grazed along something in the bottom of his drawer. He clasped his hands around it.

"Dranzer...." Kai took Dranzer with him too.

With the bag swung over his shoulder, Kai crept out under the cover of darkness.

Back In Rei's Hometown

Mariah fell backwards onto her bed and starred at the ceiling. Rei and the others should have been back by now. She fingered the locket that hung from her neck and thought of Rei. If she spent the rest of her life with him, her life would be so predictable; Getting married, having kids, settling down, it was the way of her village, but did she really want that? She pittied anyone who married Tyson "What a jerk..." and Max.... well Max wasn't her type.

"What about Kai?" she shook the thought from her head. Was Kai even capeable of loving someone? Why was she even considering him? He was Rei's best friend after all.....

"But he is hot......" she threw a pillow at the wall in fustration. Mariah got up from her bed and walked outside. She loaded Galix into her matching pink launcher and launched her into a tree. Galix shredded the tree into pieces. Landing on the ground and spinning in one spot, Galix seemed happy with her work. Mariah stood there and watched her beyblade spin.

"Mariah!!!" Rei yelled. Mariah turned around to see the group of teenage men who had gone to the mountain, including Rei, returned to the village. Mariah grabbed Galix and ran towards Rei.

"What happened?" she questioned, seeing Rei covered in bruises and wounds of all sorts.

"I'm what happened!" Boasted Lee as he walked up to Rei and Mariah. He was covered in an equal amount of bruises and wounds. Mariah sighed and shook her head.

"Come with me…." She said and grabbed both their hands. She led them to her room.

"Sit here and wait for me to come back." She said and left. Rei and Lee sat on the floor and looked at each other.

"Is this supposed to happen?" Rei asked Lee, he shrugged.

"The Elder didn't say anything about this…." Lee responded. Mariah walked back in and sat in front of them both. She carried a pile of bandages.

"Your not going to tell me what's going on are you?" asked Mariah as she began bandaging Rei's arm.



Mariah sighed. At least this was getting her mind off Kai… Oh great now she was thinking of Kai again! Why couldn't she get him off her mind?

"Mariah? Mariah! OW! Mariah!!!!" Rei tried to get her attention.

"Huh?" she zoned back in.

"MY ARM!!" he winced. Mariah looked at the bandage she was tying to tight. She loosened it a bit.

"Sorry Rei..." Mariah looked downcast. Lee couldn't stop laughing so Rei hit him in the head with his free hand.

"OW!" Lee yelled and hit him back.

"Stop it you two!!!"

Awhile later when Rei and Lee were bandaged up went outside to be greeted by Tyson, his brother Hero and of course, grandpa.

"What's up little dudes?" asked grandpa in his perky gangsta tone.

"Hey guys!" Rei exclaimed and began talking beyblade's with Tyson. Hero and Lee seemed to disappear so Mariah went over to talk to Tyson's grandpa.

"What's up Dudette? You look distracted…"

"I'm thinking of Kai..." Mariah said dreamily.

"Kai" said grandpa

"Kai…." Mariah sighed.

"Kai?" asked grandpa again, Mariah clued in.

"I…I mean…Pie!" Mariah yelled and ran off leaving grandpa confused.

"Hmmm…Pie sounds good…" he said and walked off to find some pie.

Mariah ran thought the forest by her village as fast as she could. She jumped over obstacles in her way and the wind twisted her hair and howled in her ears. She looked up into the light blue sky and the sun pierced her eyes. Mariah shut her eyes and continued running. She tripped on a rock and rolled down a hill. Suddenly, the ground seemed to give out under her and she reached out and grabbed the ledge. She opened her pink eyes and examined the situation she was in. Mariah was hanging from a cliff by her right arm. She tried to scramble up the edge but it was useless.

"Do you need some help?" Kai's blue hair and cold eyes appeared, Mariah sighed.

"Yes, Please!" Kai helped Mariah back to solid ground and seemed to find all this funny.

"What are you doing out here anyway?!" she asked, Kai got up and dusted himself off.

"I'm saving you, aren't I? Mariah laughed,

"No, really..." she said. Kai's eyes locked with Mariah's. He bent close to her, their faces only inches apart. Mariah's cheeks turned a light pink. Kai didn't seem to notice as he bent even closer.