The Kidz aren't Aiight
Summary: Zack does not discover that his escape was a setup by Manticore and it leads to a chain reaction of victories for Lydecker.
Max and Zack were hiding out in the cave where Zack had told Max to meet him.
"So what about Krit? What's he been up to?" Max asked curiously.
"Krit is..." Zack trailed. "I can't remember."
"It's okay, it'll come back to you." Max assured him. "Why don't you get some rest. I saw a gas station up the road, I'll go get us some food. If I'm not back by sundown, go on and find the others without me."
She left the cave and headed in the direction of the road. After about ten minutes of sneaking past Manticore's nontransgenic soldiers she reached the road. She took a quick glance around to make sure she hadn't been followed or discovered by any of the soldiers, then crossed the road. She strode across the parking lot and entered the store hurriedly. She grabbed a couple bags of chips and some soda, then brought it over to the counter. As the clerk rang up her items, she looked around the store, taking note of the fresh coat of paint on the sign outside and the security camera that was currently fixiated on her position and remained unmoving. The clerk finished pricing the food and put it into a bag.
"Here's your stuff." He said warmly. "Have a good one, Max."
"Thanks." Max replied quickly, then snapped her attention to the clerk. "You're with Manticore." She realized.
"Oh, now you've gone and blown my cover." The clerk mocked
Before Max could blink, the 'clerk' launched himself over the counter and tackled her around the waist, sending the two of them sprawling to the floor. Max struggled to free herself, but soon found herself pinned down by the clerk.
"Give it up, 452." The 'clerk' told her. "You're going back to Manticore."
"Like hell I am!" Max screamed and bit down on the 'clerk's' wrist as hard as she could. The 'clerk' howled in pain.
"You bitch!" he shouted and pulled a syringe out of his pocket. Max realized his intent and tried to push him off, but wasn't able to free herself before the needle was jabbed into her neck and the tranquilizer was injeted into her. She immediately felt drowsy.
"I'd let you try to run, but you wouldn't make it out of the parking lot." The 'clerk' sneered.
"I'm sorry Zack." Max managed to whisper before the darkness overwhelmed her and she passed out.
The clerk stood up and flipped Max over, so she was laying on her stomach and handcuffed her wrists behind her bvack. Then he picked up a cell phone and speeddialed a number.
"This is 785, tell Lydecker that X5-452 has been successfully detained and a transport is requested immediately."
That night, when Max did not return, Zack left the cave to search for the others with a heavy heart. He had failed Max.