Hey Mon!

I was so happy to see a letter from you! I thought you and Chan forgot about me. Things here are okay. So you saw me on the Soap Opera Awards. It wasn't my fault I guess I was around Ross too long you know the whole wrong name at the alter thing LOL. Mary Teresa's visit was interesting she thought Alex was my Spanish-speaking maid and I accidentally told her that her engagement ring was fake.

About Sarah we're not together she left me to take a job in Washington with Newsweek. I'm seeing someone else now! It's Alex! Our first date was just like you and Chan's! We did it! She's really great. Her husband was such a jerk they separated she was spying on him from my bedroom window and found out he was seeing another woman. So they're over and we've just started!

Aww the twins say Joey! They love me! Ha ha Chandler taught them 'pull my finger' that's funny. I'm glad they love their hugsys but they're not the original hugsy so they're crappy. So you and Chan are trying to make another baby Bing I have a cool name for the baby…Joey! Oh and Ross and Rach are right you two do act like newlyweds its really gross. Well I gotta go I have a date with Alex! Tell the guys I said hi and miss them. I love ya!

