Disclaimer: Ok I don't own anything! I don't own FF X or FFX-2 or ne Final Fantasy game altho i wish it .. and umm, I didnt steal them either.. i swear! ::shifts eyes::

Adjusting to a New Life

-Chapter 1- New York to New Life

Italics are used to symbolize people's thoughts

Summary: What happens when a Sixteen-year-old girl from New York wakes up in Spira? Will the questions that have been haunting her for almost 4 years be answered or will more questions come?

It's 7:30 am on a Sunday Morning. Alarm clock goes off.

"Ugh I hate getting up early.. Especially on Sunday." Kerri Muttered to herself half asleep.

Kerri reached over to her dresser and slammed down on the snooze button of the alarm clock and fell back asleep.

"Kerri!! Are you awake yet? It's 8:30!!" Kerri's mom, Elaine, yelled from downstairs..

Kerri rolled over to see if her mom was lying to her, but when she rolled over, she fell off the bed. Thump! "ow.."

Kerri?! Are you ok? Elaine asked.

"Yea... I'm fine" Kerri called back to her mom.

Kerri was currently sixteen. She was starting her senior year in high school. She had long dirty blonde hair that came down to the middle of her back. She had these Cerulean blue eyes. She stood about 5'4" and had a nice body frame. Although she looked harmless because of her size, she was strong!

Now that Kerri was running a half hour late she would have to skip breakfast. She scrambled to get dressed. She quickly threw on her soccer uniform, grabbed her equipment, and all her baseball stuff as well. She had to be at the Soccer field for 9 for a 9:30 game.

Good Luck! Kerri's mom called out after Kerri. Kerri's mom never came to any of her games, Soccer or Baseball, although she was the star played on both teams.

Today was going to be a busy day. She had both a soccer and baseball game today.

Finally the day is done Kerri was walking up the pathway to her house, beaming because she had scored the winning goal for her soccer team, and pitched a perfect game in baseball! Although Kerri's mom didn't come to any of course games she loved hearing about them when Kerri came home from her games. Kerri Remembered a few years ago her dad used to come to all of her games, and would listen to Kerri talk about them fro hours, even though he was there and knew everything that happened, he was always willing to listen. This thought brought a tear to Kerri's eye. I miss him. Kerri's dad had gone missing on her 14th birthday. It would be 4 years in three weeks. No one knows where her dad went, and it hurt her to hear people say that he ran away from her and deserted her; she knew he would never do such a thing. After a few months, the police gave up looking for him and pronounced him dead. Her mom began dating shortly after that, making Kerri hold a big resentment towards any man wanting to take her father's place. Not to mention these men, both beat on her and her mother.

Kerri's thoughts were broken off by a scream from the house. That's my mom! Kerri ran into the house to find Ralph on top of my mom threatening her life. Kerri ran over to Ralph and pushed him off her mom. He then in turn, got up and threw Kerri into the wall. Kerri looked over at her baseball stuff on the floor, she crawled over to it and picked up her bat. I am so sick of this crap. She walked up behind Ralph, pulled the bat back and brought it down on Ralph's head. He went crashing to the floor. Elaine then ran over to Kerri and hugged her asking if she was fine. Kerri did not return the hug and responded with an indifferent "I'm fine" followed by "If you would have come to my game, this wouldn't have happened." That she mumbled under her breath. Elaine immediately got up and looked into Kerri's eyes and went "Kerri I don't know what you attitude problem is but I am not going to tolerate it!" Kerri then glared at her mother and replied, "My attitude? You come home with a different guy every week expecting me to like them, and if it isn't bad enough they think they are replacing daddy, they're alcoholics and they beat on us. So I will have an "attitude" problem whenever I dam well feel like it." Kerri's mom remained silent, Kerri was right; she did have a right to be angry. "And another thing- if you had come to my games today, this wouldn't have happened." Kerri then picked up the phone and dialed 911 Now, Shh; I'm on the phone!

Hello 911? Yes I'm going to need an ambulance and a police car to 41 Maple Street.

Later That Night

Kerri was in the living room and had just finished her homework when her mom came into her room. "Honey, I know you're upset that I missed your soccer game, but.."

Before Elaine could finish Kerri interrupted her "But NOTHING! You always have an excuse! For your information it was both soccer and a baseball game today, Ma. Ya know I practically save your life today and you can't even find time to come to one of my games. Daddy used to come to all of my games and"

"That's enough!" scream Elaine. "In Case you don't know Scott, your father, is DEAD! He's gone and there is nothing you or me can do about it so stop bringing him into these thing!"

"I KNOW HE'S DEAD! But why did the one who loved me have to die?!"

"Kerri, you know I love you."

"Yea well I hate you!" Scream Kerri as she ran to her room crying. She threw herself onto her bed and started crying. Tomorrow will be different.. Tomorrow will be better she thought as she cried herself to sleep.

6:30 Monday morning.

Kerri's sleep was brought to an abrupt halt when someone screaming waked her. She popped up and frantically looked about her surrounding. This isn't my room she realized as she looked around. She then came face to face with a bi-color eyed brunette girl.

"Where am I?"

Author's Note: Ok this is my first fan fic..ever, So what did you think? Please Review.. Constructive Criticism is appreciated, but please no flames! I did work hard on this, if you really don't like it just pretend you didn't read it. K? ok well Thanks!!

Next Chapter gee i wonder where it'll take place.. hmm ::ponders::